[X-Faction/Timerunning] Mark of the Infinite - Timerunner Open RP Community - Season 1 Ended - Season 2 Coming Soon!

TL;DR: Roleplay Community and Framework for Remix and Timerunning characters!

  • Would you like to do roleplay within Remix phases?

  • Would you like to meet other characters stuck in a similar predicament?

  • Would you like to be notified of events players organize in Remix and Timerunning?

  • Would you like to have your character be part of a ‘secret society’ even after Remix and Timerunning is over (and/or in between Remix seasons)?

  • Would you like to roleplay cross-faction within (or outside) a Remix and/or Timerunning season?

If the answer to even one of these is yes, Mark of the Infinite could be of interest to you!

Mark of the Infinite is a new in-game WoW Roleplay Community (not a guild!) and Discord where players who have an interest in playing characters who ‘for some reason’ (options below) have gotten ‘stuck’ in one of the Infinite Dragonflight’s schemes and/or other time related maladies.

The goal of this community is to offer you a way to get in contact with other players and their characters while also providing a (hopefully) chatty Out-of-Character RP discussion experience as well through an ingame community chat channel. Although my character and the initial ‘push’ of this community is coming from the Horde side, it is meant to be Cross-Faction (within the limitations of no Tongues potions unfortunately within Remix).

What will be provided?

  • An ingame WoW community + chat channel.
  • An optional Discord community.
  • An optional weekly IC meeting for your characters to join and chat with other characters.
  • An optional set of frameworks and scenarios you can tie your Timerunning character to in-character (which remain valid even after Timerunning)
  • More optional events for you to join if you wish!
  • Keep a fun group together (hopefully) after a remix phase ends for potential aftermath.

As mentioned above, the only thing which is ‘mandatory’ in this initiative if you wish to take part is the ingame WoW community + chat channel. This is required for cross-faction communication. Otherwise everything is optional and you can get as much (or not) out of this initiative as you desire. If you’re just interested in Roleplay focussed chat channel ingame while you timerun/remix, that’s also fine!

Infinite Universe RP Framework
‘Space and Time’ in any lore is a tricky subject and in order to keep things fair for all involved while remaining within lore constraints, there are some general framework items we would like to ask everyone to adhere to with their character. They are not firm ‘rules’ but should be generally considered as a manner of ‘good taste’ and ‘respect’ to your fellow player. These items are part of what we from this point forward call the ‘Infinite Universe RP Framework’ which is aptly named after any time phase or situation within RP created by the Infinite Dragonflight.

The below are generally guidelines and you don’t HAVE to stick to them. Deviating from them is allowed but please know it could have your character go on a slippery slope in terms of lore. Always make sure to stick to common sense!

How did my character get here?

There are three ways your character from an In-character perspective could have gotten involved in this.

  1. Your character can be involved as a volunteer, either by reaching out to an Infinite Dragonkin in Valdrakken (because you are a thrillseeker) or them reaching out to you and offering you an interesting ‘deal’ of sorts. The deal would involve some minor alterations to your character’s storyline compared to before (but nothing extremely major and in line with what the Infinite are saying in-game). Examples would be a reclaimed minor heirloom or some more ‘combat experience’.
  2. Your character can be involved after being bribed or ‘softly forced’ (or blackmailed) into the situation by a rogue Infinite Dragonkin. This would be a ‘rogue’ element which takes the ‘freedom’ Eternus and his kin have in ‘experimenting’ with timelines a bit too far. They can’t be going any further than Eternus and his kin do, but they might have ‘ulterior’ motives in curiosity for your character.
  3. A combination or something unique. However, keep in mind the lore very clearly states you CANNOT alter the actual timeline. It’s up to you to define this but please keep in mind yoinking a character from the Second War into Pandaria could have too many consequences attached to it at which point the Bronze could be stepping in as guardians of time.

A note on characters which weren’t ‘there’ in a time phase before (e.g. Nightborne and Vulpera in Pandaria).

  • This will be a bit tricky. Make sure to not do anything which would alter the timeline because otherwise the Bronze could be intervening. Some workarounds include saying as a Nightborne you’re a rogue group of Night Elves or as a Vulpera you’re a member of a ‘native tribe of grimalkin’. Yes, that might be very awkward. :slightly_smiling_face:

What are some guidelines while RPing an infinite marked character?

  1. Your character will be forced to swear an oath of secrecy while they are within a time phase campaign. You -can not- speak to any random character about being marked. If you try, your character’s throat will feel like it’s clenched close by an invisible power and you feel your words are being lost to you.
  2. There is one exception to this: Fellow Timerunners! There will be a specific hand signal shared to share with Timerunners by the Infinite upon entering. This hand signal is using your indexfinger to draw a clock ‘anti-clockwise’ three times.
  3. So feel free to speak about anything with your fellow Timerunners about what is going on and your shared predicament and/or make friends, relations cough one-night-stands cough
  4. You will not know what actually ‘happened’ in a time phase before (e.g. your past). It’s as if your memory is ‘wiped’ temporarily of what happened. However, an invisible hand (consider it the limits of time and space!) will always move the events in such a way to the point they happen like they’ve happened before. This means if your character lived through this, they will be guaranteed to live through it here, your character just doesn’t remember anymore! Small deviations on a character development level are fair game though (friends, small events, relations, etc).
  5. You will be told your memory will be ‘mostly’ wiped at the end and you forget anything which does not reflect what actually happened…if you kept your actions mundane that is! If you found the love of your life and got into a relationship with them, you’re not magically going to have children when you get out of the time phase again ‘into the future’ but instead you’ll feel a lot of ‘grief’ and a sense of loss instead.
  6. Other than that, all events will happen in Pandaria as they have. No major alterations. Your characters aren’t important enough to make major changes. You can make minor changes to your character’s storyline, but life or death decisions are sort of ‘forced’ on you one way or another.

What’s the aftermath?

