I would like to start this thread out by thanking you Blizzard for fixing a couple of things recently that was bugging those of us trying to optimize Timewalking, I am of course referring to adjusting the item level and player level applications of old world enchants as well as fixing loot that was bugged (Like Hardmode Hodir in Ulduar) - But there are still two issues left on the Timewalking front, one that clearly is a technical issue and one that I am not certain what to categorize.
Azerite Essence Rank 3 Unlocks being bugged:
Right now if I were to Unlock Rank 3 of the Azerite Essence “Blood of the Enemy” - I would NOT be able to purchase this off M.O.T.H.E.R in Silithus on my alts unless I go on to unlock ANOTHER Rank 3 on the same character that got Rank 3 Blood of the Enemy. It’s as if the game runs a check each time you get a Rank 3 but it forgets to check for the Rank 3 you just unlocked when running that check? It sounds like an easy work around is to “Just get another rank 3” - But some players (Myself included) actually played a lot back in BFA and have already unlocked everything to Rank 3 - Which means that some Essences that many was likely to unlock last (But which also is now - VERY difficult to obtain) - like Ripple in Space; is just locked to the character you got it on since the game failed to run the check for M.O.T.H.E.R. - It would be nice if this is fixed so that people like me won’t need to go out of their way to having to re-obtain essences like Ripple in Space in the current day. I know this is old content now but just because it’s old does not mean it needs to be discarded. -
Item levels in old expansion dungeons.
Right now for a reason I have yet to find an explanation on; Gear from old world dungeons scales to a HIGHER item level at a level 59 character than it does for a level 70 character. Given that I have seen no reasonable explanation for why this is I can only assume that the game fails at registering something here too and it would much be appreciated if you fixed it so that gear from old world dungeons was set to be their highest possible at level 70. For anyone curious as to why this matters; A lot of old world gear is pretty good for timewalking but due to that the item level from old world items just plummets once you “Enabled Dragonflight scaling” - These items fall off again and must rather be farmed before 60 or cheesed out via having someone help you while playing in Chromie Time - Something that would not be necessary if level 70s just had old world dungeon drops scale to their max Chromie time value (Which is whatever item level the dungeons would have for a level 60 Character who does not have Dragonflight enabled.)
These things may seem like nothing but the fact that Blizzard went back and actually fixed old world enchants and hard-mode Hodir makes me convinced that SOMEONE on their team sees and cares for the Timewalking players, and I hope these two things also gets picked up some day in the future.