Titans are Marvel Celestials

Spoiler ahead, so if you haven’t watched the movie Eternals, and don’t want to be spoiled, maybe don’t read any further.

Noticed how, in the Marvel movie, Celestials are essentially born from harvesting human lives ?
“Once humanity’s population reach a high enough number, a new Celestial is born”.

Btw, that also sounds a lot like the plot of Mass Effect 2 leading to the existence of its final boss.

So, back to world of warcraft… What’s the “Purpose” ?

They collect anima, they use it as a fuel in various ways… And basically shares a good amount of similarities with Azerite, in fact. I’m not talking from a gameplay point of view here. I’m talking about lore.
Azerite was somehow “blood of the planet” and with Anima, we have more or less “blood of the souls”, something like that.

The similarity fails to hold when you realize that azerite was specific to Azeroth, while Anima seem to be some kind of cosmic-wise fuel, not particularly bound to any particular place in the universe…
Except that major events seem to happen on (or be related to) Azeroth.

There was this question “why is Azeroth so important for so many forces that exists in the lore ?” and the answer was “because Azeroth holds a Titan-soul yet to be born”.

Why hasn’t the famous Titan been born yet ? What would it take to make it hatch ?
Even more power ? More Azerite ? … More Anima converted into Azerite ?

What if the light is “not so good” (according to Illidan’s behavior, and some others) because they somehow realize that the “purpose” is to create a new all-powerful Titan ? And that the fuel needed to do so are the lives/souls/anima of living beings on Azeorth ? And that in order to make that Titan really very powerful, its “fuel” has to be refined again and again, like you would refine a sword again and again, until that damn steel becomes actually good ?
And then, we have the very reason for the existence of that “cycle” of life and death, with all the stuff that’s going on in Ardenweald, for example.

[very quick rant]
Yea… What if the writers were actually focused on delivering some meaningful story. They do a very good job hiding it, right ?
[/very quick rant]

Don’t know, what do you guys think about this one ?

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It’s from vedic mythology, i don’t know what is the main plot in wow tho. Also anima = soul/ breath of life in Latin :stuck_out_tongue:
So yeah it make sense that mortals are used to " farm " anima.

what’s from vedic mythology ?

don’t worry, noone does. Not even the writers.

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Life and death reincarnation .

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