To everyone asking for solo queue

Valvue is actually leaving the idea of solo rankings. They merged solo and party queue because for years solo queue was the main focus of players while MOBAs are all about team play. They rather created two different MMR systems based on your role. Cores and Supports have different ratings.

This system promotes premades and teaming up. My biggest regret was that Blizzard removed arena teams. This built bonds between players and made them play together and get better. Right now everyone is a unit that cares only about his/her personal rating.


what do you want to say?

we need solo queue, because there are not enough players for teams anymore.
people want to hop in and play, don’t sit in lfg all day.
Everyone knows with a real team and synergies you can play higher but it just takes too much time for a “game”.
mobas have both options while it is exclusively a team game, yet solo queue is so much more popular. Most people just don’t want to play the game professional.

teams were fine in woltk or so but it had 12 million player in contrast to the 20 players that are still doing pvp in bfa.
if you see twitch streams of r1 players, you find they are dabbling in 2k ratings… that just destroys casuals


just add them for a patch or an expansion to see how it goes like they do with artifacts or azerite, have some rating and rewards in place and see how many queue; and if it doesn’t work everybody knows

there isn’t any soloq on retail but you can totally find it elsewhere and i can totally assure it works great in terms of participation


What I want to say is that in theory it’s what this game needs at the moment but in fact it will kill it. This game is not meants to be played this game. WoW arena should be about premade 3v3 team practicing and getting better not about queing solo. It already killed leveling and <Mythic dungeons where you press button and play.

Instead of adding solo queue and following this solo play trend they should start with the roots. Fix class desing - add more depth, fix gearing and add more spells - mainly buffs to create synergies between specs. For example in Wrath comps were created mainly on this factor. That’s the main reason that some comps that were very strong back then are not played.

Solo queue is short term workaround not fix.

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I agree, but i’d be playing solo que a lot, not in the short term either. Instead of just afking in boralus, i’d be yeeting it in arenas when i could.

Just to add, when we take 30mins looking for an lfg group in 3’s aren’t we all just solo queing it until we find a team we want to play with? Cause most of the time it gets disbanded after a few games.

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Yes you do, ppl just want it to be an automatic process to get queue pops faster even for the price of dropping rate/mmr or suffer from some low ilvl trolls.

But you can’t fix the game being crap with adding solo queue. You have to fix mechanics, design and the basics of WoW to make this game good. Solo queue will only add more frustration toxicity and as soon as this would be added expect arena forums to be flooded with I can’t get rating because of my team. Fotm rerolling would be even bigger thing. You will meet 3 the same specs over and over again.

Solo queue won’t resolve anything. To make more complicated teams work you need synergy and practice.

Solo queue would kill the community even harder. Either these stupid devs will risk and improve the game or PvP will be only worse.

I don’t want to be that guy but realiaticly thinking there is no hope for WoW. Why? Look at Bungie. They listened to Activision and released Destiny 2 with all cash milking mechanics - this game was as crap as Anthem currently is. There was huge backlash. What Activision wanted to so? Leave the game as it is and work on sequel - Destiny 3. Bungie resigned from Activision being their publisher and what happened. They fixed their game - updated it, removed all cash milking mechanics etc.

Blizzard on the other hand has no chance to leave Activision because after more than 10 years there are too many Activision people in their structure. Activision won’t let Blizzard spend resources on fixing the game. They will release crap expansion advertising it as a hit. 10 mln. of people will buy it like WoD, BfA to quit in few months.


u should be able to solo queue for RBG with a group of 5 people at least to match up with another group that is in queue with 5 people…:sweat_smile:

I’m reading how solo queue will kill whatever is left of current PvP over and over, while we are observing steadfast decline in participation(and - right now - probably the most rapid in history).

You know how the saying goes… “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?

PvP is dead. You honestly can’t make it any worse. Stop desperately clinging to the only thing you know, which has proven over the years to be not working. You have continuous data that proves current system is baseline wrong.

People want to log in once they come home and play some games. Not sit in LFG. And given the culture and behaviour or lack of thereof that avr. player displays, less interaction, the better.

It can only make the things better, stop beating the dead horse, praising how fantastic things were, when the grass were greener and you were 12. When you were 12 WoW was pretty much the only game in the segment of market which is right now occupied by smth like 30titles, incl. LoL, DOTA, Fortnites, PUBGS and gods know how many others.

