Tips for Zekvir hardmode difficulty?

Hi there.

I’m currently bashing my head against Zekvir ??, partly for the mount skin, but also just because I like the challenge (survival spec, 612 ilvl, healer brann level 30, using rank 4 porcelain arrowhead and relic of sentience), but I’m really struggling. I have all the mechanics well practiced, the main problem I am coming up against is dealing with web terror eggs. If I feign death to clear aggro when they spawn so I can deal with them uninterrupted Brann will probably die. If I don’t feign death, I’ll probably die to Zekvir’s melee swings, because it’s too tight to look for healing potions, dealing with mechanics and killing the egg all at once.

Am I missing something? Is there a better way of dealing with these eggs? Zekvir is too much to deal with (especially his melee damage) when you have such a tight window to nuke them down and not enough time to run around for potions. Does anyone have any general tips for the fight from a Hunter POV?

The fight is fun and challenging, but Zekvir’s melee damage just feels too much to deal with, even without plain bad luck factors like random crits. Is there a better way to do this?

If you know the mechanics, it’s a matter of adjusting mentally to handle the multitasking which can be a challenge and take various amount of time before you get it right.

I used idol of the earthmother & amorphous relic with brann set to healer.

Avoid having your back towards zekvir, melee swings hit harder when you are facing away from enemies. Use exhiliaration/survival of the fittest when there are no potions easily available.

If the egg spawns very far away, do not immediately harpoon to it to not get caught in frontal. Use your bombs and aspect of the eagle to be able to use raptor strike/mongoose bite from a distance while closing the gap & keeping your eyes on zekvir. Only interrupt Zekvir’s heal, remove the slow dot with disengage.

Easy on paper, tricky to execute.

I’d run Brann with Amorphous instead of Sentience.

Fish for the extra damage and HP buff, and reset Zekvir by running back through the door until you get it.

The additional damage will make nuking the eggs easier and the extra 20% health will give you more bulk versus the auto attacks.

Small piece of advice that made all the difference for me; use a cunning pet (taunt off, ofc). The 8% movement speed was an absolute lifesaver to dodge some of the frontals. If you want BL, just sum a ferocity pet, pop BL, dismiss and sum a cunning pet and start the encounter.

I killed Zekvir ?? as SV Hunter and turned off Pet Taunt cause my Pet was 1 or 2 Shot and Revive Pet costs to much attention and time (50% DR while Misdirected isnt enough to get value). I also used BL at Pull and only interrupted the Heal - nothing else. Dodge every frontal and dispel your debuff with disengage. Try to bait the frontals away from the Egg spawns and Blast it down asap. I’m not sure if I used Brann as DPS or Heal but I guess DPS to bast Zekvir + Egg asap.
GL there :slight_smile:

I killed Zekvir ?? solo yesterday on my 628 Surv hunter with maxed out Cerci ring using porcelain arrowhead and amorphous relic with healer Brann. Took me about 8 tries. I actually found the second phase way easier than the first one since the new ability was so easy to avoid and gave me a 5 second window to just pump dps. Save your disengage to remove the dot, interrupt the heal and never stop moving. Use the porcelain on the egg when it lines up and otherwise you just need to pump as much dps as possible during egg and then just focus on doing tactics and dancing during the other parts of the fight.

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