TitanForging was it really bad?

I am fully aware that many spoken people (twitch , YT, etc) are against Titan forging and glad that it’s out of the game.

But I fail to see why. can someone explain what’s wrong with that system ?

  • removed the ability to target gear towards a BiS list
  • created a infinite grind out of all content
  • casual players would be in a position where eventually nothing they do give rewards anymore
  • put even more RNG on gearing as a whole
  • reduced excitement of drops

I have witness 1st hand from a mythic freehold ( 0 ) getting 455 that was max ilvl for that patch imagine players doing mythic raiding …
It was just to much .


That effects small group of people. If you already got the mythic raid drop you wanted. then why continue raiding ?
with Titanforging you still have more things to do. atleast you’d have a reason to continue raiding.

Causal players can get higher level loot from doing their casual content. giving them more reason to play.

how is that a bad thing ?


Shh… It is too early.

give them like 3-4 years, and maybe then :wink:

While I enjoy the possibility of a drop upgrading, have to agree with the peeps who pointed out that Titan Forging was a step too far… and messed with rewards from some of the more cutting edge content…Blizz were right to remove it, imho.

it was fun for most, but a select group… you can fill in for yourself which one it was, found it to be a bad system because johnny random had a slight chance of getting a really good item

the entire “hard to target bis” and all that is just a non-argument, you never needed TF pieces to clear content they just made getting loot a little more exciting because you never knew if it would TF or not

90% of the anti-movement was just ego based, and it still is


I liked it. It’s just a nice treat if you get it.


Yes it was.


For a lot of us it was the exact opposite, a disappointment if you didn’t get it.
If it didn’t TF it was useless.

Nife listed the key issues well.

You have no evidence or reasonable reason to make that claim.
You’re just angry that you enjoyed TF and others did not, therefor you’re concluding that those people are elitist jerks.


Titantforging system was about giving you plenty of lower ilvl gear with a chance of some of it get higher. So you were in a constant gear shower.

Now you will have less gear overall but it ilvl will be more or less on pair with the difficulty of the content you did. So you get less gear.

I am sure that if you are casual or medium-rare player you will feel worse, while if you are well done raider or do 5 keys per day you most likely might feel more comfortable with targeting gear :slightly_smiling_face:
I believe that most WoW players will be demoralized after doing their 5 keys per week and only getting weekly reward from chest, but hey you wanted it or at least the loud majority wanted it


Yep. One thing I am excited about for SL is the reduce source of loot.
World quests for example do not shower you with pointless loot the same way BFA does with 415/430/445 rewards.

The only RNG a piece of gear should have is does it drop or not.


I call this group: let’s piss against the wind

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I think this was the biggest problem apart from the massive disappointment of getting a non max TF item with socket and extra stat.

Loot should just be:-

  • Did the boss give me loot - yes/no
  • Is it an item I can use - yes/no

Instead under the TF system it was:-

  • Did the boss give me loot - yes/no
  • Did it titanforge - yes/no
  • Did it warforge - yes/no
  • Did it have a socket - yes/no
  • Did it have an extra stat - yes/no
  • Is it an item I can use - yes/no

We had to constantly sim because there was no possible BiS with all the variables in ilvls stats and in particular sockets. You could go to a lower level raid and get a high TF and then never replace it, you could kill that boss on a higher difficulty and never get an upgrade.

It was literally just more make you play metrics to chase that TF gear. To get you to go back again and again. A carrot on a stick to keep people playing for as long as possible on a never ending treadmill.

I’m so glad it’s gone. Loot became such a letdown.


I would argue it was an olive branch for the people who did easier content but were given a chance for a better gear.
But general opinion somehow turned this welfare benefits down.

I am amazed by this cause I saw it like this:
You are full heroic geared and can’t go past first three mythic bosses before nerfs with your guild:

  1. with TF you still have a reason to do this content and get reward you wouldn’t see otherwise and with it might go further on mythic progress
  2. without TF you stuck at your progress for a long time

TF gave people a feeling everyone can be on pair with mythic raiders and people appetite has grown past seeing this welfare and actually believing they will be targeting mythic top gear without it. But I can’t obviously give proof before we see wow without this TF/corruptions/sockets.


Because decoupling reward from content difficulty sort of stops the desire to improve because you can still pretty easily get phat lewt from trivial content.

Not all people will agree but I don’t see this as a good thing.


No it wasn’t, but there are always people who think whatever they did not achieve was because of external reasons.

Now since TF is gone they find new targets - be it RIO, Armory or people selling boosts, or in some cases perhaps Multiboxers. In any case people have always needed target to complain about.

Whatever Blizzard would do or fix, same people would move onto next complaint.


I get it. But sometimes it just feels good to get good stuff for trivial content. But this should be a rare event tough.

And for some people it made loot disappointing when you didn’t get tf proc.
To this day I did not get titanforged font

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I rather chase loot than borrowed powers like AP needed to fuel ability X.