Time to remove the bonus bois

It has clearly shown that you’re not able to fix the problem with sharding.
Personally I dont think it ever made sense that PVE content should be rewarded with a bonus to have PVP mode on. Remember mists and the legendary cloak quest? Never have people ever been so outraged about being forced to do things they dont like. I know you considerably think that it makes sense to get people who dont want to pvp, to do pvp cause they get pve bonuses. But it doesn’t.

So the most fair way for the players doing the majority of the content, I think all bonus towards doing WQs from WM should be removed by now. Im getting really tired of wasting time watching 50 allys getting their WQs done while there’s 0 other horde nearby. And vice versa for the alliance characters of mine.

So to be fair. This is a dead end blizzard - Remove the bloody bonus. If people want to pvp, it should be purely for their time and joy. Not semi forced cause people dont want to pvp really, but have to, to get the bonus.

Hotfix for christmas, And you might save the last few people playing this game.


If you listen to the Q&A’s, Ian said several times that the goal of the warmode bonus was to make up for time lost with world pvp for people that like world pvp. It was never to make people feel the need to turn warmode on because of rewards. If you don’t enjoy world pvp, turn warmode off, just like me. Problem solved.


Turn it off.

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I think its weird PvP is to be regarded as lost time in a PvP mode

I’d rather the bonus rewards would be like Honor for every WQ Just like incursions conquest now, instead of it rewarding the same gear rewards in warmode make the Gear rewards from WQ in Warmode mirror the looks of the aspirant pvp sets, make it reward pvp things to lure in pvpers and not pvers

Then as a bonus when things get out of hand for 1 faction we can throw in a 10% increase, but 10% as a default and 30% as bait is both too high imho
*EXP is an exception, 10% baseline is fine for Just XP

Unfortionately however pvp is regarded as lost time by devs as you stated

And for the record I have been against the resource bonus since its announcement

Its called Warmode not 10%mode, why would you turn it off over a resource bonus

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Lost time. What is lost what is not. Imo games are about having fun. Life too. If one is not having fun pvping, one should turn it off.

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So thats my entire point to this.
Since its so bad at sharding its far more than 10% lost without it.

Since they cant balance that part to be atleast decent, just remove it.

Like most of you say: You should pvp if you have fun. NOT rewarding it further than should be more than fine for the pvp people. And lets see how many is left when they’ve removed the bonus.

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No one is forced to do WQ with WM mode on§ if they do it for bonus is it their choice, im fine with it i dont need to force my opinion like you for all players. Turn it off or enjoy world pvp with bonus and by done with it.

With “lost” i ddn’t mean wasted. It just means that doing quests/world quests takes more time with warmode on, and without something to compensate that people that like world pvp might feel pressured to disable it. The bonus was set as to be rewarding enough so that people that like pvp don’t feel the need to disable it and not too rewarding as to make people who don’t like it feel pressured to activate it.

Ye just remove the bonus… or make it relevant only to PvP. No reason for PvE bonus in a PvP situation. Best thing is to remove PvEers from WM, they add nothing to WPvP. If PvE bonus unlikely to be removed, the PvEers can be removed. It’s under player control to attempt that. WM PvEers are easily identified… they jump around and spit when you attack em. Focus those ones, eventually they will all WM off, and we will only have WPvPers left in WM. It’s time consuming tho, the WM resource bots for example seem never ending. Ah well, kill em all.


WM OFF, its an option you know. Nobody is forcing you to do anything

PVE content isn’t rewarded with a bonus, it’s the PVP content that rewards you the “bonus”… For doing (world) PVP.

