Since BfA launch, almost every time I play I do my “Adventure roam” - solo go around both continents, visiting every Azerite WQ and hot spot in every zone. I join with ppl when they need help or I do, or there is a fight going or about to go down, then leave when it’s done and move to the next point of interest.
On my roams in 8.0 most of the days I saw Alliance players only at WQs/FPs when they were ganked by Horde. Then we try to form counter group, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. But, to be fair, the closer we got to 8.1 the more successful counters there was.
It was Horde groups/raids who constantly camped Seekers Vista or Fort Victory, there was always a horde group on tortollan WQ, and even when there was 1-2 hordes - they just jumped in WQ when they were about to lose and then 5+ horde came to help them in a matter of 2 minutes.
Alliance camps on Horde FP in Drustvar is a very recent development. In 8.0 all attempts were very quickly wiped by horde, so it rarely was even a 10 minutes camp.
Tortollans WQ in Vol’dun was massively avoided by Alliance because it was a suicide area. Only three times in 8.0 (like once a month) I was a part of successful counter raid of this hot spot. Both times only with help of LFG and a lot of waiting, since there was almost no Alliance in local.
3 out of 5 Azerite WQ were constantly camped by Horde, and every time I had to gather a group or inspire other to start a group, for 5-15 mins. And when we finally killed hordes and could do WQ, everybody who wasn’t much interested in WPvP knew that they need to do the quest as fast as possible, because more horde is coming, and they sure did - every Alliance counter camp always got wiped by more horde and we couldn’t get more numbers to counter after that, with 10-15 more minutes of waiting with LFG those who stayed began to leave.
If that is no enough to show that there was no balance, here is something else:
In Legion I did my WPvP, but it wasn’t nearly as populated or active as it is now. So I got rusty with “how to avoid groups of enemies”.
My first tries at the start of BfA was to ask in general chat - and it was rarely even 1 reply.
So I’ve waited at FP trying to get players this way, since I knew they were here to go to the same WQ area. There was very little of Alliance, and I had to wait for 10-20 mins to even ask 4 ppl if they want to join.
Add to this that most of ppl wanted just do their WQ for % - situation was quite bad to say the least.
In time I re-learned what to do, but in 8.0 I always avoided/escaped from more Horde groups that I joined Alliance groups. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want to join, I did, that’s one the main things for me in my roams - meet other random ppl in trouble and solve them together. There was just none to join most of the time.
8.1 changed that for the better, and although I don’t like the method it was done with, I like it and hope it’ll last for a long time.
But I still meet more Horde overall on my roams. And definitely more WPvP active Horde than Alliance.
That’s why when now I see hordes cry on forums - it’s just players who got so used to be on a dominating side that now when at least sometimes faction ratio is balanced - they just can’t deal with it or adapt.