Time to remove the "Services" channel and ban boosters!

Once upon a time in a great game named World of Warcraft, Major Cities would be packed full of players and at the end of a Season there would be a major push for people to complete the end game content.

But that was before boosting communities took over the game.

At one point there was a plague of bots in WoW, most of which were run by third party companies on an industrial scale. These third party companies would sell gold, mostly to top-end guilds who did not have time to farm for the things which would be required to complete the end-game content at a competitive rate.

There was also a market for WoW accounts, where some websites would allow people to sell their accounts. This market was abused by many players who would sell their accounts, (which would then mostly be bought and used by botters), then make support tickets claiming to have been hacked in order to retrieve their accounts.

In order to combat these third party companies, Blizzard would routinely conduct Ban-Waves on accounts suspected of botting. Blizzard would also endeavour to take aim at certain websites which hosted bots and forums for botters, and take legal steps against their owners. This was at a great cost to Blizzard.

So finally Blizzard settled on implementing Pathfinder achievements into the game, and locked the ability to fly behind this achievement. This had a notable affect on stopping third party companies from being able to run bots on an industrial scale, as most of the bots which were the most difficult to detect were capable of using flying mounts. When a bot is bound to using ground mounts, they are much more easy to detect and much more easy for players to identify and report.

So great stuff, no more industrial botting in WoW!

Sadly though, this was not the end of the story. The third party companies which had profited greatly over the years of industrial scale botting in WoW, had amassed enough resources to move on to another method for making money from WoW. That being based around the task of setting up “Boosting Communities”.

Boosting Communities appear on their front to be player made, player hosted, player run communities - who have a love for the game and just want to help people to progress through the latest end-game content. If you ask anyone from any boosting community if they would ever accept real world payments in exchange for boosting other players, they would say “NO!”. They would all state firmly that they only accept gold in exchange for boosting services.

So while that may truly be the case, and these communities may genuinely stick to the strict rules set by Blizzard that no community or guild should sell boosting services for real world currencies, this does not stop such communities and services from being used by third party companies who do sell such services for real world currencies.

In fact, the genuine Boosting Communities who only accept gold for boosting services give a perfect cover and infinite supply of cheap workers to those third party companies - who once sold gold earned by bots but now instead run websites which sell boosting services for real money. Third party companies are now able to take full advantage of the boosting communities who only accept payments of in-game gold for their services. A player visits the website run by the third party company and pays a large amount of money for a boost, then the company pays a dedicated boosting team from some boosting community in-game gold for the service.

One only has to do a simple google search, to find an abundance of websites which sell boosts. They grow in numbers with each expansion. Because while they used to get banned from the game and have the cost of replacing their accounts… Now all they need to do is set up a website, then hide behind the ambivalent cover of “genuinely innocent” boosting communities. They now go without risk.

This is sadly having a very negative impact on the game.

2 months before the end of each season, the game is dead. Dead, dead, dead!

For each and every player who buys a boost for their character(s) there is one fewer player active in the game for the last 2 months of a season. So you can literally see - if you log on during this time - how many players must indeed be paying for such services.

It is killing the game. It is eroding the guilds and communities which have kept the game stable for many years.

It is time for Blizzard to stop being blind to this, stop pretending that boosts are “OK” just as long as nobody is paying with real money for them.

It is time for Blizzard to remove the channel which they added in game to cater to these seemingly innocent communities, which is turned on by default on any new character… the so called “Services” channel. And it is time for Blizzard to start banning people who sell boosts, even for a price of in-game gold.

Blizzard, why do you allow certain groups of players to kill the game like this? Why do you allow third party companies to hide in the shadows and farm cash from your players? Blizzard, you have lost the plot!

If Blizzard announced that any boosters would face being banned, these boosting communities would disband, those third party companies would no longer be able to hide behind them.

Then players would once more look for a guild to join - to complete end-game content with and to make real friends in. The game would once again have a meaningful community.

Now if anyone argues that this is not a good enough reason to ban boosters, then clearly they are profiting in some way from this semi corrupt system which Blizzard has catered to. At least when they were able to bot they would be banned for it.


And when was that?

I remember boosting adds from August 2005… We must be playing a different game.

