Titan Training Matrix

Hello all

While I am sure this has been said before. I feel it is not being said loud enough.
I looted these in the beginning and thought “oooh nice”, crafted some goggles, and upgraded them when I got the next version up.
Now I have a bag full of different ranks, and no use for them. So I figured I’d send a crafting order from my hunter to make a gun, discovering this is not how it works, I was disappointed. But moved on, it’s just my alt, I am not bothered.
Then I had whispers from guild members, hoping I could help improve their guns with them, as they’ve had terrible luck in the raid and M+.

So I sat there, staring at these items, in my bag, wondering why they even exist.

The Titan Training Matrix have no use once you get gear over their item level.
They would be a very powerful tool, if you could add them to a crafting order for someone. The system seems designed for this.

While sure, Blizzard probably have their reasons for making them unusable in the crafting order system. Can we at least make them BoA so I can send them to my alts?
If I can’t use them for other people, at least let me use them for myself.

Many thanks for reading my ramble
Ya boi.


Absolutely, I’ve got loads of these.

It would be so useful to be at least craft stuff for my alts as a minimum.

Being able to sell them as part of a craft would be even better and honestly, not too much to ask for.

lucky you, im have dropped 2 thus far in both normal and HC dungeon. I say that people should have the option to craft them aswell like Crafter’s mark back in Shadowlands (talking only about the Titan Matrix)

I plan to make a proper GDD to expalain mine feedback soon.

they make so little sense, the 1/2 ones at the very least should be crafted/bought and be boe.
The armor crafting/weapon crafting would be so much more useful for alts if the base blue items were all 61 and the matrix 1 was just a cheap reagent that left the item boe…

esactly i have made GDD higlithing this, when preach visited Blizzard, Kaivax confirmed that they look even at the EU forums, I do hope it will reach them.

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Also related to those training matrix things: they’re entirely useless to alchemists, since there’s no blue quality craftable trinket for them (Only the epic one), i’d like Blizz to add a recipe for a blue quality trinket, so alchemists can at least use the silly things.

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You can use it through orders to craft other items

LW u can craft full mail set + bow and eng just let u craft gun , google , waist …
Eng is also nerfed in pvp so it is besicly useless :frowning:

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