  1. At the end of all this, your character will essentially wake up and realize this was all a dream. A very long, LONG dream because this would take essentially 90 days on average. Your awakening would essentially happen ‘the next day’ after your character agreed to the bargain with the Infinite. You would have just had a rough night.
  2. As with any dream, you will be able to remember things rather vividly the moment you wake up but the memories will pass within hours of waking up! If you try to write anything down, you will feel as if you’re losing memories quicker compared to the speed you can write down. If you write down too much, you’ll find your notes face sudden calamities on their own! (E.g. the notes fly into a furnace or disappear through a window).
  3. VERY STRONG memories between those marked (e.g. friendships, good talks, coughs one night stands coughs) will remain ‘somewhat’ and you will remember the faces and strongest memories of being with these people involved but not their names. You will be able to investigate these people in archives later IF they were around in that time phase (e.g. military records). If you meet each other ‘IRL’ later, you will remember each other and you WILL remember the most strong memories. This may create very awkward situations and potentially time altering events! This is the Infinite’s secret malicious goal in the end. At least that of the rogue Infinite elements!

But I want to keep my memories!

As with everything here, these are guidelines and nothing is set in stone. You’re obviously free to deviate from them entirely. That’s the nature of this concept. That being said, do know that you may be going onto a slippery slope here as it’s the Bronze’s duty to ensure the timeline isn’t broken. Having memories of a time altering event could endanger just that! Keep that in mind, if you somehow still have your memories after all of this, consider being very tight-lipped about your experiences as otherwise the Bronze might come after you!

Want to join or have questions?

The community is listed in WoW’s Community finder as ‘Mark of the Infinite’ so feel free to apply!

You are also more than welcome to join our Discord linked below to meet up and keep updated on potential events organized by fellow remix/marked players.

Discord: eb2VNHTeFV (With discord.gg in front of it!)


Great story, great idea!

Story so far: Prologue

Following the events of Dragonflight, the Infinite Dragon Eternus had become more friendly with the Bronze Dragonflight and started to wanting to review the ‘true timeline’. Unfortunately, this resulted in other members of the Infinite Dragonflight to oppose Eternus and her brood and thus she resorted to recruiting ‘Timewalkers’ through her ‘emissaries’ to fight against ‘temporal misalignments’ with the past.

Although this mission in general was a benevolent one, Eternus’ brood had several members amongst them who used this opportunity to ‘follow the orders of Eternus’ but to also ‘toy with mortals’. One such Infinite Dragonkin was named ‘Lacrimori’, a sultry and dangerous looking woman dressed in pure black and having perfectly symmetrical black and white hair who ‘forcefully recruited’ a number of Timerunners for bargains which skirted on the edge of ‘breaking the true timeline’ after all.

Following several weeks filled with ‘hoodwinking’ potential recruits and cheating them either with the promises of power or threats of pain, Lacrimori had gathered a number of Timerunners and set them to work.

One of these Timerunners threatened into aiding Lacrimori was the Farstrider Elaryne Galewind and appeared to be the person Lacrimori was focussing on the most. However, over time others would join over time such as the unlikely Blackrock Orc Ongburz who was under a spell to hide his true nature (through making him green instead of black) from all but fellow Timerunners.

After an initial meeting at The Veiled Stair, Lacrimori confronted the group with their first hands-on task: The rescue of a ‘certain important member of the Alliance’ from a Horde camp in Kun-Lai Summit who shouldn’t be imprisoned in the ‘true timeline’. Lacrimori had promised she would erase any deviations from the ‘true timeline’ if the group had to get violent against the Horde captors but the group questioned the Infinite tricksters’ motives.

Only time will tell what happens next, or would this be past-tense ‘would tell’?

Upcoming Event

A woman dressed in pitch black appeared before them at the Veiled Stair. Her hair colour was a perfect split between black and white and her skin the tone of white pearl to the point it looked unnatural or sickly. She placed her right indexfinger against her chin and smirked at the group, her face having a few pieces of dragon scales next to her upper cheek ranging up to her scaled pointy ears giving her a slight reptilian look.

“My name is Lacrimori, and you’re going to help me run some errands to restore some of the mess some of my wayward kin have made of things. Of course, we might make some light alterations where we see fit too. I need your assistance in freeing a certain important member of the Alliance from a Horde camp who shouldn’t be captured.”

Following their meeting with Lacrimori, Elaryne made a poor excuse to the Horde unit she ‘was’ serving with she wanted to follow-up on a lead of Alliance infiltrators in Kun-Lai Summit. This went directly against what she ‘was’ supposed to be doing in the ‘proper timeline’ but Lacrimori had them by the proverbial throat. Trying to keep her head straight to understand this was all ‘not real but also real’ made Elaryne’s mind spin at times but this was surely part of Lacrimori’s toying.

Though Lacrimori had promised to restore the timeline when all of this was over and make the ‘certain important member of the Alliance’ as well as any friendly Horde folk they’d attack forget, the Infinite trickster didn’t convey a lot of trust. There was another motive to all of this, or at least Elaryne suspected as much.

Following a number of days of tracking for this supposed ‘certain important member of the Alliance’, the Farstrider eventually managed to find her quarry through the use of clever tracking and an Elven spyglass. The revelation as to who actually needed rescuing made Elaryne’s heart skip several beats.

“Lacrimori…you blasted trickster. How dare you do this to us…”

With her heart filled with both surprise and anger, Elaryne returned to the Veiled Stair to alert the others what stakes of this mission actually were…she could only pray there was a failsafe if they failed.

OOC: The next part of our storyline will take place on Saturday the 22nd of June, starting at 21:00 server time. This will actually be a more action-packed event where we’ll be meeting a familiar Alliance lore character and rescue the character from an altered history!

If you weren’t able to attend the last session or are entirely new, no worries. We’ll give you a quick catch-up before we begin this mission on the day and time itself!

