Since theres some new transmog items on the timewalking vendors, i decided its time for me to do some badge farm. So I figured a good source of badges is the TW dungeon quest item.
At the moment I have 13 max level character and try to do as many TW dungeons each week.
The last (at least 4) weeks my priest was unable to get any end of dungeon quest item. I ran at least 1 and at the most 5 timewalking dungeons per week on it. But its evading me, it seems.
So after making a ticket and getting a reply from a GM to look in my backpack or bank for the quest items, ofc to no avail, another GM told me to write a post on the forum. To see if there bugs alike.
Im aware that GMs arent allowed to retrospectively award you to quest items. But hopefully there are some people that can share their similar experiences, so they can figureout what the bug is and fix it accordingly.
Have a nice day
Yuki-Twisting Nether
I don’t know why the forum showed this character. If you want to contact me ingame, best chance is to try this one.
Heya Yukishu,
We’ve actually had a couple other reports of this and are investigating.
It seems fairly rare though, so it would make sense you’re only seeing it on one of your characters and I’m glad to hear you’ve got a couple more to put to use!
If you didn’t already, please make sure you also submit an in-game bug report from the affected character, and hopefully that can help isolate the problem and get a fix out for everyone.
Thanks for taking the time!
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I already submitted a bug report on my priest. Its not a big issue for me, since I have a lot of characters. But if it happened to a person playing 1 or 2 chars, it would be nice to be fixed.
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Hello,i also have the same problem. With Wotlk timewalking it appeared on one of 20 Chars, and now with classic timewalking it already appeared on 2 Chars in the first 10.
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this started happening to me too with the last wotlk timewalking and now again with cataclysm! i have only 1 max level character so it is indeed pretty annoying and very discouraging considering the prices of the new items on the timewalking vendors lol
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That sucks, hopefully we´ll be enlightened soon if the bug can be fixed.
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Happens on my main but not on other characters. Since I play on my mian all the time. This hurts cause I don’t get badges.
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Small update:
In the most recent blue post on, I saw Blizzard mentioning having fixed an issue with the quest item not dropping. Lets wait and see if thats the case after the next reset.
Fingers crossed,
Well I just ran a TW dungeon on one of my characters that had this issue, and still didn’t get the drop 
Reset is tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be fixed then.
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Well, not looking good so far. Usually these kind of items seem to drop on the first TW dungeon of the week. Just done one on my “bugged” character, and it hasn’t dropped. Going to try a couple more to see.
Update : done another and still nothing.
I don’t know if there’s anything in this, but this is the only character that I believe I have ever boosted. Back in BFA, likely a lvl 110 boost prior to the squish.
This has happened to me before. And this week I have run TW on 3 characters so far, and only one of them has been given the quest item to turn in for the TW badges. Very disappointing, as there are new items to buy.
Hello and thanks for the fresh reports!
We did put out a fix to prevent this in the future, though it looks like it wasn’t retroactive for characters already in a bad state.
The hope is that it shouldn’t be an issue starting from next reset, so please let us know if it’s still happening then.
Will do, thanks for the reply.
Have a nice day,
Was this another hotfix? The previous one went in before this last reset and its still an issue.
I can confirm that I still have the issue on one of my alts today (I’ve just finished a run of a legion TW dungeon)…
It’s the same alt that could not have the drop for three weeks
I’m not sure if this is part of the issue - I didn’t exactly have the same thing, but ran a Timerunning Legion today … it was the third one of the day - and noticed at the end, where it shows a tally of which bosses have been killed … NONE of them showed as having been killed. Yet we had killed them, we received loot from them (as far as I’m aware), and I got it as completed on my buff that I was tracking for the Turbulent Timeways achievement.
It didn’t cause an issue, but at that point I hadn’t picked up the weekly, and it wasn’t the first I’d done this reset, so it could be a symptom/help troubleshoot.
Still not working as of Legion TW this week.
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It is still happening for 4 out of my 12 characters as well