Titanic Research Archive talent points missing after realm and faction change

The faction change bug that makes the characters losing mother’s research has been fixed ? is it safe to faction change?

Hey Vergils,

This should have been fixed as of last maintenance, so feel free to Faction Change without concern!

I started a server transfer just under 3 hours ago, was pretty quick and only took about 50 mins but I have fallen victim to the missing MOTHER research, are you sure this is fixed?

I did a server transfer a few days ago and I am still affected by the bug and my support ticket has not been responded to yet. This issue surely can not be considered fixed already?

Thanks for the feedback! We’ll re-open investigation and provide updates as and when we can.

Ive done two char transfers today and both my characters are missing 2/3 in the Singualr sanitation expertise talent, but still have emergency cranial defib?..
Im not keen on spending 750+900 mementos extra (or whatver the costs were) for this bug… please fix

I also have problems with mother’s research after server transfer 2 days ago.

i also had a problem with mother’s research, losing 4 points did server transfer the 28th.

Same. But I lost 4 points (had 3 in Expansive mind, 2 in clear sight and 2 in singular, now all of them have only 1 point the best thing is that you actually can’t get clear sight if you don’t upgrade previous by three, which with this bug I don’t have, yet clear sight is active),

Dangit I gave my money for that.

Please give back my mementos or points. I farmed them so hard in previous weeks and now I need to do all over again?

Still waiting for a response I can’t faction change because of this bug I’m not gonna risk so much time spent for nothing

Hey there,

Thanks for hanging in there everyone! We’ve received word that the root cause for this has been fixed and progress will now be retained following any character service.

As for previously affected characters we’re still looking into the possibility of a retroactive fix and will share more news about this when we have it. We do have the details of affected characters already though, so there is no need to make individual tickets about it.

Thanks again for your patience!

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I have the issue of realm transfer losing ranks in tier 2, even after maintainance. Please help


I’ve been trying to make a ingame ticket about this for hours now just cant get a ticket done to talk to a GM.

I lost two ranks in MOTHER’s research after transferring from Auchindoun to Arathor. I spent 750 mementos thinking it was a built in mechanic for it to fade over time. I was made aware this is infact a bug. Now im two ranks and 750 mementos short.

Can someone please fix this for me as it is utterly frustrating, and the process of making a ticket is far beyond my capability of understanding.

Best regards

Annara - Arathor

I see you’ve posted in the main thread here with the lastest blue response about the issue above your last post: Titanic Research Archive talent points missing after realm and faction change - #18 by Annara-auchindoun
Edit: Post was merged from Tw ranks MOTHER research gone after transfer

Happened to me aswell, and the funny thing is that i even have a point in Clear Sight, the tier under. So im sitting with 1/3 points in Singular Sanitation Expertise and 1 point in something that needs 3 points above.

Ohh come on blizzard, cant you just fix it already? Im still missing my 2 points, pointless to do a vision without them. Loosing 10% damage isnt ideal :rage:

Basically you wont get your points back. You need to start farm those mementos again. My ticket didn’t change anything and didn’t help with this problem. I’m still missing my 4 points and will never have them back.
I wonder if I will lose something again when I’ll transfer my character in other server.

Thnx blizzard you known for resolving our problems in a “right” way.

We are losing research progression every week because not only did we lose points, we also have more expensive research per node if we level right now. Other option is leveling cape with no research. I compared with my alts so character is further and further behind while blizzard is doing nothing about the issue.

I just received 6k Corrupted Mementos after logging on my character that I previously changed realms with (lost 2 points in the titanic archive research).

Thanks for the fix Blizz. :slight_smile:

So after weeks of waiting i still miss my talents on archive research. No updates or anything from blizzard. I pay for this game as rest and deserve same chance to play it. I request update on situation or i will start opening tickets