If you haven’t already joined our Discord, now’s a great time to do. Once in, we’ll also invite you to the ingame community. As mentioned before, the storyline is accessible for both Horde and Alliance characters.

Hope to see you there!

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The spin this initiative puts on the Timerunning scenario is just wild :eyes:
Grab it while it’s hot, this is something you don’t want to miss out on!

Story so far: Chapter 1 - Safeguarding History

With their quarry found in Kun-Lai Summit, the group met at the Veiled Stairs to discuss strategy amongst themselves to perform the task which lay before them: Rescue the ‘Very Important Alliance Member’ from captivity and return this person to the Infinite Dragonflight so they could be ‘cleansed’ of timeline altering memories.

As the group met, more unexpected faces and fellow ‘Timerunners’ started to appear before them, making their total group size to one of six at the end of the briefing and consisting of both Horde and Alliance members. Although Elaryne had actually seen who they were rescuing, she decided to keep the knowledge to herself and not mentioning it during the briefing. She was fearful of being called ‘crazy’ or the others not agreeing to perform the task imposed upon them by Lacrimori or restarting the ancient grudges between the Alliance and the Horde.

“They don’t need to know about this. Not right now at least…they’ll see it when they need to see it.”

The group set off to travel to the outskirts of Zouchin Village in the north-eastern part of Kun-Lai. Although this village was supposed to be untouched in the ‘true-timeline’ and only attacked by the Zandalari, in this timeline it’s role had been altered: The place had been turned into a makeshift Horde base with Horde soldiers being incredibly ‘on-edge’ due to their Alliance captive.

Following a discussion in strategy, the group decided to split. One group consisting of the Horde members under the command of the Sin’dorei Eleana Coldridge followed by Elaryne and the Orc Ongburz would infiltrate the camp and seek to free the Alliance captive under the guise of an ‘inspection’. The Alliance members led by the Night Elf Lynaria followed by the Blue Dragonflight Dractyhr Alwengosa in ‘visage’ and the Dwarf Magnar Boulderforge would antagonize the Zandalari nearby and cause a distraction. This would hopefully antagonize the Horde as well which would result in a carnage between the ‘future to be allies’. They would meet at the beach once a flare had been lit by one of Elaryne’s arrows.

The Horde group advanced upon the village and managed to persuade the local Overseer to inspect the buildings and the prisoner. Meanwhile, the Alliance group successfully antagonized the Zandalari who split up to go after them and the Horde at Zouchin Village. Finally, the Dwarf of the group did the ‘typical’ thing of being a loud Dwarf and shouted: ‘Lok’tar Ogar!’ The end-result was the intended one: The Overseer replied and send part of the forces of Zouchin Village to meet the Zandalari in battle.

This allowed the Horde group to finally enter the building with the Alliance prisoner. Once on the top floor of the building, they would find a rather peculiar ‘Very Important Alliance Member’ as promised. The truth Elaryne already knew was revealed to all: Sitting against the wall, a human youthful man sat with his arms chained against the wall in very elaborate and fine clothing with Stormwind coloring. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. His gaze would meet that of the group and instantly they would all get very conflicted feelings.

As ‘dedicated members of the Horde’, this was -the- chance to alter history and provide a final victory for Garrosh and crush the Alliance utterly. Yet their mind prevailed alongside their desire to stick true to the ‘true timeline’. With the bonds of the Alliance prisoner broken, Eleana proceeded to cast an invisibility spell while Elaryne shot an arrowflare into the sky to signal the other group to meet at the rally point.

Once the two groups met up however, they were in for a world of hurt as both the Zandalari and the Horde forces surrounded the six adventurers and the ‘very important Alliance member’. Ongburz took one for the team and protected Eleana from being hit alongside Alwengosa who was amplifying the teleportation spell. Although being hit badly, the Orc was soon aided by the ‘very important Alliance member’ and his selflessness and healed his wounds.

Thankfully the spell soon worked and the group teleported and arrived safely at the White Tiger Temple’s Infinite Bazaar. Once they had come to their senses, Lacrimori appeared before the group and pushed the bewildered ‘very important Alliance member’ away from the group. Yet as Lacrimori nudged him away she had some taunting words to share.

“Tsk tsk, you almost incited a war between the Horde and the Zandalari, future allies no less! You were a bit reckless but….results is what matter. I’ll take care of our friend here and ensure he’s….of a clear mind on things. However, a job’s done is a job’s done so enjoy your reward.”

With that, all of the Timerunners received a bag of Infinite Doubloons which they could spend at the Bazaar in any way they saw fit. Armor, weapons, supplies or any other services required. They soon decided to split up and disperse, wanting to lose their tracks to and resume ‘their regular place’ in the timeline until their next assignment was made clear. Upon their parting words, the group decided to use The Veiled Stairs as their base and ‘safe place’ where they could discuss openly about their predicament.

OOC: Thanks all (names listed above) for taking part in this event. It was way more awesome than I had anticipated. Although I was a little rusty of not DMing for a large group like this in a while, it all worked out amazingly well. Looking forward to more!

We’ll have a regular non-action/casual meeting next week on Saturday 29th at 21:00 Server Time once more at The Veiled Stair!

If you’ve read all of this and would like to join, feel free to join our Discord and you’re welcome to simply show up on Saturday once more to make your acquaintance with us. The week after we’ll likely have another ‘action-event’ as described above again and perhaps something in between!

Hope to see you there!

Found this super interesting! Was hoping to jump into your community, I just returned to WoW to check some of this remix stuff out and give the pre-patch and expansion a go when it comes round and perhaps dive into Roleplay again.

However I’m struggling to find your WoW community via searching - Mark of the Infinit----
Okay I found it just before I was about to click send. Although I figured this still might be worth posting and useful for anyone else struggling with the same issue. I had to go to Filter and click Cross-Faction for it to show up. <3

Hoping this is still active, very excited to jump into the community!

