To all plate classes

Who will be using that silver elite plate set whole time next patch becouse it’s so cool?

Most p*ladins I am sure

Alot of human paladins/warriors

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As a DK this set really isn’t giving me a good transmog

Why’d I be using this garbage when the mythic variant is far cooler? I’ll likely be using that set or the 9.1 mythic transmog because it looks awesome on an orc blood dk.

Mythic version is a joke, only the silver one makes u look like a knight.

Mythic version is harder to get and the colours are way more badass.

The current plate “elite” set looks awful and it’s beyond me why anyone would use it

I think it’s lame af. Maybe for paladins it fits somewhat but for warrior and DK it’s a joke.

U guys just need a good weapon for it like challange mode polearm or Zin’rokh Destroyer of Worlds any other weapon will not work.

7th legion or alliance dread gladiator normal/elite set makes you look like a knight. This set is just white shining blingbling for fashion show. Mythic version looks 100% better and is more rare. Now you see players everywhere with that set. When some set is so over used it gets boring.

A White Knight for sure.

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I dunno, I think it’s refreshing Elite sets aren’t yet another black and red set.

i willllllll :smiley:

tought the mythic variant looks SICK

i also love the bfa season 1 pvp elite plate its so good on my paladin :smiley:

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Tbh I love more the non elite glad colours. But elite version is a good set to use like 10 years later if Acti wont shut down servers until then.

I have both and I still don’t like the elite set color.

I like powerful, dark and edgy looks, not some white knight paladin crap.

Pvp sets should be totally different from pve sets. More brutal and not something dragonslaying shining set.

I guess we got different taste then.

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