Not to mention gold sellers. Those came in early. multi-boxing quickly became a thing in 2005. Bots came in much later when computer algorithms became better. Somewhere between WotlK and TBC if I remember correctly.

Also, may I remind you that real money boosters were banned. Only the boosting for gold were allowed under the new rules.

And after the ban. Guess where those companies went? Think they went bankrupt? :smiley:

Nah… they are still there. As are the gold sellers. Those still exist, undercutting the value of the token in Gs/$.


before the Boosters took over. I never said they didn’t exist prior to that, but i do remember that “boost” used to be seen as such a dirty word and anyone asking for a boost in general channels would be snubbed back then. Or maybe that was just the attitude towards people begging for boosts on the server i played on.

I do remember that too.

I also remember that when nobody was looking (before achievements) people payed for boosts anyways :smiley: And for gold.

And back then, they used different ways of promoting the service. The same ways boosts for money use today.

Also, GDKP were borderline boosts as well. So you got that too.

Its like drugs. Nobody does them. Nobody admits to it. Its considered dirty…

But you know… SOMEONE must be buying it… Cant be all 1 guy. :smiley:


If you think those third party companies went bankrupt, learn to use google. The ones which seemed to vanish, probably just rebranded. You know that you can buy a new domain name for less than $1 these days right?

I dont. I was being sarcastic.

Of course they are there. They did not go anywhere. And are still profiting the same they used to, if not more.


ok, sorry for not identifying your sarcasm.


Reading over the posts that you made, it’s clear that you know how bad it has gotten over the years and the lack of interest that Blizzard has shown in not wanting to actually deal with the problem. And unfortunately the main issue is that the player base themselves haven’t really spoken up enough. It’s only a few people here and there who really voice their concerns.

As a general consensus, we all agree that the use of third party software and people mass exploiting bugs to the point, where it’s ridiculous, we can all say that it shouldn’t happen and that we believe all those responsible should be permanently removed from the game. And as a whole, the community in the game itself would be a lot healthier. The downside to this is Blizzard knows that if they were to remove every aspect that’s plaguing this game, their player base numbers would drop from a number, for example, 1,000,000 active accounts down to maybe half a million active accounts.

It’s not the players that Blizzard care about, it’s their shareholders. And the shareholders want to see numbers and if they drastically see a drop of say, half a million accounts, they’re gonna be wondering where’s all that money gone? Why are they bothering to invest their time and money into a company that’s now like cut their profit margins in half.

At the beginning, when botting was starting to the point where you would see it everywhere you go, you would receive whispers, you would receive in game mail. The bots at the time were even using flying cheats to drop themselves in the middle of Ogrimmar or Stormwind to spell out their website name on the ground. Back then Blizzard had a boatload of players, so they were just removing those bots because those bots were using stolen credit card information to have an account for anywhere between a few hours to a few days to spam what they needed to spam and then they would just rinse and repeat.

If they were to remove the services channel, it wouldn’t stop them from using the general chat, the trade chat to spam their adverts what I recommend an I don’t know why they haven’t done this, is by default they should turn off the services chat. You have to opt in to see that services chat because as a new player who’s never played before, they log in to the game. They create their account, they create their character, they finally get to the major city and their chat explodes with the amount of crap that is put there.

Hell, even if you go onto YouTube you’ll randomly see adverts for boosting services and you can buy their guides on how to be super uber at this character or class, but when you look further into the website they actually selling boosts for real money.

So at the end of the day, the only way that this problem is going to be resolved is if Blizzard makes more money, where they can then justify to their shareholders that the removal of these additional accounts won’t negatively impact their returns in regards to money because at the end of the day, it’s all about money.

One company that I remember being shutdown was HonorBuddy, which was based in Germany. The way German law was and the way Blizzard went to court over it at the beginning, meant they had to stop selling it in Germany. But finally after another long battle they were able to get it shutdown and sued the creator(s).


Giving the spammers boosters a spam “Services” channel and containing them there is a good thing. It’s like a quarantine to stop the spread of infection. Sure it wouldn’t be necessary if they just outright banned the spam “advertisements” in the first place but if they didn’t do it in the past then they’re not going to do it now. So it’s a necessity.


