Timers on Siege, Rifts , Feast and Bloom

Dear Blizzard , These events starts on the same time, except maybe feast. Is is possible you can change the timers so they start 15 min after eachother or 30 min? Or is it intended to keep people playing (intended) so they will have to spend 2 hours to complete a Rift and a Bloom activity?


Probably not because we have 7 days to do all of this, not just half

People has, yes, but for people who has limited time to play each day they should plan 2 days (if they only have around 1-1½ hours time to play each day) to to Bloom and Rift. Maybe it would be beneficial that the timers could be more spread even though you have 7 or more days to do the bloom and rift. I also want to play alts here and there.

They should just make these event be every half hour now. That way you know when it’s on.
Back when this expac started the timings were just weird and you needed to go to wowhead for them. Every 3.5 hours for one, every 2 hours for another and what not.

Every half hour is simple and you can do 3 events in just over an hour.

15 min apart is perfect and they need to turn off this AFK mode they introduced. People sitting in a JO-circle on mounts leeching is now annoying. Either participate or lose out.

I managed to do several in this order:
Quarter past the hour, emerald surge kicked off. We quickly did the portal and I dragonrode to the soup.
Picked up the soup quest, did the 5 actions which took no time.
Flew back to emerald surge land and got the rest of my dreamdust with WQs.
Handed the quest in.
Flew to Dragonbane Keep and am currently waiting for it to kick off on the hour.

I still need to do a time rift but currently the vendor is bugged so it is low down on my list, the dream surge at least gives you a piece of gear along with a token. I believe the bloom starts on the hour too, the siege doesn’t really take long with this many people so you can probably make it in time if you set your hearth right. Same likely applies to the time rift.