To WoW Devs

I have no words to describe how terrible, awful and pathetic at your job you are. You are disgrace to game development. Can you finally fix Sub Rogues? I don’t know if this community can be more vocal about The Rotten legendary.

Below 60 lvl bg - these guys are leveling next cancers:

And typical LFG group

You have 0 dignity to keep it in the game. Even Rogue players ask you to nerf it and you still ignore it.

Every 2nd - 3rd game is against this.

I don’t give a crap about you working on 9.1. You just don’t respect your customer at all. It will be Destruction Warlock 2.0 100%.


“I have no words to describe how terrible, awful and pathetic at your job you are.”

I don’t know anyone in this world who would continue to read further if they read this first line addressed at them.


I don’t care who do you know. They deserve even worse words but they are not permitted on these forums.


Proper criticism has the chance to get read. Nonsense like

is the reason why they dont care about PvP feedback in the slightest.


There was half a year of proper criticism during beta and half a year of the criticism during the season. Now patience is over.


Nah, patience is never over. Just because you dislike the Game it doesnt mean you can behave like a child.


If you have nothing interesting to say you shouldn’t open your mouth.

You have to be absolutely dumb not to see that there is something wrong with the Rotten build.

I mean, you can agree or disagree with me, but all the proper DH feedback I always give is worth ten times more than your whine posts like the one above.

What, do you exactly think, is gonna “You suck at your job” achieve? If you are frustrated, simply dont play the Game. Its not like anyone is holding a gun to your head and tells you to que or log in.

I never said theres nothing wrong with the Game. I even made a thread very shortly into the Season knowing this’ll be one of the worst, and I was right. Still doesnt mean you can just blantly insult.

Gorewolf… please. Stop being Blizzard’s s-word. There is no other way to describe their performance than they suck because they suck horribly. If I’d say they don’t suck I’d lie.

What it achieves? Kaleiki said they are reading it. So I hope they will read it and maybe they will feel ashamed about this piece of garbage they are trying to sell to us under “World of Warcraft” name. If I was WoW Dev I’d be literally ashamed that I sign this garbage with my name. I strongly hope that they will read it and feel bad. That’s the only purpose of this post. Maybe they will have just a little bit of dignity and they will think about fixing anything. If I’d give honest feedback now - nothing is going to change. Do you know why? They are working on 9.1. Same thing happened before 9.0.5 we just spammed them about any nerfs and fixes and they finally happened before the patch.


I nowhere said you shouldnt criticize either. HOWEVER, the way you criticize is just terrible and childish.

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No it isn’t. It’s just well deserved and honest. Not saying that they do pathetic job would be a lie.


:popcorn: :clown_face:


If SL lost current sub no. is 1 mln. below end of BFA considering covid-19 lockdown and the fact that people sit home. Do you think it means that they are good at their job? Obviously it means they are terrible. They lost biggest chance to redeem themselves after BFA.

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I dont know what you are trying to tell me again. I dislike SL aswell for a number of reasons, prime ones being terrible borrowed power systems and the absurd class imbalance.

The problem here is “they are terrible” is in no way sufficient to improve.

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Signs limit won’t allow me to list everything that needs improvement. Also Kaleiki said they read forums and some take it personal. I really hope they do so they will feel guilty for the failure SL is so maybe finally something will change because the truth is that SL repeats all mistakes of BFA with slightly different form.

There is no single thing that needs improvement. The whole expansions concept is terrible and it was destined to fail since they presented it on Blizzcon 2 years ago.

You could just do multiple posts.

This is very doubtful because they are definitely insisting on the same systems we have since Legion: Timegated borrowed Power.

The funnier joke here is that they would have a lot less work with no borrowed powers, when Classes just would be Classes, and instead pour more effort into fun content and even more balance.

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That’s what everyone was and is posting and giving as feedback. As soon as people saw preview of the Covenants everyone knew they will fail and they are exactly as we thought.
What’s more as predicted with our BFA gameplay experience because they put too many resources into garbage borrowed power it was released unfinished like BFA again.


Jito - before you post. I’m not interested in your opinion. Go post under someone’s else post. Thank you in advance.

I dont understand in the slightest why they rely on borrowed power still. Having to hope that your main class gets proper borrowed power the next expansion to not be ultimately terrible is horrible and shouldnt be the case ever.

There are dozens of other ways to make sure players keep playing and have reasons to log into the Game. Azerite Power, Renown, Ve’nari are the wrong approaches.

I want to see what Jito writes. Just because you dont agree with someones opinion it doesnt mean they are not allowed to let it be heard.

But don’t forget it’s my post and he replies to me.

What Blizzard is to me is below average gaming company with below average/washed up dev teams but with good business teams - AP and marketing that are making good numbers for them.

In few words - Blizzard knows how to sell their rubbish product.

I think Blizzard has a far different idea of that on their Forum. If you dont want to read his stuff you can just ignore his posts with the ignore feature.