I’d rather we only see people from ths same realm so there’s a sense of a small community. At least they should offer free character transfers for a week or two and make a couple of the small servers like that.
Why would I care what name my realm is?
While i would prefer to have the community feeling like we did in TBC/WotLK ( and i presume vanilla), with the mechanics now in the game (lfg, lfr, battlenet names etc) i dont think that would ever be possible again. you can see this by the videos that are being done. no “the guild”, “i play wow” nixom videos, numa numa etc. the only wow videos these days seems to be guides or reviews. no “fun” content. although i did discover Kaif’s channel recently. i really wish there was some way to get the community back, but i honestly dont know how. the next best thing is making sure guilds dont fall on the scrap heap also.
Oops, lol, I was one of those Earned my shaman T4-6 on Ghostlands, then bear-tanked Arthas
Buut then came Cata and transfers, and with my guild dissolving for its own reasons, I pinged around a few servers, faction swapped, swap back, somehow came back to tank Deathwing, then eventually followed a few friends to a “more active” server because we just couldn’t find enough people to make a raid team any more. And now even THIS server is starting to feel sparse
So now I have an unsupported raiding main here, and a bunch of level 82-86 alts on Ghostlands. If I ever want to raid with any of them, I’ll have to move them to a higher pop server just to find guilds that are recruiting. I’ve already seen friends and guildies move away in the quest to be where the raiders are.
Low pop servers kill serious raiding, simple as that. Devs need to react and help, either by connecting more servers, or allowing x-realm guilds.
It’s a blast from the past isn’t it? That is exactly how I remember raiding in the “good old days”. When you needed to get along with your guildies for things beyond raiding.
Now people finish the raid and bugger off into a pug to kill the boss you didn’t get to…
You can join communities. They are region wide chat channels but you could mange them as a guild. Blizz want to enable Mythic to cross realm play earlier so it might be viable.
It is a decent start, I agree, but the lack of a guild bank makes it hard to ask players to contribute towards raiding supplies for the team.
What guild were you in? I was in Ghostlands from 2.4 til 4.1
As mentioned connecting realms is the best way much more better than merging
When merging 2 servers if there is a Bob on each server then there will be name conflict which i honestly don’t know how they can fix. But if they connect let’s say Turalyon and Ragnaros(just an example) Bob-Ragnaros could meet Bob-Turalyon and can even be in the same guild.
Would actually make for a hilarious situation if you connect 30 servers and then you have 20 BOb’s raiding in the same guild.
I also do believe they are working towards mega servers in the sense of :
-1 AH for the entire region
-each server keeps their name and when you make a char you make it on a server
-Sharding to mitigate population
I belive this because of the introduction of Hall of Fame and removal of Realm First achievements. Also because of the way they are using sharding now pretty much you see everyone from your server or not (exception rp’s realms)
I was the worst shaman in Blood and Tears I think we spent quite a while trading places with Pwnies in progression.
I feel like I remember your name… I was Starhoof (shaman) in TBC, then Starfur (druid) in WotLK and Cata.
They’d need to be called…
Bobs United
Union of Bob
Apple Bob
Kiss my Bob
edit angle brackets don’t work!
i feel like i remember Lepanto too! were you in The Blood Hawks by any chance? (they have since disbanded. not to be confused with Blood Hawks which started on Dragonblight). either that or one of the smaller guilds i was in before TBH.
Alewin i think we have 1 or 2 from BaT or Ashen Dawn here. tbh, theres not many other places to go on Ghostlands for Horde now
Yeah, you can see why many of us left Many alts, many social connections… none of them useful if I want to raid.
But I’ve given up raiding now so maybe I will one day return to GL and my treasure trove of alts. Most of them Alliance
Agreed, it is badly needed in many places.
Vintoleth I absolutely remember you. I was RL with Casual Raiding for quite a while.
Starhoof does indeed ring a bell. I never raided with BaT, ran a couple of times HCs with a few of you peeps in the tail end of TBC.
its nice to see that some people from TBC still play, even if its elsewhere. so many “old timers” have quit over the last 2 years
Even Draenor felt empty today and has for a few weeks, don’t believe any stats on Draenor, but it was as Full as Steamwheedle Cartel !!!
if somewhere like Draenor or Silvermoon dont feel full, then there is a SERIOUS issue that needs addressing maybe before anything else. i dont play my horde alts on Draenor so i cant speak for that. but SW and Boralas “seem” active when i log on my ally alts.
That could well be it
I was usually the big fat cow on a big fat mammoth, stacking every available size buff until I was taller than the bank of Orgrimmar Good times before fun was detected
Sharding can make places feel very empty.