Timewalking with a level 70

I thought I’d come to the forums for answers.

I have a level 70 that I run Timewalking on, but I’ve seen these posts recently about people getting banned in Timewalking (granted abusing systems that I’d never abuse). He is a level 70, with decent gear. He isn’t level locked with speaking to an NPC as he is on an account that is Dragonflight only. I love my lil Pleco, so I wouldn’t want to do something to jeopardise my account(s)

Thank you

It was a false alarm. Bans were quickly unbanned.

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Thank glubs, I didn’t want to have the chance of being banned just from running timewalking xD got too much to lose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (again never abused anything)

Any chance you got a link to the post? I wanna make sure I’m ok before I load up the other “fish”

I’ve been actively leveling level 70s with high-end Dragonflight gear during recent Timewalking events and I’ve had no issues. It’s quite fun too, soloing dungeons with like 80% of the damage in the group =). Well until about level 74-75 when the scaling starts kicking in and you do normal dps again.

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Thank you for your response :slight_smile: I shall continue to help people in dungeons as my 70 Tank :slight_smile: