To all players who deliberately wait until the last second to make a move in a PVP pet battle

To all players who deliberately wait until the last second to make a move in a PVP pet battle.: you are a horrible little person, a sore looser and you should be banned from PVP pet battles.

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I’m never quite sure about these cases of slow-rolling.

If somebody does it once, or even skips their turn, they might well have been distracted/afk - or even struck by some lag or glitch. I’ve seen that a couple of times in Disco’s vids.

If someone plays normally but then starts slow-rolling it as soon as they are obviously going to lose, but does get in at the last second to make the move every time, though, that does tend to be sour grapes.

It’s odd behaviour, since it wastes the slow-roller’s time as well. If you got one, take some comfort in that.

However, it is within the rules, and the timer does get shorter for them each round they delay like that.

I remember reading an account by someone facing a Sunny Day team, who knew he was inevitably going to lose, but slow-rolled all the way to make them waste their time as a protest against what he considered an inappropriate team. Was quite funny! I wouldn’t have the patience for it, though. I’d just forfeit immediately and come back with a team that would kill those plants’ will to live! :smiling_imp:

Take the win and move on. :slight_smile:

Coincidentally, just seen in pet Discord:

To anyone who runs 2 Sunflowers + Forzuk. I hope I stalled you as much as possible. (was not even playing it for real. just clicking script while doing other stuff)


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