Time To Spilt Classic/HC From SOD

Yet another SOD update that has messed stuff up in Classic/HC because they share client/servers or whatever.

Addons broken, UI issues, mobs higher level than they should (like some desolace ones), leash bugs, SW unsafe again. All because of SOD.

Time to split these modes up completely Blizzard, I can’t imagine the cost of having them separate is too different.

Also not like you need to manage two separate codes bases, since classic/HC stays the same and you wouldn’t need to ever touch it.


Can we get more upvotes and comments on this guy?

They don’t care, damn it… It’s so sad…

Absolutely agree. Addons may not be blizzard’s problem, but deaths due to elite mobs chasing you across the map, or elite high level mobs being pitted against low level players is definitely blizzard’s problem.