Timewarped Relic Coffer Key

So this is a constant problem for me. Every week on almost every character I do the BRD raid on there always seems to be about three coffer keys missing, sometimes two, etc. Like right now I am missing three, I have done all the bosses, they are all red in the dungeon finder. Most of the time they are likely coffer keys missing from the minibosses (sometimes I have gotten them mailed to me but most of the time not) meaning I have to redo all the raids until I find the right miniboss to get the drop from. Any advice on this, I don’t know why this keeps happening because I loot everything I can… Thanks.

Edit: If I am correct bosses drop three and minibosses less than that(?). But how is that if I am missing three and have done all the bosses? Bug in group finder maybe? Not sure.

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