To all the brave warriors of Ashenvale

I would like to extend a deep gesture of gratitude, from the bottom of my rotten heart, to all the brave warriors at Ashenvale this Friday. You nearly brought a tear to the old crow’s decrepit eyebrow, such was the likeness to the times long gone.

And the biggest thanks goes to all the juicy and delicious main courses that made the feast possible by their tender presence. I have not eaten this well in decades.

I thank thee bows and grins


You maybe pleased that about your ganking and corpse eating there were talks in local def channel and it was some fun to read comments about them. So your actions were noticed and peope talked about it. That is a my favour and nice news for you, now bad news.

The time of your corpse eating Ashenvale Sentinels were raiding against Warsong Lumber mill. That was our long prepared military operation that had goal to weaken infranstructure of Horde in Ashenvale forrest. Against us to our surprise there were three Horde guilds, outnumbered us 3:1. After they scattered us they moved and attacked Astranaar which was succesefull defended by Alliance.

So considering the fight that happened between regular troops of Horde and Alliance around warsong mill and fight for Astranaar that day, ganking and corpse eating that was made in the same time by one undead looked little importance.

Commander of Ashenvale Sentinels

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Thank you for your report, Mr. Commander.

Oh, I by no means wished to imply the entrails we feasted on had any significance on a larger scale.

I humbly acknowledge your higher importance in a larger scheme of things bows and smiles

And if we cross paths I will make sure to add my special sauce to mark the occasion with the veneration and reverence it deserves.

With the humblest of regards,

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