can anyone explain, how the heck she did this tmog?
She tmoged 1h into the Ashbringer in a prot pala spec
I’ve found twitch stream where she uses it
can anyone explain, how the heck she did this tmog?
She tmoged 1h into the Ashbringer in a prot pala spec
I’ve found twitch stream where she uses it
I don’t know exactly how she pulled it off, but I noticed something interesting while also testing it on my Pala.
Apparently, if you are prot you can mog your 2H weapon into Truthguard (1H + shield), and if you are Retri you can mog your 1H into Ashbringer. So, maybe she exploited that and somehow managed to be able to use that mog trick through specs.
I tried, I mogged my 1H into Ashbringer while in Retri, but when I change to Prot the weapon goes back to it’s base look.
Lol, found another one
I think you can mog anything into an Artifact. Not the artifact skin, but the artifact in the Legion artifacts tab. For example i had a sword and an offhand on my mage. I mogged it into Mage tower ice staff. Go check if this works.
I can for retri pala transmog everything into the Ashbringer, for prot pala into prot artifact same for holy. But I cant tmog 1h into Ashbringer while in a prot spec, skins are not avalable.
I just tested on my warrior. One handers easily mogged into 2h Valarjar blades. So that’s how it works. Use the “Legion artifacts” tab if you want to use 2h artifact skins on any weapon.
I’ll go try on paladin, one sec.
you can join me on disc I will show you
Nvm it looks like legion artifacts tab is still spec specific.
yeeesss i did it
step 1. spec to retri
step 2. open tmog screen and choose Ashbringer on your 1h
step 3 dont apply and change spec to prot
step 4 then apply
but…now Im prot with 2h tmog without a shield, havent found out how to force shield to be visible
Thanks for the reply
In my Pala’s case it actually solves an issue I was having. I wanted to use my Silvermoon mog in prot, but I couldn’t find a decent shield that would match the heritage armor (we need the shields that the city guards use btw, pls Blizz), but now with this Ashbringer thing I finally can use the mog in prot. Not only does the beefy sword match the tank spec, the “upgraded Ashbringer” look matches very well with the mog and it hides the shield. Win-win for my pala.
Also, I hope they don’t hotfix this “exploit”.
There’s much more important stuff in the game in need of fixing, plus this is just a neat little way to have a bit more mog diversity.
Have you managed with making shield visible ?
Nope, I tried it a few ways but nothing.
Anyone know if I can mog WW 2 x 1H into BrM Artifact 2H?
You can, I guess, try the instructions above
Did Blizzard fixed this? Can’t do it with your description…Can’t apply changes after changing spec
Edit: Nvm Got it, Thanks
Apparently if you time it and press apply at the same time as the spec switch it works.
I was trying to find out how to get it mogged with the shield but now my SOTR is basically my character backhanding his target so I’m actually keeping it like this.
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