TitanForging was it really bad?

I think this was the biggest problem apart from the massive disappointment of getting a non max TF item with socket and extra stat.

Loot should just be:-

  • Did the boss give me loot - yes/no
  • Is it an item I can use - yes/no

Instead under the TF system it was:-

  • Did the boss give me loot - yes/no
  • Did it titanforge - yes/no
  • Did it warforge - yes/no
  • Did it have a socket - yes/no
  • Did it have an extra stat - yes/no
  • Is it an item I can use - yes/no

We had to constantly sim because there was no possible BiS with all the variables in ilvls stats and in particular sockets. You could go to a lower level raid and get a high TF and then never replace it, you could kill that boss on a higher difficulty and never get an upgrade.

It was literally just more make you play metrics to chase that TF gear. To get you to go back again and again. A carrot on a stick to keep people playing for as long as possible on a never ending treadmill.

I’m so glad it’s gone. Loot became such a letdown.