Timewalking / XP lock guilds on AD?

Hi, I saw nothing on the guild recruitment subforum, so I thought I’d ask here. Do you know of any communities/guilds dedicated to timewalking - either with Chromie Time, or around XP locking and running the TW events that happen every two weeks or so?
I’m currently going through WoTLK solo, but it feels a bit lonely, and dungeons go so fast as to not let me read the quest text…

That is a very niche concept
I think the majority of such fine folk are found on the classic servers rather than retail.

It’d be a shame, since I always pondered that it could be interestingly linked with roleplay (see e.g. the recently surfaced “Mark of the Infinite - Timerunner Open RP Community” thread).
I have found some guilds through the XPOff community, but they’re either on other servers or in the US. At the same time I haven’t gathered enough folk who’d be interested to create something of my own yet :<

I don’t really think I understand the appeal of RPing on a character that is locked to old content when roleplay doesn’t really revolve around OOC levels or restrictions.

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