Tired of world buffs every week? We are the guild for you!

THERE AND BACK AGAIN - HORDE -9/9 AQ40 (No World Buffs)

:busts_in_silhouette: ABOUT US :busts_in_silhouette:
Our primary focus is to create a raiding environment which is accessible for all player types, and prioritise having fun together rather than taking classic too seriously. We encourage our guild members to express ideas and enable popular ideas to come to fruition via guilds polls and discord discussions. We try to limit guild hierarchy and attempt to give every member a platform to have their say!

:gear: WORLD BUFFS :gear:
We do not use world buffs on our main raid night (Sunday), this was a decision made from a guild vote as most of our players found them frustrating and detrimental to the Classic raiding experience.

We allow world buffs on our farm night (Tuesday) and do occasional World Buff main raid events on Sundays.

:alarm_clock: RAID TIMES :alarm_clock:
Sunday - 20:00-00:00
Tuesday - 20:30-23:30

:moneybag: LOOT SYSTEM :moneybag:
We use an EPGP system, with high-ticket items being a Core Raider priority. Raider rank is achieved within 2 weeks, with Core Raider being achieved in 4 weeks after that if requirements are met. This system enables newer members to have a chance on gear, but prioritises big upgrades to Core Raiders who have invested some time in the guild’s progress. Our Loot System rewards effort, and there is no Main Tank/Officer priority on any items or biased Loot Council.

:microscope: CURRENTLY SEEKING :microscope:
High Priority
:green_square: Holy Priest
:green_square: Resto Druid
:green_square: Resto Shaman
Medium Priority
:yellow_square: Warlock
:yellow_square: Hunter
:yellow_square: Mage

Feel free to post here if you have any further questions! I will try my best to respond ASAP. Alternatively, feel free to check out our Discord at:


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