Titles, reputations, achievements and convenients

Hello everyone,

Very new player here and this is my first character in retail.

I am currently leveling in WotLK expansion, level 49 at the moment and ai really enjoyed there. Did every dungeon, zones music is awesome, but I am sad that I didnt have chance to complete the expansions since I hit lvl 50 and cleared only few zones. Hope ai will have the chance to finish it after I hit lvl 60, also would like to try some other expansions like WoD and MoP. Now I am planning to move to SW to pick up SL storyline quest and start my journey there.

I am curious how do you get titles in retail and also on what reputations I should focus on and do I get rep only from questing or there’s other ways as well? I heard something about wearing some kind of tabard.

Also, any tips on what should I put my focus in SL. I know convinants are important and I plan to go with Kyrian since that one seems the most versatile because I am planning to play all 3 specs as Shaman.

Thanks a lot.


If you really want to complete everything on that character you can go back to Northrend, you will find you are more powerful this time and quests will be trivial but you can go and complete any zone of your choosing.

You could also opt to choose a different expansion when levelling an alt, so say you level a hunter next, you could run that through Mists of Pandaria. These are just made up examples. This system allows you to vary your levelling experiences.

Titles can be obtained through various means, this is a guide from Wowhead:-

There are lots of different reputations in the game both old and new. Again Wowhead is a great source for these. I would think your Shaman would be better off concentrating on completing the SL reputations first.

In SL you can gain repuation by doing questing in the zones, world quests, callings etc. There are also a mix of dailies thrown in there too in various zones.

Some older reputations you can grind by wearing a tabard and running a lower dungeon (like Botanica or the Mechanar) over and over.

If this is your first venture into Shadowlands I would get through the campaign for your chosen Covenant and get yourself through to Korthia which is the current end game.


This is really helpful. Thank you very much Puny.


TLDR: Lvl to 60, do some Mythic 5 mans/lfr for 200ish ilvl gear then go to relevant expansion and start grinding. MOP has daily quests, WOD has daily quests, TBC as daily quests. From Legion onwards there are mostly WQs (circles on map) you will unlock these while doing the main questline


Hey! You can turn off experience gain and do all expansions without outlevel the content:)


why? it only waste of time if he wants farm rep

You can still rep farm with xp off



You can, and I did with an alt I’ve been levelling in Pandaria from the initial island. I wanted her to finish the Pandaria story but after a couple of zones, it did get a bit boring never getting better gear. She was 49 for a long time but I turned XP back on and within a couple of mobs I was 50 and teleported out with no option to finish the story.
I went back only to find the mobs round about L30. I think you should get the option to continue levelling in the expansion you’ve chosen until it’s finished if you want to. If you’ve been playing from vanilla to SL and have L60 characters already, there should be a choice.
If I’d been a new player with my first character and suddenly found myself teleported to SW in my middle of a storyline elsewhere I’d be very confused. It’s not explained.


Thorgrid, welcome to Azeroth, and while Puny has covered your specific questions withthe best available guides, let me emphasise the best available advice about finishing Wrath, and experiencing the other expansions.

For Wrath: Retributor is right about levelling to 60 with the character you have. Doing Mythic-Plus dungeons to get item level 200 gear is not necessary, though. As a level 60, you can easily walk into every Wrath dungeon and raid, and smash through everything.(Also, you will get item level 200 gear in a week or two of following the World Quests you will be given - though the complications of what you are supposed to do may melt your brain a bit at the start.)

For expansions other than Wrath, MAKE A NEW ALT FOR EACH!

This is the key to enjoying learning about the older expansions. You can do the quests of Burning Crusade or Legion at level 60, but the mobs in the world will be like tissue paper to you, and it will not be engaging.

Make a new class and race for each expansion. Choose that race’s home levelling zone, not Exile’s reach. Level to 10 there. Then see Chromie by Stormwind Lake to choose the expansion that character will play through. Each expansion will level the character from 10 to 50 very neatly.

At the end, you will have seen the expansions, had fun doing it, and you will have a class for each, ready to level to 60 if you enjoy it!


Thank you for the great advices!

When I hit 60, will I be able to join older dungeons and raids with more difficult content (heroic) or there’s just normal runs?

Currently leveling in Bastion and completed the quest line for Kyrian’s Totem. When I jumped in to the SL it was a bit confusing with all that running with Jaina and Thrall, but after I moved to the new city story slowed down a bit and I took my own pace. Now I am level 52 and first continent (Bastion) looks good, it reminds me on Atlantis, don’t know why.

And I finally picked up some decent looking gear, Wrath gear just looked terrible or I am just ugly, lol. :slight_smile:

Since I love to collect things I will probably move to all other expansions to pick up fun/great looking gear and mounts, and also profession recipes and also to see the story from the beggining, I like good stories :slight_smile:

Also will like to unlock Void Elves and Dark Iron Dwarves later, hope that won’t be too grindy :slight_smile:

Anyway, once again, thank you for the anwers and advices, I appreciate it a lot!


Nice to see so many new players making posts lately :slight_smile: another people already gave you good answers but I tell you this: the kyrian ability is really clumsy to use imo but when playing through shadowlands campaign you get to try out all the covenants before making you choice. And nowadays you can just switch covenants when ever you wish if you want to for any reason.

Welcome to retail and gz on picking the best class :slight_smile:


Thanks, yes that totem seems like a bit hard to use but very handy AoE heal, “just” need to time it well placed :slight_smile: but other owl thing that cures seems really good.

Which one you think would be more new player friendly and the best overall for all 3 specs? I will probably play resto the most but curious to hear thoughts from more experienced shaman players :slight_smile:

A couple of things about Transmogrification.

If you click the Collections button - Horse’s head on the lower right-hand bar on your screen - and choose the Appearances tab on the bottom of the form - you can see all the appearances you have collected so far for each gear slot.

A Shaman can transmog only Mail armour that has been Soulbound to one of the charactres on your account that can wear Mail. If you level a Paladin next, for example, that alt will learn only Plate armour, which your Shaman can’t use for transmog.

So your main sources of Transmog appearances will be running your Shaman through old raids and dungeons. You can use the “Sets” tab at the top of that form to scroll though the Blizzard-created raid & PvP gear sets for Shaman. Wowhead also has a page including other sets, from questing and dungeons: #https://www.wowhead.com/shaman-transmogrification-armor-sets-guide

I don’t transmog while levelling. Gear is replaced too frequently, and especially for a new player the cost builds up quickly! It’s something you can spend some time on when you hit 60 and your gear acquisitions slows down.

You used to have to have Reputation with their factions, which was a grind. Not so now, though. You will have to do the campaign quest of the patch they were introduced, and then a special Recruitment scenario where you bring them into the Alliance. You could probably do each in a day, but will probably spread it over a few days.

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I did the same! I didnt play pandaria when it was relevant and in legion i stopped xp cuz i was so happy to play there! When i finished tillers and anglers reps i reverted the choice and went to wod content.


To me personally necrolord feels the best and most fub for healing especially in raids. For dungeons resto shamans like to pick kyrian because it does the most damage in the dungeon setting. All covenants are viable so go with the one you like the most :slight_smile:

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night fae and venthyr are easy to use and straightforward.

Thanks a lot, I am so happy that unlocking the new races is not that hard, I expected some kind of grind so it’s such a relief :slight_smile:

Nice advices about transmogs, this is really helpful.

Now I saw on the Wowhead about convenants, night fae seems cool, especially that vulpin form. Seems good for PvP as well and also good/viable for all 3 specs. Thanks!

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