To those on low population realms

If you are on a low population realm, how do you get content done?

I am asking because I went guildless this week, and by doing so, I realized my server has died behind my back. The realm forums only have what equals previously 1 page of posts, according to WoWprogress there are only 36 guilds on my server that has killed at least 1 boss in the new raid, and the guild I left, is now nr. 8 on the server on progress. A very casual guild who only raid heroic. 5 of these guilds are also Horde, so that leaves 5 Horde and 31 Alliance “raidingguilds”. I have also talked to a few people who did the same as me and ended up going back to their guild when they realized there was “nothing” else on the server.

This also means I am out of options, because looking through the guild requirements, the one I left was the only one who fit my schedule with raid starts and amount of raid days(1-2 nights).

I have joined a “PuG community”(where I’ve noticed a few others from here are located too), but I realize I will have very little control of when and if I can get content done(in a guild you learn to predict a little how fast you will progress). The community itself looks promising though, but I’d like to “get back on track” as fast as possible as I was really looking forward to both the raid and the dungeon this patch, so if you are on a low pop realm and guildless, how have your possibilities of progressing turned out? Realm transfer is not really an option for me.

Does anyone know if they are planning any further server merges too perhaps? Mine is already merged with one other, but right now that seems to do nothing.


But…but…fAcTiOn bAlLaNcE! Only 5 horde guilds!?

Emerald Dream was always 90% Alliance(yeah I know the thing about statistics xD ). All the way back to vanilla. And until WotLK ED was also one of the most poulated realms in the EU. It’s weird how that turned out, but we were given multiple free transfers off the server to try lower the queue times. Has taken a few more years to take us down to this though.

ED was a PvE realm though, so Horde had it peacefull.

it is painfull on low populated realms, the guild I am in is on a quite low populated realm, even it says medium what in my oppinon is bs, and yes getting people to join us is hard, and even we have been talking about switching server to a high one, even though we at the moment can get a raid going to some extent, low populated realms are painfull, and Blizzard realy need to conect more or make cross realm guilds an option, instead of communities as we have now.


Realm transfer. :money_with_wings:


I dont know, numbers are even worse on my server with 23 guilds in total that has touched EP, 9 have tried it on hc (3 of those are horde, so 6 ally guilds). Joined a guild last night that are supposed to start raiding, but we’ll see what happens.

I guess a community could be a solution, since it’s cross realm.

A community or even a discord server. Could solve some issues. But honestly the best and most permanent solution is:

Migrated from Vek’nilash to Silvermoon back in mid-Legion. Best decision of my “WoW life” ever.

communities aint realy the same, thing is many like to do raids where everyone has the same guild name, and whit communities this is not the case, many feels that it is still pugging becuse of it, and to some extent it is, crossrealm guilds would be the thing to go for, where every server is connected and you can join whatever guild you want to, problem whit that would be that there is guilds whit same name on different servers, what could or would cause problems.

I’m in a community (same as aylish), but their raidtimes isnt optimal for me. Keeping an eye on the recruitment section though.

I’m a bit stubborn so i try to avoid paying for a transfer and hope blizz will do something to fix dying servers.

Apart from lacking guild bank and being cross realm, community is exactly the same as a guild. The only problem is if someone wants to raid current mythic(and direct trade, but that’s the price of x-realm)

I find it to be somewhat different, partly because of a less optimal UI.

I am one of those people who like to say hi and bye to people as they log on and off. In guilds you get a chat announcement when people do. In communities you don’t.

You can’t shift right click people(/who). You get “0 players found”. Don’t ask why I sometimes do that. I am not even sure myself.

You can’t trade people, unlesd they are on your realm. In other words, you can’t help people out with materials and items.

Last night I joined heroic palance through a community. We were 30 people. Many struggled with lag, and they had to cut down the raid team to 20 to lower spell effects. The raid was hosted by a guild ftom anotver server, and quite frankly I felt obligated to leave as I was just a guest there, so I volunteered to step out. The other reason was that I just want to heal atm, and with limited healer spots I felt bad for taking up a spot. In a guild you have your spot. In a community built up on PuGs, you’re just anyone and nobody in the end.

I just wish to raid heroic, as normal doesn’t give me anyting mentally. That sounds weird, but I hope you understand what I mean. I don’t do LFR either. It’s just not fun. Both normal and LFR feels watered down. Pugging heroic is however far more difficult to achieve, when you are that “nobody” as mentioned above.

Excuse all the typos, currently posting from a phone. I think I might have fat fingers?


Not sure what you mean by ED being 90% Alliance, it’s actually one of the few “balanced” realms left, and until very recently (namely Legion) it was still almost half/half.
However if you’re WM off I could understand where you got that idea from, as most Horde will be WM on and therefore you won’t see them, encouraging the Alliance to further turn their WM off.
Have been WM on since BfA, never turned it off once, and I can tell you that whenever I see one Alliance I check whether my glasses are dirty or not.

You can’t really measure faction distribution based on guilds, some of my friends are guildless since a long time and raid even more than me thanks to premade, which seems to be enough most of the time.

You do realize that all the people you see in the outdoor world are from different realms?

I do, though I’m afraid what I meant didn’t get through.

Realm transfer.

@Sariath, Aylish: I took a brief look at Emerald Dream / Terenas activity stats on WCR. The data is almost non-existent (I left out all the zero data entries) and sadly, it look like very little…

ED looks like this:

|0|193|1|76|1||2.5 : 1|
|4|25|1|8|1||3.1 : 1|

And Terenas like this:

|0|162|1|58|1||2.8 : 1|
|4|11|1|6|1||1.8 : 1|

While those stats are extremely limited, they do tell me that both component realms are heavily alliance biased by a large factor and both of them qualify as tiny, which means the total numbers amount to the low end of “Low”. Because there is absolutely no current prime time data, it is very difficult to tell for certain, but those numbers by themselves suggest that you have perhaps 500 to 600 alliance left and maybe less than half that horde…

For comparison, similar time frame (just past midnight to very early morning) on Silvermoon looks like this at the moment:

|1|2214|8|117|1||18.9 : 1|

Minor additional notes: CP is not able to distinguish war mode status as it is purely based on /who data, so that is not reflected on the data. In other words, I can not tell with certainty how the factions split within themselves. However, the most likely setting is mostly WM off as both realms were PvE, when that distinction still existed.

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I assume numbers dropping would make sense. Emerald Dream is a very old server. When my other half started, it was 1 out of 4 available servers. He started in early 2005. Assuming most of the population started in vanilla, I guess they moved on. I know that people I play with(guilies over the years) rarely started later than vanilla. I doubt they are lying. In my last guild however, I was surpised to meet a handfull that started in Cataclysm/MoP.

I remember when Chamber of Aspects were created(probs remember that one spesificly 'cause I like the name and think I might have been tempted) ED’ers were allowed to transfer over there for free. Same went for a few other high pop realms back then. Makes me a bit sad seeing how the tables seemingly have turned.

My other half told me it’s a sign :joy:. Stop playing WoW he says(he left this winter, and I don’t think he will be back).

Thanks for the stats Trelw.

@Aylish: No problem, there was not much to find… :frowning: Unfortunately, years have taken their toll on CP users as well, WCR used to have significanly more users and better coverage…

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What did you mean then?

Your observations are incredibly conflicting with mine.

I have never used this. Any guide how to use this? I might help you out with your stats if it isn’t too much work.