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Hi there,

It is very much still active, we have an event every saturday. I can personally vouch that the events we are having are top notch quality and this makes waiting untill the Remix is over to be able to RP our characters so much more bearable. If you dont wanna want untill the Remix ends to RP your character, then this is the absolute best place to engage in!

I vibe with the concept, not sure I vibe with the plot.

Cool concept but personally i wouldn’t go with the “It was all a dream” plot. Timetravel is possible in WoW and the infinite are sneaky ones. Even if they are on our side now for the time being.

If it was my character i will just keep it with the time travel. Just my two cents on it. Other than this, it’s really awesome that you’re all taking advantage of this event for RP.


Time for some much needed plot updates!

Chapter 2: Wings of the Phoenix

A small reprieve of rest was cut short as Lacrimori returned to the group to reveal a dangerous development. A group of Alliance Marines and Commandos who were send to rescue the ‘boy king’ and were due to make landfall during their last assignment, got deviated off-course and beached their ship in the Jade Forest. Although this in itself wasn’t an issue for the timeline, the ensuing events were.

Disillusioned by their failure, the Alliance Commander who commanded the marines took ‘possession’ of the Pandaren village of Sri-La which had previously been the site of a Horde shipwreck. The Alliance marines didn’t take too kindly upon seeing the Pandaren giving refuge to their mortal enemies and a bloodbath occurred as a result. This terrible act brought forth the shadows of Pandaria known as the Sha and turned the Alliance soldiers to even greater atrocities….

Lacrimori explained the group the loss of Sri-La Village in itself wasn’t a dangerous deviation of the timeline but rather the fact the Alliance marines were now encroaching upon the nesting grounds of the Pandaren Phoenix’ and Cloud Serpents. If the Sha were to corrupt either of these noble groups of beasts, it could spell doom upon the further progression of the ‘true timeline’. Lacrimori however warned that she wished to keep ‘kills’ low as it could further deviate the timeline.

Begrudgingly and knowing the distances and terrain were difficult to overcome, Lacrimori offered her wings as an Infinite Dragon and soared the group to the road near Sri-La Village. Once there, the group started to talk strategy and quickly came up with a ruse after having reviewed the numbers of the Alliance marines were too great to simply take on in open combat.

One of their Night Elves of the group proceeded to speak with some of the marines and requested the Alliance soldiers to move ‘south’ to a link-up point ‘somehow’ set up by the Alliance’s Grand Admiral. Most of the Alliance marines bought this ruse and walked off but some of the more senior members decided to put up a hopeless fight, strengthened by their hatred for the Horde and their minds being addled by the Sha.

Once the village was quiet once more, evidence revealed the Alliance’ Commander however had taken several of his trusted members to the nearby island where the Phoenix’ and Cloud Serpents made their home. Rushing there to complete Lacrimori’s task, the group stumbled upon the Alliance Commander and trusted Magician who were in the middle of the process to corrupt a Pandaren Phoenix with the Sha, the noble beast attempting to flee but being tied down with metal chains.

Another fight broke out and eventually saw the Alliance Commander and his trusted retainers slain. Once freed, the Phoenix offered a flight back to the ‘Tavern in the Mists’ where the group reconvened with Lacrimori. The Infinite Dragon was pleased the mission was a success but showed concern at the fact the deathtoll was higher than needed. That being said, with the group saving the Pandaren Phoenix, the noble creature decided to remain around the tavern to aid the group in whatever would be coming next. With the timeline soon hitting the Dominance Offensive and all-out war across Pandaria…’things’ were surely about to get more violent.

Chapter 3: Unforeseen Consequences

With the Dominance Offensive having arrived to the shores of Pandaria, word reached the group the Kor’kron had started to weaponize the power of the Sha far earlier in the Dominance Campaign compared to the ‘true timeline’. Leaving this situation unattended would spell doom upon the land and potentially Azeroth itself. Bits of information the group received from Lacrimori and the Infinite Dragonflight indicated te source of this power was a obscure relic hidden deep within the lands of the Mantid.

Upon arriving at the Mantid base the clues of the Infinite led them to, the group encountered a massacre and found the Mantid to be utterly defeated, a trail of Kor’kron weaponry and banners left in the wake of the destruction. Entering deeper into the Mantid base, a chilling sight was beholden to their eyes: Leading the Kor’kron was another version of Eleaena. This meant the groups fears had become true: They could ‘run into themselves’ from the same time period.

Being shaken to the core but determined, the group pressed onwards an made their way through the Kor’kron ranks, chipping away at the Kor’kron until they reached the relic itself. This is when Eleaena’s ‘other version’ activated a ritual and turned one of the Horde soldiers into a massive hulking Sha creature with the help of the relic’s power. This in turn caused Magnar to nearly lose his senses being influenced by the heinous energy but was quickly reigned in by throwing Dwarven cursus in his direction.

Using the confusion in the situation, Eleaena ‘the evil’ grabbed the relic and summoned a portal, managing to get herself and the relic to ‘safety’. Once the group defeated the massive Sha creature, they knew they had to go after the relic or else the future of Pandaria could be at stake. In the days since, the group heard rumours of the relic being taken across Pandaria and seeks their next move to bring it to safety yet do so with trepidation knowing their ‘other selves’ could stand against them.

Chapter 4: Pyrrhic Victory

With the goal set to reclaim the Sha relic from the Horde at Dominance Point, the group met at their usual meeting place near the Tavern in the Mists to discuss their plans. Through some clever negotiation, Eleaena had procured the aid of another group of Infinite Dragons near Halfhill. These were willing to turn the group into an illusion, making them all look like Pandaren travelers and merchants. The group discussed multiple options to enter the base but ultimately decided a ruse by acting as Pandaren ship merchants coming in on a merchant vessel they had been able to track down earlier. Ongburz meanwhile, who already worked at Dominance Point, would allow the ship to enter the port.

