TitanForging was it really bad?

You yourself and finding like minded people.

Because you’d rather have a mythic titanforged than a normal titanforge?

ok it comes down to this question
what’s the point of gear ?

Normal answer is to help you do higher difficulty content.
but since you already did the highest level content already. then what’s the point of gear then ?
only two answers - Epeen numbers and doing it efficiently.

Why do u need bis items if you already finished the end game content ?

To finish it easier?

To do higher level keys?

Maybe you’re a heroic raider, wanting to have better gear for mythic. Maybe you just want to lvl gear because it feels good to be stronger.

Why do you think people will suddenly stop caring about the gear once they finish a mythic raid run?

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At least TF was better than the void ritual spam of obsolescence

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Itemlevel should be an indicator of what type of content you do, and for people to see if you know how the mechanics work in the raid. With titanforging there was an ilvl inflation that made it harder to gauge what your capabilities are.

It was one of the many reasons why raider yolo became so popular, because player ability cannot be reliably gauged from itemlevel alone. WF/TF isn’t the only reason, but it is one of many.

As a raider I had one occasion where I received a titanforged Font on the first run of my mage, while the other mage in our guild had to go back to EP for 2 months straight to get one for himself. He felt incredibly annoyed by it, and I felt incredibly sad because he was playing way better than me (having played mage far longer, while I only started playing mage in 8.3) so I felt he could have gotten more out of the trinket than I did.

The game needs set loot progression, and uncapped WF/TF is actively working against this concept.


It’s random. The only thing regarding item drops that should be random is whether it drops or not.

Imagine a game like Monster Hunter, where already rare item drops required to create a weapon can increase your weapons damage from any number between 10 and 10.000.

I know, Ion and his friends LOVE everything that’s a slot machine, but it’s miserable. A slot machine is fun for a few minutes and it’s fun while you win, but with titanforging, you lost 999 out of 1000 times. It just felt bad, if you’re looking at what’s best for your character. And even slot machines are made so they constantly give you small wins to keep you hooked. Titanforging gave you nothing, over and over and over and over and over again.

As an example: Azshara’s Font of Power, a BiS trinket for quite a few classes still.

A mythic Azshara’s Font of Power is itemlevel 445. However, receiving your BiS trinket from the highest difficulty was never enough. It could not only upgrade twice from Mythic itemlevel (450 and 455), it could also roll a socket, which means we have 4 random upgrades on an already random drop.

So what we’re doing with titanforging is staggering chances upon chances to reduce the chance of eventually having what’s considered best to up to nearly zero.

We have a chance to drop the item times the chance of it to titanforge, times the chance of it to titanforge to max level, times the chance of it to roll a socket, times the chance of it to roll a tertiary stat (which is arguably irrelevant, I agree), times the chance of it to roll the correct tertiary stat.

Even if all of those chances as high as 25% (which is way too high, everybody will agree), the chance of receiving the BiS Trinket for quite a few classes would be as low as 0.1%. And that chance is for mythic, for heroic it would be .006%, and for normal it’d be .0004%

That’s not one in hundred kills, that’s one in thousand. Having that chance on 12 slots, combined with a weekly lockout, was just miserable.

People want to go for what’s best. It feels great to be BiS equipped and know that there’s no gear to farm for with your character anymore.

Some people bring up the argument of titanforging devaluing difficulties, with LFR items forging even higher than mythic itemlevel, which is an argument as well, it’s just one that personally never bothered me as much.

What did bother me was random titanforged trinkets that were garbage for me but great for others being untradeable, due to persoloot. Screw that system to hell and back. Guild Master Loot was fine.

What also bothered me quite a bit was the simple fact that every bit of my gear progressing was 100% random. Sure, I could grind specific m+10 dungeons over and over and over to go for that 0.1% chance. Sure, I could kill Azshara every Week on every difficulty for that 0.1% chance. But I’m playing the game to play a game, not to play in a lottery.

If you’ve ever farmed a rare mount, you’ll know how incredibly rare a 1% dropchance is. Titanforging made your entire equipment, the direct correlation to your performance, even rarer.

Some people didn’t care, some people even liked that there was a chance that they were rewarded with an item that’s better than anything that would drop from the most difficult content by pure chance for some random worldquest they’ve completed (as an example, my BiS ring during BoD was a Tortollan Emissary Ring, titanforged to 425)

But rewards should be at least somewhat based on effort and difficulty. Thunderforging was somewhat better, since it removed the entirety of lower level contents being able to reward you, so even if you were still bound to an incredibly low chance, at least you didn’t need to go through the process of doing literally everything, if you’ve wanted to increase your chances of getting what you want.

Sure, titanforging a nice burst of dopamine if you get that 0.1% chance, once in a lifetime, but for most people, it was more a 999 out of 1000 times you get frustrated when looting an item that is about as valuable to you as a grey item from any given trash mob, over and over and over and over again.

And if you become a bit happy, one out of one thousand times, but frustrated the other 999 times, is it really a good system?

Also another issue that titanforging created was it made pugs, regarding itemlevel requirements insufferable, which to this point they still are. They always were, but they were even worse when titanforging was around.

And last but not least, it often took away any incentive to do any content, because, if you’ve completed normal Eternal Palace, but are already 445+ on every slot, from random upgrades from M+, your weekly chest, emissaries, worldquests, etc., what incentive do you have to try and gear yourself through heroic or anything higher, if the chance to get an upgrade is as low as 0.1% anyway?

And people who result in the argument of “everybody who disliked titanforging was an elitist” are the very same that state that everybody who’s killed a mythic boss is an elitist and that people who strive to complete the highest content are also elitists and that their opinion is worth less than that of other people.

