To much research

I left WOW when dragon flight came out but joined again recently.
My issue is not that so much has changed as they always change everything.
It is every other quest I have to look up what to do.
However even the stuff you need to do for your skills like cooking or alchemy have gone way over complicated.
Then the imbalance on dps in raids. I could colour code who are all the top DPS in raids.
I took screenshots of my last ten raids. Something no doubt blizzard will put an end to and not only were mages no where on the chart of top dps it begs the question is the class dead to play now.
Like I said to much looking everything up.
But the numbers I can not get my head around. What happened to the mage class.
Please no one answer me that I do not know how to play my class. Because those screenshots say all random picked mages are as bad as me, and all Hunters in random groups will make the mage a dead class.
Argue please but from knowledge and facts not because you did something once and have used the same story.
Last point we have way to many things to gather now that my bags get full if you gave me a bag that held a thousand items to be used in crafting I will still fill up all my other bags before I have to deposit the crap. Some of which I have no idea what it is all for.

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