NP. No offense taken.

But really. If you dont like boosters and gold sellers you have to come up with a better solution.

Imagining a world where they did not exist is not the right start. They were always there.

To be honest, the solution of today is pretty decent.

(A) service providers are confined to 1 channel. They cant promote in other channels. So you just leave the channel if your not interested and DONE. They disapear.

(B) Boosting provides a genuine service for people that genuinely want it. So, it provides a source of income (in gold) to those of us that are willing to do it (me for example). Farming gold via professions or WQ is not for everyone.

(C) Gold selling has been normalized by the token. Sure, illegal ones undercut blizz but you got a legal way of buying it. Which many people do. Instead of mindlessly farming ores or plants like back in the day, or buying gold from a sketchy Chinese company.

So. Given that these service companies exist, existed in the past ,and will ALWAYS exist as long as wow exists…

And given that they will exist because people USE, have used, and WILL continue to use these services…

Its a good “middle ground” blizzard has reached IMO. Nothing to complain about here.


Offense ey, maybe we should all start stating how deeply offended we feel by empty servers for 2 months of each season. Since offence seems to be something blizzard do act on.

What blizzard needs to do is focus on other aspects of the game. So if you will leave out of protest for 2 months, do it for the right reasons.

Not on some dudes that can be made to disappear with 1 click of a button. If you don’t like them, remove the service channel. You don’t need to see it ever again.

If Blizzard cared for their game then they would have acted years ago, they don’t, and won’t. The services spam is part of the reason as to why WoW feels dead when it isn’t. They’ve designed it so badly over the years.


In Blizzards defense. They cant. Even if they wanted to. They actually tried many times over the years. But failed.

And no wonder, no other game has managed to do it either.

So don’t be delusional. You think you can stop it? You think ANYONE can? I mean… China TRIES to censor the internet… and they got Chinese people VPN-ing to Taiwan of all places to play wow… :smiley: Or the Russians.

And those are wow players.

Imagine a company with malicious intent what it could do.

The only way to stop it, is for people to stop buying it. But they haven’t stopped either. The temptation is too great. So what do you propose? To police every single character out there? Its madness !

Blizzard can stop it,

a simple trick called Chat Spam Filters.

Blizzard used to use chat spam filters. I once got a ban for 7 hours for repeating the name of a website which was listed in the chat spam filter.

Not hard to maintain, and greatly affective.

Honest answer would be to try and reign in the gold economy perhaps, but people are so long in the tooth these days and gold is so prelevent that it is futile, plus, they monetized gold thanks to the WoWToken.

I think the OP is right though, there is very little that is organic left in WoW, either the guild/friends point you in the direction or the LFG tool does (which is fine) but you do seldom ever see any actual social interactions that would have naturally formed without services beint enabled.

They could have done something years ago, they never did, and it’s one of those reap what you so. Same as the cross realm auction house for materials without addressing the bots issues meaning those on small servers get shafted because their is no way to compete with a bot.

There’s a chat spam filter against goldseller messages since the past eons ago, yet they still keep bypassing it to this day.

For example those fake “Blizzard” named toons with fake but urgent “you must login this phishing site” messages.

Heck, I even get these in SMS form for banking apps - funny thing is they’re for a different bank so it’s easy to detect these scams but sigh.

Dont wait for Blizz. Just QUIT the service chat. You know you can remove it from your bar right? And not have to see it ever again.

You want a GM to connect to your account, move your mouse to the chat box left click and press “exit”? Is that what you want them to do?

And Chat Spam Filters exist for the OTHER channels. Because if you do post your boosting services in the “trade” or “general” chat you will get insta banned by a bot.

So again. What exactly are you complaining about? I dont understand.

I repeat again and again. The reason they have a channel for them is because if they did not, they would find ways to bypass it. And that is MUCH more disruptive, and expensive to police.

I’m quite happy with the way it currently works. They have somewhere to advertise boosts that are permitted within the rules and the rest of hte channels are free.

Those that don’t want to see the boost spam can just leave the channel or hide it in another tab.


What i mean is they can remove the services channel to stop catering to those who kill the game, then use chat filters to ban people who spam those adverts in the other existing channels.