To those on low population realms

I’ve given up on keeping track of the chat haha.

@Aylish: Thank you for those. Based on your screenshots, the situation is not quite as critical as I thought. There are still more than 1 100 alliance left and at least 450 horde. Still not great, either. When you get a chance, please upload the data. Anonymous submission will do nicely, if you do not want an account on WCR. Thank you in advance! bows

SoD chat has more in it than /2 on Ghostlands-Dragonblight for sure! :stuck_out_tongue:

Alot more then /2 on my realm aswell, that chat is quite dead except from some occasionally boost sellers.

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When I was on draenor you were able to transfer off to emerald dream, I did back in the day but it was dead. And I instantly regretted it, so within in a month or 2 I transferred back off the server.

ED had their transfers off at latest during TBC/WotLK. The server eventually went medium pop.

If you played Horde, ED was always dead. Like I said, the made up statistic was that 90% of the population were Alliance. If your character was Horde, it also makes sense that you got a transfer from Draenor to ED. Since Draenor were(are) Horde dominated. It was probably an attempt at “faction balance”.

Just shows its going to be complicated if blizzard try to balance the factions properly in the future.

How often do you recommend scanning/uploading btw? To avoid overlapping found characters(if I understood you correctly)

I uploaded the file from yesterday. It should contain data from ED-Terenas Horde & Alliance, + Draenor Horde. Didn’t bother making an account for now, but might do.

@Aylish: Hmmm… It is pretty much a personal preference, because there basically is no such thing as too much knowledge. :smiley: I run dozens of scans per day when I am at home and have time and usually do between two and six uploads per day. But I currently represent the very upper end of the users, only Padanfain has a higher ever result level. There have been days (even recently) during which I have managed over 100 scans in a day, but normal number is significantly lower.

If you can get three or four scans per day (per faction you are interested in) and submit once per day, you already get a fairly decent overview, especially, if the scans are far enough apart and at least one is taken during prime time.

But especially for poorly covered realms, even one scan per month is better than none as if the scan (AND upload) frequency drops below 1 scan / 30 days / faction, the realm will have no available data at all for that faction… :frowning: Basically, anything at all, even if it is just a single scan every two or three weeks for a poorly covered faction, it helps as long as it is uploaded… bows

EDIT: And this might be of interest to you… :slight_smile:

Frostmane player seeks friends.

as discussed here:

the last info we seem to have on server mergers was about 2 years ago, with the test in brazil. we should have heard something by now from that as they those tests were finished and Ion said, successful. but nothing more has happened.

join the petition!!! :smiley:

well first of all a lot of people on dead realms have no clue how much more alive are high pop realms. i remember i was like this back in cata - was in guild , raided , was selling on ah - just never noticed how dead really was my server back then .

the only clue could have been how few hc raid guilds were around but then i never really cared about high end progress - just logging in and spending 2 -3 nights a week with others in raid was enough for me.

i may be wrong but i assume there are a lot of people like me out there on now dead realms.

who raid hc with guild , maybe kill first few mythic bosses and do a few mythic +

putside of mythic raiding / rated bgs everything can and is pugged nowadays anyway

I was on a dead realm, when I decided to raid mythic I realized my server had just 1 cutting edge guild, so I transferred :joy:

What I like about raiding as guild is that you progress together and view yourself more as a piece in a team that is trying to overcome a challenge. As you clear bosses and your raid team gets upgrades you mostly feel good, regardless of you being the one getting stuff. You – at least I do – feel good when you can trade that item which to you may be slightly better, but to someone else and hence the team a massive upgrade.

You don’t have that in pugs, people care less for eachother and understandable.

I like this game but yeah, if at one point raiding as a guild is not possible anymore I honestly don’t think I’ll find a reason to keep playing.

My issue is that there are no guilds available for me though, which means I need to find alternative solutions.

pug with me

But he/she is not a space goat!!!

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@Aylish: Your data went through earlier…

ED additional now:

10 161 1 55 1 2.9 : 1

Terenas has not fully updated yet, for some strange reason. :frowning: For ED going from morning 161 and 55 to prime time 515 and 145 is not too shabby. :slight_smile: Naturally, bigger increase would be even better. It is, however, worth noting some realms are not able to reach 100 for either side at prime time peak. :frowning:

  • Nothing to see here, just Aylish going irrationally unstable -
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So doing HC in new raid is taken as a casual? Alright then :smile: