Why there is so disparity between classes ? Specially in class utility? Why some classes has everything like damage, raid buff, utility (prot pally, shamans, evokers, DH, druids, mages) and other just rely on good tier sets to be at least some good. (DK, Hunters, Warriors). And its happening season after season. Maybe its time blizz should revamp classes and treat everybody equally ?
Or get nothing (Warlock). Blizz favorite speccs with a higher player base
Also true for warlocks.
If you think DHs have damage and any of the classes you named don’t, we aren’t playing the same game.
Vengance? it has utility, raid buff, damage, tankiness. Next patch buffed to top tier.
Blood DKs have utility as well if it comes to that. All hunter specs do pretty good damage. Fury warrior is incredible as are Frost and Unholy DKs. You are complaining about the wrong classes, for the wrong reasons my friend.
Because class balance without homogenization is extremely complex. I’ll illustrate just how complex with an analogy.
For simplicitys sake, lets say you just want to balance for single target damage. Ignore aoe and all utility, we will focus only on single target damage. To make it even easier we’ll focus on balancing only tanks single target damage. There’s 6 tanks in the game, so that shouldn’t be goo hard, right?
Now for the analogy:
You want to create 6 unique shapes. They can be similar, but they may must be unique enough to not feel like they’re the same shape in a different coat of paint.
These shapes shall all perform equally well in one task. That task is roll as far as possible when they get pushed down a hill that evens out into a flat surface.
Is it hard to come up with 6 different shapes that does this one job equally well? Imagine balancing for DPS specs single target damage instead. Take cleave damage, aoe damage, utility, mobility, defensives, cc etc. into account and the balance act gets inifinitely more complex.
Balancing is complicated to say the least. If we’re not willing to homgenize it will remain complicated.
Because it “makes more sense” for certain classes to have specific utility, but damage (for DPS/tanks) and survivability (for tanks) and whiteroom HPS (for healers) have to stay the same, as Blizzard abandoned “hybrid tax” a long time ago. Otherwise what you’d see would be either very homogenized (every healer gets a brez and all-cleanse, everyone has a 15-sec kick, every tank has about equal CDs and survivability, etc), or classes without much utility permanently occupying top DPS rankings to justify bringing them along. There’s simply no way to preserve the class fantasy and notable distinctions between classes and to make them mostly equal on utility.
It makes sense for DK or Pally to have combat rez, but not for Warriors or Rogues. It makes sense for Shamans or Pallies to have cleanses/dispels (for other people), but not, again, Warrior or Rogue or even Hunter. In fact, due to how Paladin is positioned, it kind of makes sense for them to have everything - they’re a holy (healing, cleanses) fighter (high damage) wearing heavy armor (survivability) but also a designated leader (raid buffs). It’s also part of why I’d never main one.
Things seem to be in a decent-ish state these days, really. Almost no spec is too bad for any content outside of keys above +13 or so, which are a self-imposed challenge that has no real game value. As long as you can clear Mythic Raid and +10 keys without dragging everyone down (and I don’t mean “I’m being a bad player because my DPS is 10% worse than the top spec brings”), functionally, your spec is just fine.
Then shouldnt as bdk by fantasy control all blood effect (even remove bleeds ?) Shouldn’t bdk be most effective tank against casters, silencing them? (Dk was created fight against mages). You mentioning prot pally doing a lot of damage because just he is fighter its just ridicolous. Everybody in this game is ‘‘fighter’’.
Possibly, yeah. It’d be minor utility (since bleeds are usually less common than other debuff types, being both physical and specific within physical, but it could be there. You could potentially justify it also removing fears and charms and maybe poisons - something like Bestow Death’s Fortitude for a quasi-undead state for a few seconds on target, kind of like what they already do to themselves.
DKs do have the most effective kick/silence in the game, IIRC. 12 seconds CD on successful use AND it has range, unlike most melee kicks.
Which is why every class has a DPS spec. I don’t mean Prot Paladin in particular, I mean Paladin as a class.
Most effectives kicks are prot pally. Regular interupt and avenger shield, divine toll
In case of Paladin, it might be a property of their recent-ish rework. They just gave them everything without making it overly difficult, and it shows by their popularity in both Prot and Ret.
Bold of you to assume they have ‘balance team’.
Up until Mists of Pandaria they had one person doing balance, in MoP they hired second person. Now they have few more ppl probably, but nobody is doing balance at Blizz as full time job.
I would like some content creator or some media outlet to ask about it, during interview with Ion.
They have so many employees and not enough people are assigned to doing balance, which is arguably the most important thing in a game like WoW.
There is so much feedback on US and EU forums where people hand solutions for issues on a silver platter, but they do not act on it. I’ve been complaining about it since shadowlands, and nothing is changing, and obviously nothing will change with current management in charge.
When it comes to disparity in class utility, it just comes from the fact that some classes are hybrid classes and they have a lot more tools, this is by design, which is bad design in current age.
It will make sense the warrior to survive the most in battles …guess what its the weakest class and die fastest in battle
Warriors are not the weakest class by far, and they are pretty decent at survival. Next patch will improve both points further, too.
If you cannot survive a lot of stuff as a Warrior, that’s on you, they have very decent tools to live through things many other classes wouldn’t (especially in regards to not having to be overly proactive with defenses, as you can come back from some very hairy situations). Sure, they’re not Paladin or DK tier of survivability, but they are also not nearly at the bottom of the pool.