Time to get rid of Deepwind Gorge

Deepwind Gorge is the worst BG in the game, and it’s time for it to go. It’s such a huge map that you spend most time running to a location. I know we can choose what BG to play, but I’d rather play random BGs as I enjoy all the others. Deepwind however, I do not enjoy, and I’m constantly getting it pop up. At least create a new map and get rid of this terrible one.

Yours truly,


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We were allowed to do exactly that once: to ban certain BGs – up to two, if I remember correctly – from your random BGs pool. For no sensible reason whatsoever we’d lost this option.

I don’t think Gorge is the worst, but I’m all for Blizzard to allow me blacklist specific BGs so I won’t ever step back onti the Azerite beach or inside Kotmogu meat grinder – the actual worst BGs ever existed.


I agree, ashran shouldn’t be in the epic battlegrounds.

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Still way better than Temple.

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I don’t mind Gorge, it’s just AB now they removed the carts, wish they’d left it with carts. The one BG that really makes me die inside is Seething Shore, truly awful BG.


Seething shore is far worse.


I think if they want something like Ashran to work, they should just toss it over each expansion to an outdoor zone like it was, same with Wintergrasp. In a new expansion fitting jacket of course.

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Definitely, the whole point of Ashran was the outdoor pvp mode, with the mini events, not a moshpit of zug zugs dying for no reasons with zero awareness.

Seething Shore and Temple of Kotmogu want a word with you.

People hate this map? I’ve always enjoyed it.

Tactics too hard for average pvp’er.

It’s at least over with quickly, I don’t mind it myself, just gets frustrating in those games where nobody else will pick up an orb.

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Return SOTA.


100%. They removed one of the more unique BG’s for no reason.

Flag maps need to be redesigned as well. When someone dies with the flag, it’s the first guy who manages to spam his interact macro who gets it. What even is that system?
Don’t get me started on Veng DH’s who can just zoom from base to base.

In non-rated Gulch or Twin Peaks I pretty much always manage to win us the game.
I just Disengage off the roof with the flag and fly half the map with my parachute. :sweat_smile:


It was for a very good reason. It was easy to pin the enemy down on the beach and prevent them from even reaching the first gates. With all the movement additions over the years it would just have gotten worse. I’m glad they’ve decided to leave SotA in the bin. Just another failed vehicle BG experiment.

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