Had this problem since ≈mid 20th anniversary. And continues into turbulent timeways.
Sooooo much “lost” currency and time that will never be refunded…
Testing every week with no change in sight
This bug, the reduction from 500-200badges, and the new scaling system has made it so that Timewalking feels more like a chore than a fun nostalgic event.
we are sorry but you are screwed…
my bosted lvl 70 loooong time ago and still broken
submit bug report and ticket.,
Your ticket has received the following response:
Dear …,
This is Game Master Evrabbahgu . I have been summoned today with a quest to assist a very valuable player in Blizzard’s universe. Now let’s get into it (ง •̀_•́)ง
We have received several reports about this issue and can confirm that it is a known bug. Our development team is currently investigating the problem. Unfortunately, we do not have a workaround or resolution at this time.
We apologize in advance for the inconvenience, and for having to go through with this in the first place, as this was never our intention, all we ever wanted for our players was to have a great gaming experience, and a safe environment
I still have the same issue as before on one of my character Yukipura-TwistingNether. Its still the same issue as ive described in the first post of this topic. It kinda sucks, since this bug didnt get me at least 12x 200 timewarped badges, which is kind of a lot.
There’s a thread on the US forums for this as well:
It looks like for some people it’s random and for some it’s just their boosted characters.
For me it’s the second - I boosted a mechagnome mage to 60 (just for lock picking!) in DF, and with turbulent timeways, I took him up to 70 (I don’t have TWW). Now he can’t get the weekly turn-in for 500/300/200. The odd thing is, I swear he got it while he was levelling, it’s just at 70 that he’s stopped.
It’s been some weeks now, every time all my characters get the quest item except my warlock! It happens now with every time walking week and turbulent tideways now
The quest item for the first TW dungeon completion in a week has been bugged for like 4 of my characters for at least 5 weeks now. I write a bug report every single week but I guess the AI is busy with other things than reading bug reports.
When i open a ticket i get AI responses telling me that i can only get the quest item once a week. In my opinion this is just sad and embarrassing. I would rather have no answer at all and wait a week for an actual answer than get an automated, embarrassing and ignorant answer from an AI.
I met the same problem weekly quest Black Temple was not counted after killing Illidan, also I don’t see Timewarped Illidari battle plans anywhere. All bosses are killed, the quest is not marked as completed. The raid is now on CD, there is no way to even repeat the kill. I saw tons of people on the forums dealing with these problems, and what’s absolutely infuriating is that Blizzard support is completely useless - how can they be so negligent towards their own players? If there’s a problem, the least they could do is have GMs resolve each individual request until they actually fix the issue.