It’s a kind of weird cult on these forums nowadays. You can see one of its members in Anyonemon in this thread here.

Of course all of that is only my personal opinion and I can also see why and that some people liked titanforging, but it made the game much worse for me, so I’ll always argue for it being a bad system, in my opinion. Similar to corruptions, really, but everybody and their mother noticed that corruptions were just another “You think you dislike titanforging, but you don’t, so here’s titanforging but worse!”. It was truly shocking that corruptions were an awful system. Who could’ve guessed. Let’s hope prepatch hits live soon.


I couldn’t care less about the loot for the casuals.
BUT when titanforging made every loot equation so annoying made me go to a third party website to get an answer its just a bad system.

Much easier with Bis lists.

TF destroyed gearing progression, it destroyed the pleasure of getting a boss to drop loot, it destroyed the point of going to higher difficulties, the double edged sword that even at mythic you were never actually done unless you got a full TF piece with socket and extra stat. Many raiders hated the system. It was more frequently complained about than multiboxing or boost advertisments are now.

My post is better taken in it’s entire context though as I do detail all of this.

Better question is what isnt wrong it it.

But lets shoot, you being able to get upgrades from litterly anything in the game made it into a big infinite grind where you felt you feel behind if you played an alt or didnt have the time to put in the farm. Running same m+ over and over again hoping for an upgrade wasnt fun either.

TF ontop of that decreased the quality and value of items we could get in Heroic or Mythic since we could get it from litterly anywhere else aswell. A normal progress itemization is more rewarding and gives you a sense of progress and it also removes the infinite grind allowing you more time to do fun things rather than farm like play alts etc.

Also its easier to balance classes and specs when there is a static max level that people will reach over time. When you get an item in Mythic raiding for the 2nd time you can actually trade it to someone else but with TF etc it can be 5-10 ilvls higher and be an upgrade another really bad thing with TF.

Not having TF in the game makes alot of things alot easier.

Honestly, if Mythic itemlevel and your weekly chest from m+ were max itemlevel possible, I’d be down. Hell I wouldn’t even care if LFR items could forge up to mythic itemlevel, as long as there’s a guaranteed ceiling on itemlevel which is guaranteed to drop from the highest difficulty of content.

But of course, for more ambitious people who don’t raid mythic, but still want their characters to be equipped as good as possible, it would still be a mess.

Also it would make preparing for higher levels of content a complete mess, if you’re a guild who clears heroic the first few weeks before entering mythic, you’ll still want to clear heroic every week, rather than just progressing on mythic bosses, which is wasted progression time.
Plus getting an item from normal, then getting the same item from heroic, a more difficult bossfight, but worse kinda feels bad, imo.

But it would obviously be much better than what titanforging was. Then again, nearly everything would be much better than what titanforging was. Except early corruptions without vendor. That was just a hot mess, wasn’t it?

Was only bad for raiders and the like because how dare we casuals get better gear. I mean I see their point in farming for a mythic chest and it dropping worse gear then you could get out of a lucky titanforged WQ but also, I liked my lucky titanforged WQ. Gearing in SL is gonna take so loooong.

Okay, as I said it’s absence will be even more frequently complained by the 90% of our overwhelming casual audience when they feel like they are stuck without any loot

You are mythic raider, so you can benefit from targeting certain items, so I don’t doubt you didn’t like uncertainty of the old system.

I don’t think the level you raid at is really relevant. I’ve gone for bis whether it’s hc or mythic. Back in the days of 10 and 25 man raiding where the gear varies in ilvl I went for my lower 10 man bis.

Personally, I am never going to miss titanforing, it was a horrible gimmick. Equally I will never miss corruption which has been another horrible gimmick.

The reason we will have less loot is so Blizz can keep some of that carrot on a stick, to keep people going back to raids to get their items (at whatever level they play). However it will mean we get to complete characters and have time for alts and be able to play multiple classes more easily.

I’m not going to make up percentages about how players felt because we simply don’t have that information. No one does. Some will always claim to speak for a group of people. Even raiders of all levels who disliked TF had very mixed views on why it was a bad system, as was shown every time the topics started.

They can never please everyone but I don’t think breaking normal gearing progression curve was ever the answer.


You believe that, honestly? I don’t think they will put a system which let’s you complete your gear mid season :slightly_smiling_face:

That depends entirely on how tight the mythic raid is tuned.

Yes I wont be stuck on an infinite grind on my main.

I ll be keeping my :eyes: on you, puny elf

Then improve and play on higher difficulties. Otherwise i demand BIS gear from Pet Battles or while running raids from last expansions etc etc.

You could have technically completed your gear mid season during 8.3 already with the mother change.

And given Shadowlands main market point is Alts (and it being the MoP/Legion team not the WoD/BFA team developing it) and given the disaster BFA has been its more safe to assume they in the very least wont screw that up. I mean Legion for instance was already a savior for WoD regardless of its trash legendary system.

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I don’t think TF was really bad. At least for dungeons.
In raids it’s understandable to remove TF, you shouldn’t be able to get mythic ilvl loot from normal mode bosses. The WF +6 ilvl was still nice though and a motivation to kill bosses instead of having to waste time on them to get to the one you’re progressing on.
But a complaint I have often read over the last patch is that lower dungeons feel unrewarding as there’s not even a chance for an upgrade and still the need to do them for the RIO score.

I met people who liked and disliked TF. Some loved the endless progression on one chara, some stopped playing because of it.
There is no real answer to the question how good/bad it was.
I can just say for myself that I never really had a problem with it but also don’t care too much about it being removed.