To the Horde[RP-PVP]

        There's a text in every city of the Alliance

To all citizens of the Alliance:

The invasion and long establishments in Easter Kingdoms by the Horde is being a problem for everyone. They have destroyed farms and little towns and reclaimed for them the old kingdoms territories from the Old Alliance.

If you see one of these races: orc, undead, tauren or trol, remember, they must be DESTROYED. They’re quite dangerous but if you believe in The Light (or Elune) you can defend yourself from them and send them back to Kalimdor.

                            Signed by the Cathedral of the Light

Off rol: Since I arrived to Southshore I noticed the Alliance and the Horde are being too friendly each other and that’s too sick in a RPVP server.

A bit of pvp fun is also welcomed, this is not retail where everyone do /hi and /hug to the enemy.

See you in Azeroth in the name of the Light.:church:

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Agree with you…in the grind for gold (mount) and the race to 60, people often avoid trouble…I will be killing alliance peasants in Arathi Highland this evening…Come get me Alliance dogs!

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Glory under the Light

Always in favour of RP-PvP and certainly roasting the Forsaken alive!

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One can not roast something alive that is already dead silly human!

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I remember you from last night. I was the one who said I was holding off killing Horde lowbies because it would incite retaliation. You and a load others began arguing that was irrelevant - the Horde must die.

Me and three others ended up fighting in Hillsbrad Fields for 45min, killing all the Horde, until they got reinforcements. Including several Skull-level Hordies (at least to me). The war is alive and well; but sometimes you gotta pick and choose your battles. I feel bad for any Alliance lowbies after the Horde reinforcements arrived…

It’s not irrelevant from my point of view, you do your game as you wish. I’m in a RP-PVP realm and I spread the word of the Alliance to everyone. If I wish to kill a low lvl I’ll do but that doesn’t mean that I’ll go after him 2,3,4,5 times.

This is not BFA where it looks like My Little Pony Online.
Retaliation = World PvP and that is what Classic needs.

Tynara Fuseblower will not have longshanks or light tell her when to deal Death or Mercy! Fuseblower will make up her own mind.

Just today Fuseblower noticed in Hillsbrad a so-called Forsaken stealing scraps of Fuseblower’s carnage among Yeti’s. Fuseblower realized this disgusting husk was once a man and found pity in her heart and didn’t kill him insofar his ilk can be killed at all.

On the other hand, Fuseblower showed death-defying courage by coming to the aid of an ally who fought off a crazied Tauren by Pyroblasting the bovine through the back from great distance and from behind a tree trunk. Fuseblower is a crafty warrior!


Reason why ppl arent ganking eachother right now:

  • People are still leveling
  • The RP in the PvP realm makes it friendlier
  • No Honor System so why bother

I feel like you missed the second half of my post - the part where I said me and a few others massacred Horde in Hillsbrad Fields for ages :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Hmmff, fanatics…” The orc shaman sighed as he summoned fire and burned the note in his hand…
He had gotten the signed piece of paper off the corpse of a crazy paladin who attacked him on sight while he was passing through Southshore.
The human was clumsy and undergeared and fell after a single strike from the Shaman…
“Fanatics without any sense and regards for their safety and others…”
As he was preparing his wolf to ride again another human jumped from under the bridge screaming.
As this lunatic approached the old orc noticed that he was another trainee and didn’t even bother to unseath his weapon.
As the human approached he grabbed him by the neck and snapped it…
“Lunatics…” He though to himself as he rode off to Hammerfell…


The Light wills it, bring it on!!!

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