TitanForging was it really bad?

Honestly, if Mythic itemlevel and your weekly chest from m+ were max itemlevel possible, I’d be down. Hell I wouldn’t even care if LFR items could forge up to mythic itemlevel, as long as there’s a guaranteed ceiling on itemlevel which is guaranteed to drop from the highest difficulty of content.

But of course, for more ambitious people who don’t raid mythic, but still want their characters to be equipped as good as possible, it would still be a mess.

Also it would make preparing for higher levels of content a complete mess, if you’re a guild who clears heroic the first few weeks before entering mythic, you’ll still want to clear heroic every week, rather than just progressing on mythic bosses, which is wasted progression time.
Plus getting an item from normal, then getting the same item from heroic, a more difficult bossfight, but worse kinda feels bad, imo.

But it would obviously be much better than what titanforging was. Then again, nearly everything would be much better than what titanforging was. Except early corruptions without vendor. That was just a hot mess, wasn’t it?