Yet this game has not changed in its format for the past 15 years. When it comes to ease of access and mechanics it’s basically is the same thing; with terrible interface and game modes that migh have been suited 10+ years ago, but certainly are not now., charged 10$ / month for no significant development of game mechanics and UI whatsoever.


Part of me imagine that after such a thing as solo queue would be released the forums would be flooded by people complaining about being paired up with the wrong classes and they can’t do this and that, and then demanding buffs and nerfs, all which would result in a even shallower gameplay where the last remains of synergy is wiped away.

I know this is me being very negative about it, but the complaints would definitely be there and I don’t trust the devs to do the sensible thing and ignore them.

Less interaction?
It’s that very thing that creates hostility. There’s no reason to be nice to someone that’s just a avatar on your screen. Get to know the person behind it and things become different.

Soloqueue would be skirmish but with stakes into it. Losing there would mean losing rating, a guarantee for toxicity.

Solo queue for RBG makes way more sense if every spec offers something to the team. Like shamans pre MoP had multiple totems to switch between to buff meeles or ranged to be viable. In such scenario RBG will work but 2v2 and 3v3 with solo queue. It would be even bigger fotm clownfiesta.

Also let me explain why people think we need solo queue. In Wrath/Cata there were so many PvP Plyers that you went outside of Orgrimmar/Stormwinf - dueled people and if you impressed someone he said “hi, do you want to play 3s?”. Other option was to join PvP guild and in Cata guilds mattered as they gave buffs and people wanted to join good ones. In my guild on Stormscale called “Tactical Facepalm” there were few hundreds of only Polish PvP players. If you wanted to play Turbo you whispered Warrior and Druid and you were good to go. Then many quit because game was bad. MoP - the game is even worse - they merge battlegroups because they lack PvP players and top rating in US and EU is 2600. The problem was you couldn’t look for players from other servers so players invented OQ. In WoD game is even worse - more players left. Blizzard implements OQ as lfg. Solo queue won’t save the game. It will help for few months but more players will leave because the problem lies in the fundamentals of the game. If it will be as bad as it is people will keep quiting and solo queue has nothing to do about it.

Just an update. I was just trying to play some casual 3’s games (As a healer!) and i couldn’t find a group at 1700.

Yeah, this game doesn’t need solo que at all. All those who argue it won’t work, that’s great! But i think i’d still be online if there was a solo que.


People’s idea of a solo queue would be horrible garbage. Solo queue as a concept can be great though, if it meets certain criterias.

Check out the link at the bottom too, in the quote above.

Also check out this link, and feel free to check out the thread in its entirety too.

Time for you all solo queue people to get educated about the matter, instead of spouting selfish nonsense.

Here’s your homework!

So yeah, if a solo queue would include tools dealing with these things, then I believe it can work magic.

But when it comes to the social design, then a solo queue will always be inferior to establishing group identity, solidarity, and primary group formation. As it says in the link about social design in games, the oversaturation of secondary groups has drowned out the tools meant to be for establishing primary groups, which has a toxic effect on the game itself.

I’ve got a solid idea for a proper social space & a solo queue, with respect towards the proximity principle and the mere-exposure effect which is also known as the familiarity principle, which the report refers to as well by stating it’s required for friendship creation. It’d also fit in with the purpose of a rating system and speed of matchmaking.

But there’s enough text in this post already, so I’ll post it in a new thread.

Time to up the ante.

You’re barely back and already necroing threads :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Adding soloq would basically be confirmation that this game is dead

How can you solo qeu your gonna end up playing DH disc priest demo warlock or some random trash comp

I am all for solo queue people will just hop on and play it makes pvp more active we even have voice chat now!! There is no reason to not add solo queue.

It’ll be huge if they added it for RBG’s, that mode is so dead now due to the lack of interest and organisation it requires.

Just have 2 modes. Random BG’s where everything and anything goes and then solo queue RBG’s with a matchmaking system and better rewards.

Heck even make the 6v6 BG brawl a permanent thing with solo queue as it’ll be much easier to fill teams

It wasn’t me who did the necroing, it was that Artsu character. And you phrased it like I’ve done it before, which I have no recollection of. o_o

Others will play it too. One time its you second time its someone else and if you cant accept it you are not forced to play it. Its like accepting that you can play in disadvantage.

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