To whom it may concern 2004 player highly concerned

Blue actually communicated the issue with Firemaw and the issue is that server reached it’s physical limit of what current gen server hardware can handle.

Basically at the moment there’s no other option but to either transfer, or wait in queues until Intel and AMD release their next gen server CPU’s.

The issue is they milked the transfers until the system broke.

Please do not sugar coat what was done here.

They need to raise subscription costs if needed and then remove paid transfers.

And make sure servers are playable, stable, fun and balanced.

Which is their job, actualy.

I share your concerns. Blizzard needs to takes to steps to best steer the community at this point with regards to server balance issues. Firemaw is a symptom, not a cause, of the problem.

In addition - I definitely remember you from SC back in 2005! You got rank 13 right?

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Yes I was Rat in Adrastus 3. Reached rank 13… had great fun on SC honestly.

Glad to see some old timers still playing. :grinning:

Firemaw players are in the best situation. They have a playable server and they have a free transfer option.

That said, something must be done about the servers before WotLK, the current situation is just silly. Very few playable servers and all have huge flaws (Firemaw queues, Earthshaker/Gehennas one-sided, Mograine/Ashbringer one-sided and low-ish pop, etc).

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