Timewalking over tuned to hell

What the hell is this blizz ? WoD TW is soo hard and overtuned it’s crazy. It’s meant to be a dip back in the past.

I did these dungeons on mythic back in the day and they were far easier than this time walking. Hell I did a +12 this week that is easier than this. IT’s not even a lack of knowledge towards the tactics , it’s just overtuned the numbers are insane.

People getting 1 shotted by boss abilities , that never happened when it was current.

I’ve never seen so many leavers. Again I repeat it was not this hard when it was current. The mobs when they heal , heal back to full hp again did not happen when it was current.

This is meant to be casual content for everyone to explore and enjoy not the equivalent a +15.

Please Blizz fix this. Get those numbers down.


Dont think you can quee WoD timewalking as level 41.Pretty sure


Very funny , how drole


I noticed this the last time, Panda mobs took ages to kill. It wasn’t even that hard, just time consuming, standing there casting spells for an eternity.


Because they tuned Everything up thanks to corruptions and essences.

It was such a good move, right?




its not even worth the effort right now, a pitiful 445 reward you cant even pick yourself… no thanks


You will find the word drole is French for funny. I was correct to say so in context.

Never got the hang of why they made timewalking dungeons so difficult.

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Time Wasting system in its current iteration is mess, thanks to “twinking” possibilities with Legion gear and BFA max level powers.


And this is an ENGLISH forum, and people will expect English.

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They aren’t though.

Well, quite indeed

:face_with_monocle: :tea:

Use the Queen’s language!


Generally not difficult, just everything has so much HP, mix that in with them being queable and you might get 5 Mythic level raiders, using simmed corruptions, azerite and legion leggos (in which case they are a joke) or you might get heirloom barry with the wrong build, missing spells and general carnage.

it is a bit of a ‘poo’ show, they tuned it to the former but often you get the latter, and the worse case a mix of both which often ends up with ‘words’


Ah right, thanks for the explanation.

I remember panda ones were just… random. One dungeon would be a breeze while the other one would be a challenge, I presumed all wod ones are tuned like spread bananas.


Oh yea Barry is the man,leveling his character nb. 33 and want to ding in /played 5h to max.

On last Pandaria Timewalking event some bosses were oddly oneshot.
I queued as Blood Death Knight, the dungeons was Siege of Niuzao Temple. First boss and trash were pretty easy, when we arrived to second boss healer was oneshoted by Dashing Strike three times.
Firstly I thought it was a player problem, then he left and we got another healer; same story, he was oneshoted by this ability.
Group manage to finish the fight because I was Blood and two DPS were Demon Hunters.

I think Timewalking has become harder since Corruption. I don’t mind harder dungeons but I loathe oneshot abilities for this type of content.


Actually it is privately owned Activision Blizzard forum,England has nothing to with it.
That being said , sporadic usage of non English terms can be good thing so forumers can enrich their vocabulary.


Personally I no longer bother with them . Earlier in the expansion I did one run on characters to pop the 500 TWB quest and moved on, once I had the mounts and toys I’ve stopped. They are not worth it for a normal level piece, it should be the same as the mythic one do 4 and get HC level gear (it takes much longer to the do - unless you have a dedicated group as previously stated and the reward is less)


What you mean German ? She’s a german you know