Timewalking over tuned to hell

When a system is balanced to account for things, people without the things will be at a disadvantage.

Player ability is obviously a huge factor and will contribute to poor results in a more noticable way, especially in the face of encounter mechanics, but the increased healthpool and damage output of enemies are the result of tuning for corruptions, essences, etc.

This is the gripe people (myself included) seem to have with the tuning. A group with a number of levelling players will struggle more than a group made up of geared max-level players, assuming player skill is the same in both groups. It will still be do-able, but one group will need to put in more work than the other.


I just did a tw on my prist 120 he is garbo geared rank 1 essences next to no corruptions,only thing he has is azarite traits and 446ilvl,neck 80 and thats it.We wiped 2x in Skyreach.Tank was garbaged geared new level 120 but he knew the mechanics,and one of the dps was also 290ilvl 120.
Point being we made it and people where garbage geared.I do wish they make it that the chest reward for 5/5 is heroic gear,and that you are rewarded as 120 level 500 Echos per dungeon.Just my input.

Yet we get 460 for doing 4 mythic 0’s

Should be the other way around tbh


More than gear, essences or corruption etc ever will.

First of all OP wrote that TW dungeons are over tuned ,and not that are too difficult.
Tedious would be better term than difficult ,and as side occasional activity it should not be tedious especially considering loot.

Do you know what overtuned means? If something is overtuned, it means it’s unreasonably difficult. This is not the case with TW. It’s just a case of people being bad.

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Did one Timewalking dungeon last night. Hoped it might have been a bit more forgiving than the Pandaria Timewalking…

Nope nope nope no nope no no no.

Harder than a Mythic Dungeon. Part of the difficulty is of course that your group may consist of very under-geared leveling characters (in which case you question why they can queue for it in the first place, if it’s tuned to be challenging to max level characters). But as a healer the mobs really do pack a punch.

And all in all, the time and effort doesn’t match the reward at all.
You do 1 dungeon for the +500 currency quest, and then you stop. Doing multiple Timewalking dungeons right now, that’s masochism. :crazy_face:


It doesn’t ,you can overtune enemies HP but not overtune dmg done to players aka tedious and not difficult

Ok, after jumping into one TW dungeon with gear that’s below the scaling, I see what the issue is with random people. They’re not doing the DPS they’re supposed to be doing, like, at all. I went in with gear that stayed at 121 ilvl after going into TW.

What do I see? People who have gear that’s scaled down to the ilvl for TW.

These people aren’t outdamaging me, even though I’m wearing worse gear than them, took off my azerite pieces, took off my neck, took off my back and equipped ilvl 121 gear that doesn’t even get scaled up in TW.

They’re doing worse damage than me despite having higher ilvl. Some of them wearing azerite gear even.

Like, what? This is clearly an issue of them not having half a clue about their rotation.

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You just made that up :joy: :rofl:

No, I didn’t. People are just really bad at the game. It’s not that the content is too difficult. This is simply a repeat of the thread back from 2018 when people complained about TW being too difficult.

I honestly have no earthly idea what you on about. I didnt see any real difficulty in Timewalking WoD, and trash were dying at a normal pace. No tanks were one-shotted, and the mechanics of bosses actually did way less damage than they were supposed to, considering its heroic difficulty. My money says that you just got unlucky with your teamates more likely. And if your tank was one-shotted by something, then im also willing to bet he wasnt using his mitigation properly.

Lol, I was just standing and tanking the flame waves on 2nd boss in Iron Docks on my priest. Would have been impossible in WoD.

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Anyone tried healing Teron’gor yesterday ? His curses are terrible to heal when you don’t have a dispell, and on my pally there was nothing I could do. I had a hunter use his carapace before I LoH’d him, and he still died… we ended up kicking 2 dps out of 3 in order to end him before he did, and that was the only way to kill him.

Beam dude in Skyreach is also a bloody pain in the butt.

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Exactly. So its more about ppl being bad than it actually is about overtuning :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sure you meant heroic.

Still I agree. The last Pandaria TW felt like a M+10 with both Tyranical and Fortified active at the same time.

Bosses and packs took like forever to kill.

I have decent gear on this tank so had no survavability issues; at the same time my friend with a 445 ish BFA tank was one shoted by boss abilities.

In my view the TW events should be designed towards the more casual audience of WoW so that they are the equivalent of the current heroic or M0 dungeons.


Pit of saron was a pain back then too, if you didnt know the tacts.

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They are stopping Legion legies working in TW :cry:

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No it means that mob hp is to high and takes to long to kill and offers no challenge is what the OP meant .


Where have you read that ?