After a short stop at Halfhill where the Infinite Dragons turned the group into Pandaren (including the normally spry Sin’dorei members of the group which caused some confusion in terms of body mass), the group got onto the small Pandaren vessel and set course to Dominance Point. Once there they docked the ship and Ongburz was waiting for them to get off the ship and escorted them to the building where they believed the relic was being kept. Once there they quickly discovered the area was being guarded by way too many Kor’kron and needed a distraction to lure some of them away. Elaryne offered to cause a distraction and played the part of a confusing Pandaren woman who tripped over the feet of a Kor’kron soldier and made quite a scene. When the argument about the war turned into shoving and fighting, she lured some of the Kor’kron away in the chaos allowing the rest of the group to pass into the building.

Once there, they found the relic they were after but more Kor’kron were around inside. Fighting erupted and gunshots were fired. Especially Magnar, Ongburz and Alwengosa fought to their fullest to keep the Kor’kron at bay while Eleaena worked on getting a portal up to get the group out of there. Meanwhile Elaryne had fled outside of the compound but whistled for the Phoenix they rescued a few weeks earlier to come to her aid, taking to the sky and causing more distractions.

Unfortunately, things were about to get dire. When Eleaena was close to completing the teleportation spell, Elaryne’s distraction turned painful as two of the harbour guns opened fire at her and the Phoenix, injuring the beast and throwing Elaryne off for a hard landing into the sea. This caused her to leave the scene with quite the concussion. Yet this was nothing compared to the main group who were fighting against a heavily superior in numbers group of Kor’kron. Magnar suggested an ‘all or nothing charge’ against the Kor’kron which Ongburz gladly obliged with as Eleaena needed a few more seconds to complete her spell. Yet as they charged, Ongburz was hit by a wave of the Sha from the relic, causing him to run in anguish, trip and fire the rifle he was carrying. The bullet which was unloaded hit Ongburz in the head, killing him instantly. As Eleaena completed the spell, the group and the relic were teleported away, leaving behind a startled group of Kor’kron and the ‘other’ version of Eleaena.

Once the group got back to their senses on the beach, a safe way removed from Dominance Point, it was only then that they noticed the now lifeless corpse of Ongburz next to them. The group was in shock and looked at each other and Ongburz in despair and started to weep. Perhaps in a rather ‘cold’ manner, Elaryne quickly suggested they needed to get rid of the body and drag it off to sea. Although initial protest was made, they remembered Ongburz originally actually came in as a Blackhand Orc on a ship and thus seeing him off as such was a fitting send-off. Once they had set their farewells, they pushed Ongburz’ lifeless body off into sea, disappearing in the sunset of the ocean.
Eleaena was heavily distraught but managed to get enough focus to perform one more teleportation spell to the Tavern in the Mists. There the Infinite Dragons were awaiting their arrival and took the relic from the group for safekeeping. Although the Dragons showed their sympathies, once they had left Elaryne and Eleaena showed an increasing level of distrust towards the Infinite. All they had done was try and ‘fix’ history, but in the process also messed it up. What were they doing?! They agreed it was time to put a stop to this…

And now for a recruitment update!
We will be temporarily closing new recruitments and joiners after Saturday 27th of July. The reason for this is because we are entering the ‘endgame’ of the plot and any new joiners during that period wouldn’t make sense from a narrative point of view. With the last three endgame events taking place in the next 3 weeks, we’ll be concluding the storyline…for now at least! This group will remain around after and we have some ideas to continue our merry little group of miscreants- I mean time runners post WoW Remix!

We are having a blast!

Splendid adventures, sinister plots, an overbearing Infinite presence… yeah, this gig has been a right joyride from square one. The group’s solid and the vibe is good. Loving it.

We’re heading into the endgame of the plot now, or at least…this ‘Season’. :slight_smile: Two events left before the end (and certain death gulp, I mean…end for now!) :sweat_smile:

Chapter 5: Questionable Ethics

Several days had passed with mourning of their lost colleague and friend Ongburz. Yet despite their grief time flowed ever onwards and soon Lacrimori was in contact again with the group. To indicate them she wanted to meet, Lacrimori left a drawing of herself using her right index finger to point at herself at the tavern to indicate they should assemble there in the next few days.

When the group convened with Lacrimori, she first expressed her sorrow for the loss of Ongburz but those assembled didn’t seem to think she really meant it as she glossed over it in seconds, adding to their distrust and disdain for the Infinite Dragon. One of the group remarked Lacrimori’s drawing capabilities after which she mentioned as a being traveling through time and living millennia, you need drawings to keep your memories catalogued.

Yet the chitchat soon came to an end as Lacrimori discussed her next request (or rather, orders). Following the actions of the group in previous weeks, the Horde had grown too weak compared to the ‘true timeline’ and this had to be restored for otherwise Garrosh would be too paranoid to allow Lor’themar free reign during the events of the Isle of Thunder. This in turn would block Lor’themar from staging his rebellion against Garrosh and the ensuing siege of Orgrimmar. As such, Lacrimori requested the group to abduct but NOT kill the Alliance Commander of the troops. Although Lacrimori stated she wasn’t aware of the name of the commander, she did say the commander would be wearing a white hood and a bow adorned in silver and blue.

The group reluctantly agreed to Lacrimori’s request once more yet they did so more begrudgingly compared to previous requests. Something was ‘off’ here but they couldn’t quite wrap their heads around what it actually was. It didn’t help Lacrimori had an answer for every question and every answer did make sense to them, mostly that is.

Following a travel by using their friend the August Phoenix to fly close to the Isle of Thunder, the group arrived at it’s shore and entered a Mogu ruin which they attempted to navigate as quickly as possible. Yet their efforts to make speedy progress were cut short as the yells of a voice broken by a lifelong addiction to cigars and sigarettes echoed around them. Following the source of the yells, they found a Goblin Engineer named ‘Chemluck’ who had been imprisoned by the Mogu and claimed to have been placed here by ‘Time Dragons’. Although the group regarded the Goblin with quite some distrust the annoying feeling of ‘sympathy’ reared its ugly head and they decided to allow Chemluck to join them on their mission.