It can be uneven for people of both factions with how sharding works, but now I get to kill so many more hordies than before so I take it you’re salty about not only getting less of a bonus but also getting reamed

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I cant speak for others but I predicted a crapshow like the one we have now the moment they announced the 10% bonus for the first time

On another note, youre AD, our shards were balanced with a minor majority for Alliance which was neglicable because any solo player got jumped H or A

Youre basically cheering at the fact that you get a minority buff while being a majority, lesser things then this have been considered an exploit before and caused mass bans

Not that they’d dare to do it now, Warmode is too volatile to do that with, would cause too big of an exit in WM

It is however silly that people opting into wpvp have to share it with these people who wouldnt even be here if it wasnt for PvE bonusses

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It was balanced in my experience that solo farming = death but 3manning = fine and that applied to both factions

I never encountered more horde then Alliance in WM or more Alliance then horde

The only real difference I noticed was the amount of players not helping their faction members was bigger for Alliance but again only slightly

Another issue with sharding, every experience becomes a snapshot of one moment at one time, for all I know were both being tossed in shards that arent in our favour for whatever reason (high amount of enemy pvpers VS high amount of allied afkers etc), all I know is what I experienced before and what I experience now and its a downgrade freely speaking

Since BfA launch, almost every time I play I do my “Adventure roam” - solo go around both continents, visiting every Azerite WQ and hot spot in every zone. I join with ppl when they need help or I do, or there is a fight going or about to go down, then leave when it’s done and move to the next point of interest.

On my roams in 8.0 most of the days I saw Alliance players only at WQs/FPs when they were ganked by Horde. Then we try to form counter group, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. But, to be fair, the closer we got to 8.1 the more successful counters there was.

It was Horde groups/raids who constantly camped Seekers Vista or Fort Victory, there was always a horde group on tortollan WQ, and even when there was 1-2 hordes - they just jumped in WQ when they were about to lose and then 5+ horde came to help them in a matter of 2 minutes.

Alliance camps on Horde FP in Drustvar is a very recent development. In 8.0 all attempts were very quickly wiped by horde, so it rarely was even a 10 minutes camp.

Tortollans WQ in Vol’dun was massively avoided by Alliance because it was a suicide area. Only three times in 8.0 (like once a month) I was a part of successful counter raid of this hot spot. Both times only with help of LFG and a lot of waiting, since there was almost no Alliance in local.

3 out of 5 Azerite WQ were constantly camped by Horde, and every time I had to gather a group or inspire other to start a group, for 5-15 mins. And when we finally killed hordes and could do WQ, everybody who wasn’t much interested in WPvP knew that they need to do the quest as fast as possible, because more horde is coming, and they sure did - every Alliance counter camp always got wiped by more horde and we couldn’t get more numbers to counter after that, with 10-15 more minutes of waiting with LFG those who stayed began to leave.

If that is no enough to show that there was no balance, here is something else:

In Legion I did my WPvP, but it wasn’t nearly as populated or active as it is now. So I got rusty with “how to avoid groups of enemies”.

My first tries at the start of BfA was to ask in general chat - and it was rarely even 1 reply.

So I’ve waited at FP trying to get players this way, since I knew they were here to go to the same WQ area. There was very little of Alliance, and I had to wait for 10-20 mins to even ask 4 ppl if they want to join.

Add to this that most of ppl wanted just do their WQ for % - situation was quite bad to say the least.

In time I re-learned what to do, but in 8.0 I always avoided/escaped from more Horde groups that I joined Alliance groups. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want to join, I did, that’s one the main things for me in my roams - meet other random ppl in trouble and solve them together. There was just none to join most of the time.

8.1 changed that for the better, and although I don’t like the method it was done with, I like it and hope it’ll last for a long time.

But I still meet more Horde overall on my roams. And definitely more WPvP active Horde than Alliance.

That’s why when now I see hordes cry on forums - it’s just players who got so used to be on a dominating side that now when at least sometimes faction ratio is balanced - they just can’t deal with it or adapt.


So you want the bonus removed only when the alliance have it? lol

no horde cried when you had bonus for months

A lot of these threads being made by horde of late. Just turn wm off

The system has been working flawlessly. Many more alliance are joining WM and world pvp is increasing drastically from personal experience. You had your free 10% bonus in 8.0, now WM is slowly turning into what it was supposed to be, a way to pvp and not a way to get 5 more AP from a WQ


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