Titanforge removed! replaced with .. chek the video

  • farm gear
  • hope it corrupts
  • hope it rolls the correct bonus
  • hope it rolls the weakest corruption debuff
  • hope it rolls low corruption value

There is no hope, only Classic, Classic TBC, Classic WoTLKā€¦ :wink:


So in other words, theres no hope


Thatā€™s what Sylvanas warned us about when she burnt Teldrassil. It was a metaphor for the expansion.


There have been posts about this all day did we really need some Preach video? People who want to see that sh*t content can do so without help.

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Lmao I love the fact that you all whined about titanforging and now you get something even more RNG-based. I think corruption is great and makes the prospect of drops more varied and exciting.

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I think u should go play diablo 3 .
To much rng is crap . Not everyone has hundreds of hours to farm for bis stats .


Yet again they make the healers life more difficult.
All mythic + is is how much more burden can we put on us healers.

Now we also got to heal through some a hole with stacks of corruption bringing insane negative effects to the run, Thanks allot!


Nearly every late game content will be unplayable past 40~60 corruption anyway.

Just gotta learn how to control yourselves folks. One or two items will be fine, maybe more with enough resistance.

Itā€™s trash, they should have just modified titanforging so we can upgrade our gear with some resources, this way it wouldnā€™t feel so bad anymore to get a non titanforge.

This is not a solution. Like wtf are they thinking at this point? I donā€™t know.

There is also the fact that this gear has drawbacks, like wtf is this trash?

Imagine getting slowed while you need to get out of an aoe, and you just die, f that.

The more i think about it, the less i like it, itā€™s probably even worse that titanforging because at least titanforgind didnā€™t have drawbacks on your gear.

Jesus Christ.


We whined becouse we didnt want it not becouse we wanted it replaced. And please dont tell me this is your main becouse im sick and tyred of explaining why RNG gear is bad to people who only do WQs.


I think you should go play Diablo 3. I donā€™t know if you ever tried it but itā€™s well suited for your mentality and it has more in common with classic than with the current wow.

Diablo is a game about loot, practically you kill the same monsters over and over to get your ā€œBiSā€, just like in your dream version of WoW. Thatā€™s what people like you see as the ultimate goal of the game. Get those shiny items and prance around in capital cities with the hope of impressing some random newbes.

Diablo genuinely has less RNG than WoW why do people keep comparing them when theyā€™ve never played the game before wallahi

I just ponder what game we are playing now - Diablo 3 and its RNg or warcraft ? More and more we advance more of Diablo 3 it feels. random RNg is ok in that game, but is getting exhausting in wow.


You know its ptr and exact details of acquiring corrupted gear are not known/not finished right?

Diablo 3 has Ancient and Primal Ancient quality levels, as well as random primary and secondary stats which everyone wants to optimize.

Not a good system. But at least, better than the old titanforge which is a step forward i guess?

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This is what people said when Azerite gear became a thing. Look how that turned out.

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It is in no way better than Titanforging.


rng replaced with rng


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