Once Chemluck was freed and he reclaimed his gear, the group sought to leave the ruins but was ambushed by one of the guard spirits of the Mogu who demanded an explanation to their presence. Once they engaged in some diplomatic conversation however, the Mogul allowed the group to leave as the Goblin was actually more ‘trouble than he was worth’.

The group proceeded to make their way to the Alliance base outskirts on the eastern end of the island but progress to get their was difficult, having to navigate through the swamp instead of the road to avoid detection by both Alliance and Horde patrols. Though a number of them nearly drowned in the swamp, following some arduous moments to avoid an Alliance patrol on horseback, the group reached their objective. The next question was: How to isolate and capture the commander?

Following some strategic thinking, the group agreed to create a ruse by setting a number of trees on fire with Chemluck’s special ‘electric blaster’. Even though the Isle of Thunder has permanent torrential rain, the energy of the blaster would be enough to set the trees on fire which would likely bewilder the Alliance on how such a thing was possible. Meanwhile, the group had agreed to use its only present Alliance member Magnar as a way to enter the camp and alert the Commander.

Although it was a risky plan the ruse eventually worked and caused the Alliance Commander with a retinue of two rangers and two soldiers to investigate the burning trees. A skirmish ensued and the group managed to subdue and kill all the Alliance within a matter of seconds. The fight wasn’t without its injuries as some of them were nearly gravely wounded by the Alliance’s defensive fighting, they ultimately were successful.

When the group tended to it’s wounds and picked up the Alliance Commander however, the biggest ‘wound’ was yet to come as their hearts didn’t just skip a beat but was shocked: The ‘Alliance Commander’ was none other than Vereesa Windrunner. In utter panic the group slapped the Elf across the shoulder of their largest member Thaku and made a run back to their insertion point, throwing caution out of the wind. They once more threaded through the Mogu ruin where the ancient spirit emerged once more and made its displeasure known. Chemluck’s zapper made short work of him though before he could finish his sentence and they reached extraction area and their Phoenix without harm.

Returning to the Tavern in the Mists, Lacrimori stood at the ready to receive them and their captured quarry. She was delighted at the success of the group and congratulated them on their efforts. Yet the group itself was less enthusiastic and a massive argument erupted between them and Lacrimori as they accused the Infinite Dragon of being a liar and a manipulator. They also remarked abducting Vereesa Windrunner would alter the timeline in significant ways along with their own identities potentially being now named in one sentence with Azeroth’s greatest villains. Lacrimori expressed her apologies for this but promised she wouldn’t harm Vereesa and that they would return her to her friends within a few days. The Infinite Dragon also spewed forth a tale that a minor deviation from the timeline wasn’t a major concern in the larger scheme of things. A deviation of 0.00000001 would result in 0.999999999 or 1.0000000001 but it would still be seen as a 1, or so the Infinite Dragon attempted to explain this to the feeble minds of the group.

Distraught the group eventually agreed to aid Lacrimori having been ‘outwitted’ by the Infinite Dragon’s words as they held Vereesa captive in the tavern, bound and gagged until the time came to return her.

An amazing event! Having a blast!

With the completion of last Saturday’s event (summary below), we’re nearing the end of the current storyline…or rather…Season! We just have our Epilogue left to do on Saturday the 10th of August.

Having had a conversation with our group, we’ve decided to continue with this concept into a second season of stories in the near future! Yay! Obviously we’re planning for a short break of about a month to two months as The War Within launches and get our bearings. We’re anticipating to begin a new season somewhere in late September or early October.

Once we get closer to end of September/October, I will be posting a new thread with new updated rules/guidelines/pointers for our next plot. The general ‘idea’ will remain the same, we simply won’t be using the ‘remix’ mechanic but instead will be playing within the live environment yet in a ‘timebubble’ that will be somewhat the same. And…this means good news for everyone as we’ll be moving our community to the ‘live’ World of Warcraft environment on Argent Dawn meaning -everyone- can join us at that time.

Before I allow you to read the summary of our last event in the series (but I will post a summary of the Epilogue next week), I would just like to say…


…to everyone who joined this concept and made it the way it became. I am truly thrilled to see a concept I wasn’t quite sure about but wanted to give a go in terms of creative writing and crazy world-building ended up being so beloved by everyone involved.

I am truly looking forward where we will be able to take this long-term and look forward to our next season of time-traveling into the unknown!

Chapter 6 - A Red Letter Day

Following their last outing, the group decided to take the next few days investigating some of the various Infinite Bazaar’s ‘hidden in plain sight’ throughout Pandaria. Through conversations with the Infinite and some Bronze, they learned Lacrimori wasn’t seen as an enemy but rather someone who most of them looked upon with ‘pity’ rather than malice. At some point, a strange ‘Elven man with blonde hair and shimmering blue eyes’ also appeared in the distance for the group and left cryptic messages signed by ‘R’ to warn them of an important decision to make. It left them puzzling as to how to deal with Lacrimori.

Yet ‘time had run out’ and Lacrimori called for the group to gather at the Tavern in the Mists to organize returning Vareesa to ‘her friends’. Although Vareesa wasn’t tortured, she also wasn’t cared for incredibly well and the group was met with a gagged and blindfolded Quel’dorei to strap onto a horse and travel with her to the secluded meeting point.

The meeting point in question was a deserted small island off the coast from Kun-Lai Summit which was only home to a small destroyed Mogu shrine. Once they had arrived, Lacrimori blew on a horn to signal the ‘other party’ that they were ready for Vareesa to be picked up.

While they waited for the escort to arrive, some members of the group started to feel strange ‘emotions’ warping their ‘sanity’ as their ‘heart’ began to be more powerful than the ‘mind’ in decision making. And it was about to get even worse.

