Times change

Someone told me last year, sometimes it takes courage to have your heart broken.

After finally realizing SoD is not for me I logged back into Wrath tonight. Got holy offspec on this alt, my first classic wow character, day 1, to level some dungeons, something I genuinely enjoy. I explain it’s my first time since vanilla classic playing holy, only to get flamed and backseated by level 68 +w DPS dying in 2 hits to trash AoE. “Use wisdom” , I guess they meant use Judgement of Wisdom, but anyone having a brain and Details addon could tell I’m pressing this ability. Before this I ran three dungeons without issues, but this one case of especially socially inapt douchebags made me realize, it’s not Blizzard that is ruining the game, it’s the playerbase.

A quick look at the forums should tell any rational human being how toxic and delusional this environment has become. I’m not even hating, times change, whatever.

I’m not asking for empathy, I’m just pointing out that classic wow died before Cataclysm even went live. Whatever the cause, the once “special” but friendly community turned into soulless parse chasers or whatever. I’m a competitive person myself, but a 20 year old game is not the place where I seek to find any sort of competition. The opposite, I seek to escape the competitive reality of today’s world.

A month ago I wasn’t subbed, and honestly life was better. So many actually good games to play. Go ahead and throw rocks at me for being critical, keep fooling yourself this is an actually good game beyond nostalgia / main character delusions w/e w/e.

If I can make just one person realize this game is nothing but a nostalgia trap, I consider my job well done.


This problem was in Vanilla too. “Classic” it has been the same since 2019, a community where the players are 30+ yo elitist that they ONLY know how to play WoW Vanilla-Wrath and hate everything else.

Everything wrong with classic are player/community problems.

Some say that the wow token its the problem, or lvl boosts, or whatever but the reality here its that interacting with the playerbase its infuriating.


Find a guild, build relations and enjoy the feedback. No automated system PUG would upset you, if you got guild behind your back.

And what about players that never played original Wrath yet enjoy it over retail? :thinking:

Very few to none the only new people that wanna try wrath (and the number is still very little cuz nobody new plays wow nowdays) they go to warmane cuz its free and has decent population. The ppl that are tryharding vanilla,tbc and wrath are the most toxic 50 year old nolife gamers that have noting better to do in their life than grind 24/7 a usless 20 year old game.

I didn’t play WoW until Cata release, and I’ve played Vanilla (Hated it), TBC (got bored) and Wrath (enjoyed it) Classic. And I was more thinking of people that never played it to begin with (as in, started later) - I doubt many players new to WoW in generaL would care for Wrath (or Classic).

It it what it is bro new players dont wanna bother with grinding and waisting their time all day for some proffesions or daily quests that is why classic wow will never be liked by the new players,and the 50 year old players that still grind this have no life and noting meaningful going on in their life and they are so lost in the sauce that even the 1 new player that try to play classic will leave bcs of them.

Yeah, not a fan of the try hards myself, just like I’ve never been a fan of 'em in Retail.


100% agree but the difference in retail there is a place for everyone that is why new players will always choose retail (even tho is worse than classic xD).

Dude the classic community is toxic AF… a common thing i seen when leveling a character in wrath was kicking players before the last boss in dungeons. Never seen it in retail, in fact i dont think i have ever been kicked from a dungeon in retail. Also the pug raid scene is so elitist in classic… they only want certain classes, you need a higher GS than raid req, hard reserve on loot etc… the raid scene is what killed classic for me. Ofc i could of found a guild but I cant commit to raiding the same night ever week. I got curved on two characters pugging on retail plus got the legendary on this character.


I am retail player, who started playing in late Shadowlands. Since late February 2024 I have been playing only wotlk on my max lvl char,also makes fun lvling here with jj buff. Now it’s even hard for me to log into retail, nothing interesting there. So, no. Not every new player dislikes classic. But wotlk is also no classic, just saying. I tried a bit of Vanilla wow and wasn’t really enjoying it. Wotlk looks more like a retail but with old graphics rather than being a classic.

Great glad you are having fun you will have even more fun if you enjoy pvp in Cata so dw :smiley:

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Don’t read the gibberish what this kid wrote. He’s mentally ill and just got sub money so he got excited and trows tantrum here. It’ll be quickly fixed with a banhammer, soon :clown_face:

To OP: I agree with almost everything you wrote. Sadly retail influencers, Blizzard themselves and bots destroyed Classic. Sane, pure OG playerbase left, only toxic tryhards, bots and retail fanbois left. That’s the truth.

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true m8 i have the same like u

Still here wotlk zombie :smiley: btw dont listen to this panda he is mentaly challenged he has been playing wotlk all his life pressing the 1 button rotacion got him RLY excited and wants to play only wotlk for the rest of his misserble 50 year old life.


You are writing from retail char something about classic? Probably boosted lvl 60 with no taste in tmog as I can see, sharing his/her irrelevant opinion on wotlk/cata. I can’t even take serious anything you say. Stop trolling already.

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It’s part of the world we live in nowadays. WoW was amazing back in the day due to the community but nowadays I just enjoy the solo portion of wow. The community is toxic and most of them believe that we are all no lifers with no social life. That’s why nowadays I enjoy retail way more since I can just log and queue solo for PVP without having to talk with anybody.

what are you on about. Players destroyed classic not blizzard. And What you mean retail influencers? Retail players don’t play classic and I find the classic community way more toxic than retail. Do you even play retail?

Imagine not being able to counter a “kids” argument and looking like a angsty teen ager in the process. Stay salty panda troll :joy::joy::joy:


Spoken like a true prophet paladin, the trend of insufferable group experiences continues. I’ve been leveling this holy paladin, a level 83 disc / holy priest, level 82 resto druid, level 83 resto shaman, and hit 85 on my prot warrior. All group based classes, and despite being rather toxic I’ve always enjoyed group based content.

I’ve accepted my fate as a player who likely has to carry weight, having played the big bad retail, but 9/10 random groups require waaay too much carrying.

I like a challenge, but going ham on healing while seeing only tanks / healers interrupt, and DPS stuck on 4K AoE DPS @ level 84+, every single pull gets tiring real fast. Getting complimented on my healing has become an indicator on how much a group needs saving.

In Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, these potato players fit in fine, and I never had complaints before, but Cata is a different beast, a weird spot between classic and retail. “Vote kick abuse” threads, while in reality your potato gameplay is abusing the very few who somewhat know how to play.

I love competition and competive games, and Classic WoW, up to now, had been a place to not compete, and be a friendly potato, like many. However, Cataclysm does not welcome this style.

Please, bind your interrupt spells, or do monster DPS, not neither.