In solo shuffle:
To be top 100 resto druid you need 2220 rating
To be top 100 disc priest you need 2200 rating
To be top 100 holy pala you need 2160 rating
To be top 100 resto shaman you need 2100 rating
Why doesnt prevoker get any buffs? The class is so utterly useless and has been since 10.2 was released. All other healing specs has been touched since 10.2 was released except the worst one by miles.
What is going on at blizzard balancing team? Do they even play the game or look at statistics?
As a holy priest: Prevokers can go burn in a fire. They need to lose their stupid 3 stacks of CC immunity or holy wards needs to become the same.
So you are saying the healing spec that requires 500-600 less rating to be in the top 100 should get nerfed? Were you dropped as a newborn? You should get hired by the blizzard balancing team.
Read these suggested buffs on us forums, don’t know if it will be enough though:
Needed Pres buffs:
Fix Rewind since it heals for nothing.
Emerald Communion should make you immune to CC.
Make Verdant Embrace give you a 40yd range buff/and LOS buff so you can heal one teammate through pillar for 6 secs.
Allow prevoker to cast while moving as baseline passive.
Nullifying Shroud should be undispellable.
what buffs do you suggest to make them as strong as every other healer?
Fine this CD could be better.
It already is usable in cc and heals for a good amount.
Sounds pretty toxic and unfair to play against considering that verdant embrace only has a short cooldown.
They already have hover for that. Also, to be able to use sleepwalk on the move all the time in combination with azure strike slow would be insanely overpowered.
Uncounterable immunities are always a really bad design choice.
Well then i was top 100 prevoker before i lose to mw/disc who just acting like heal bots cuz 1600 dds were absolutely delusional. At the same time i got ~1900 with 60% winrate on my disc with really zero impact if i’ll compare it to prevoker lmao. My fav. part on prevoker when you should heal 2dds with 30m range who run dif sides of the map kekw. This spec is really fun and interesting to play (i like it more then mw/priest and etc.) but sometimes feels garbage AF. It feels like i have a lot of HeAL and a lot of toolkits but not feel the power of the heal.
You literally have some of the easiest counters to nullifying shroud in the entire game??? 
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To be top 100 frost DK you need 1350 rating
To be top 100 MM hunter you need 1497 rating
Those 2 specs are literally the bottom waste of ladder.
You should be happy that prevoker is at least playable.
There are specs that are in worse state than prevoker and needs a full rework.
and the other thing why should i dispel roots every time to use my main abilitie
so agaisnt rsham he just spams totem on me all the time , all of his team in totems
to control him you should fake kick, kill ground and then kill tremor? (meanwhile team is dying even with full pack of hots)
against priest you should wait for death then for fade
hate when i have to use my abilitie to counter someone elses abilitie
hate when roots counter heal yoy know mr troll
i guess next message will be some toxic troll sht again?
hate when they use cc and it ccs me and i have to use my dispel to remove the cc
What’s the top 100 for mw? And where do I check these things? 
glad u have fun posting sht here
2100 it looks like
drustvar seramate do it too
thanks man, merry christmas
where are you getting your numbers? you’re over 300 rating off for MM and over 400 rating off for frost
The only obvious explanation i can think of is that in order to have any balance in pvp they simply need to cut more than half of the specs and only focus on handful left.
Think about it. There are 39 specs in the game. Good luck balancing them all! They rotate some specs based on popularity and how long they have been undeperfprming and create a meta that leaves many specs unviable. Chew on that.
But when will it be prevokers turn? It is not even close to any of the other healers who are all quite similar, but this spec escapes buffs every wednesday. Is blizzard not looking at statistics how the different classes are performing? Or maybe they just think they have enough healers playing solo shuffle already so prevoker players are not needed