Although the group was expecting an escort from the Alliance to take Vareesa back, they were surprised to see a rowboat popping up from the horizon, making its way over to the island. As it got closer, inside the boat weren’t the typical blue uniforms but instead rangers clad in dark grey and black, with red pupils staring towards the group. Once the boat arrives on the shore, the fears of the group begin to manifest.

…And that fear didn’t just manifest itself with another wave of negative energy reaching the group from underneath the island. From the boat emerged a cadre of Dark Rangers along with the ‘villain-to-be’: Sylvanas Windrunner.

Lacrimori and Sylvanas began a ‘taunting’ match as the ‘idea’ of Lacrimori began to be laid bare. She had lured the group to an old Mogu shrine with the idea to warp the group’s minds to do ‘her bidding’. And ‘her bidding’ was simple: To kill Sylvanas and to avoid her causing the timeline to reach the events of the Zovaal and the Shadowlands….and the death of Lacrimori’s beloved.

The group was then hit with another wave of negative emotions which resulted in more than half of them turning their minds to the ‘Sha’. Only Elaryne and Eleaena were able to avoid going insane while Lacrimori ordered the ‘insane’ group to kill Sylvanas and her rangers. A desperate struggle began to take place where Sylvanas was cornered and all of her rangers slain by Thaku, Lynaria and Magnar. Sylvanas was ‘trapped’ for safekeeping by Eleaena but decided to try and get the Banshee Queen out to safety using a flying mount. Although she initially succeeded, they were both crushed by Magnar during take-off and crash-landed nearby.

Using her last card, Lacrimori then threatened to kill Vareesa to change the timeline in ways one can’t expect just yet, angering Sylvanas. Knowing it was either ‘do or die’, Elaryne aimed her bow and arrow for Lacrimori and released a shot in her direction. Thankfully it hit Lacrimori and not Vareesa, causing the Infinite Dragon in her visage form to be ‘mortally’ wounded and falling onto her back. A few short moments later the ‘trickster’ had played her final ‘trick’ and expired from this plane and timeline.

The group returned to their senses and Sylvanas was reunited with Vareesa. Yet shortly after, ‘snow’ in the form of ‘sand’ began to pour down the group as the same ‘Elven man with blonde hair’ emerged before the group. He explained his name was Rondormu and it was he who was Lacrimori’s beloved in another timeline. Through the Bronze’s magic, Eleaena who was mortally wounded herself was allowed a second chance at life as she was brought back to the plane of the living in the current timeline.

Rondormu explained that Lacrimori wasn’t ‘dead’ but that she simply had ceased to exist in this ‘timeline’ yet that she still existed in an infinity of other timelines, including ones where she was successful in killing Sylvanas. However, the Bronze explained that their victory today meant that the ‘true timeline’ was saved and further deviations from it were avoided. Lacrimori deserved to be judged for the actions she had inflicted upon the timeline as well as the horror she inflicted upon the group itself.

Pained and broken, yet relieved for the ‘nightmare’ to nearly be over, Rondorumu invited the group for one final meeting in a week’s time. It would be there and then they would finally be able to witness the judgement of Lacrimori for her crimes and allow themselves to be returned to the ‘true timeline’.

Been loving the remix rp

Ladies and gentleman, we have now reached the end of Season 1. YAY! Thank you once again for everyone who has joined us on this amazing journey. Special thanks to Eleaena and Ongburz for co-organizing the events as well along with Ongburz, Alwen, Lynaria and Thaku for being there for the majority of the way through!

We will be returning by the end of September/beginning of October with a new thread marking the start of Season 2 of our next storyline! And where/what time period will that take us to? Well…maybe something fel green to Broken Islands or Outland? Or maybe something where Humans lost the Second War and Alterac is the last standing Human nation? You’ll just have to wait and see. :slight_smile:

With that, I want to close off with a summary of our last event in the series, our epilogue!


The group gathered one last time at the Tavern in the Mists where they discussed their events of the last few days as they prepared for the final ‘judgement’ of Lacrimori. Although they would miss their time together, most of them were glad to be able to leave the ‘time purgatory’.

Once Rondormu arrived, he transported the group to a strange environment: Before them was an immense arena with benches and little foodstands all around them selling noodles, meat-bites and other snacks to the various onlookers. The onlookers and spectators of which there were hundreds if not thousands appeared to be mostly dragons in various types of visages but there were also members of other races present, even those from a deep and ancient past signified by heraldry of ancient kingdoms and nations who have long since passed out of existence, in the true timeline at least. There were even some races there who weren’t even known in Azeroth or discovered. Maybe they were from other planets? Or the other side of the planet?

Rondormu explained to them this was the Celestial Court: “It is here that we as the Bronze and Infinite gather to settle disputes and handle incidents…such as ‘time crimes’. We record these crimes through paintings, so that they aren’t forgotten and can be shared throughout the timelines.” As Rondormu welcomed the group, they would be able to see an attendant appearing to be cleaning the center of the arena with a wet mop, the remains of a lot of splattered blood could be seen all around which was hastily cleaned…

Once the group had gotten refreshments from a strange lizard creature they never saw on Azeroth before (maybe from the other end of the planet?!) and gotten themselves seated, the announcement was made Lacrimori was next to be judged.

As the arena and its spectators shifted their attention to the center of the arena which had been cleaned and there was no one there currently, a soft shimmer at the center of the area appeared, followed by a dim flash and Lacrimori coming into existence at the center of the area. She immediately turned around herself and looked at the arena and the spectators. She raised her voice. “NO! This is not what is supposed to happen. Azeroth will be destroyed if it isn’t for my actions! What I propose is the true timeline!”

A low grumble emerged from the spectator crowd and a tall bronze man with a blonde goatee cleared his throat “My friends and spectators, we move to our next to be judged today. This here is Lacrimori, and she attempted to increase the ‘power’ of a timeline she preferred over the true timeline. Today, we will help her see reason and pray that our sister sees wisdom and returns to ‘the path’, however painful that might be for her.”

“NO! You are wrong! How can I be wrong?!” Lacrimori pointed accusingly from the bottom of the arena at the tall bronze looking man, shaking her head wildly “How can you even consider to let the amount of deaths happen that SHE, Sylvanas, caused while there is a path to avoid as such.”

The crowd in the arena started to murmur and turn to each other. There were some gossip words that could be heard* “Maybe she is right”. “Sylvanas did cause a lot of deaths.” “I lost a friend due to her too?” “Who is Sylvanas? I don’t remember such a name within the Arathi Empire….” “Is this some drama from ‘the other side of the planet?’

The tall bronze man sighed deeply. All the while, Rondormu remained behind the group, remaining quiet as he looked at the proceedings. As the murmur around the arena died down, the bronze tall man known as Nozdormu nodded once more. “But she is right, Lacrimori. There are a lot of deaths which have been caused by Sylvanas. But your actions would cause a far greater doom. If you can not see it….then let me make you see it.

The tall bronze man raised his right hand to the air and the familiar bronze droppings of sand started to appear again, as if it was snowing sand. Yet soon after the sky would darken into a black more ashen than the night itself and the landscape within the arena would turn to ash with fierce light green accents. Around Lacrimori, a number of comets would strike but would keep her unharmed. This was a dark timeline, one of ash, fel and utter despair. The crowd around the arena hushed ‘Ooooh and aahhhhhhs’ at the realism of the micro-reality in front of them in the arena.

“Lacrimori….” Nozdormu rumbled once more. “You have been unable to understand the dangers of YOUR proposed timelines and therefore you shall suffer the consequences of it first hand. Behold, the people who you have wronged!”

Within the arena, with a light shimmer a group of a hundred folk of all walks of life and races emerged. They looked downtrodden, haggard, thin and weak, their bodies barely being able to sustain themselves. The clothes they once had were torn and barely covered them at all anymore. Their gaunt faces turned over to Lacrimori as two individual stepped forward from the downtrodden ‘army’: An Elf with blonde hair and a Human with blonde hair. Although the human was much older, the Elf also looked ‘old’ and her face gaunt. Her face had a blue tattoo over the right eye. There’s no mistake: These are Turalyon and Alleria…from a dark, dark alternate timeline. Alleria however in this timeline is also adorned with armor of the Light.

“Lacrimori…” Alleria glared as she peered at the infinite dragon in her visage form. Her once glorious outfit reduced to rags. Her voice was raspy and painful. Lacrimori’s face meanwhile was lit up with shock as she witnessed everything that transpired in front of her. “Rondormu told us everything. You are the source of all of our suffering. The death of my sisters, my son…everyone on Azeroth is dead, except for us. There is no hope for us…”

The man who can only be recognized as Turalyon stepped forward to Lacrimori from the group, his face was covered with tears. “If you hadn’t done what you did…we would have had a chance. But after what you did changed our world…we had no hope. We had no chance. All we have left is a hungering…for retribution…on the person who caused this all: YOU. The Army of the Light WILL have it’s revenge.”

The tall bronze man known as Nozdormu grumbled his voice through the arena. “Friends and Spectators….!” He spread his arms. “Is there anyone who wishes to stand in defense of Lacrimori or wishes to say something before we pass judgment?”

“None?” Nozdormu waited for a few moments until everything had died down. He had glanced in the direction of Rondormu for a moment and gave him an understanding nod. “Very well. Army of the Light. Do what you wish to ensure our wayward sister sees her wrongs…”

What followed was a gruesome bloody spectacle of hatred and revenge as the ‘Army of the Light’ descended upon Lacrimori. The ‘poor’ Infinite Dragon didn’t had the chance to even turn into her dragon form anymore as she got ripped apart by the enraged group from another timeline who were doomed by Lacrimori’s actions had she been successful in the true timeline.

The ‘Army of the Light’ then proceeded to hoist the remains of the once proud infinite dragon onto a pole under a thunderous applause and war cries of the haggard looking remains that were once the Champions of Azeroth. This gruesome sight was meanwhile painted by various of the bronze dragons in their visages who were standing around the arena painting the proceedings. Within moments they had a few paintings ready, accurately detailing the events with gruesome detail.

The group had witnessed the spectacle with a mixture of excitement but also dread as a hint of ‘pity’ upon Lacrimori started to take root. They asked if Lacrimori was truly dead and Rondormu answered that she was ‘dead’ in the true timeline, but not in other timelines. She may even appear entirely different as Bronze and Infinite Dragons may appear in other timelines at will. He mentioned he mourned her loss in this timeline, but that she would do ‘better’ work in other timelines. There are an infinite amount of possibilities outside of the true timeline after all…

Once the group had said there farewells, Rondormu kept to his word and the group was individually ‘thrown’ back to their respective normal timelines, in a bed close to where they were before they were ‘thrown’ into Pandaria’s time. The memories of the group’s time together quickly turned to fuzzy images and attempting to write down details would proof difficult. Though they wouldn’t forget everything, it would be like trying to remember the memories of certain dreams which are hard to recollect.

Yet as they awakened from their individual slumber, a peculiar note could be found on their desk or bed. The note contained a drawing of a woman with dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes, ridged ears and scales of bronze on her cheeks. She held up her right hand and fingers in a ‘peace V’ sign while winking her right eye. Underneath the drawing was a message saying:

“Thanks for everything! I’m sure we’ll meet again someday for some additional ‘timebound’ services. Until then, stay safe!” - L.

THE END (of Season 1)!

Amazing stuff. Truly dedicated effort. Can’t wait for season 2.

Can’t quite stress how much I’ve had with this setup. Here’s to a splendid first season(?!) and a great second one!

This sounds like a really fun campaign? I really like the idea of integrating timerunning into the RP so have made an event for the 22nd for any timerunners who wish to discuss their experiences with those of us who remained firmly in the current timeline. Take a look if you’d like to come along, it’s on teh forum titled “Colloquium of Timerunners and Pandaren Scholars”.