Today is my last day - [Updated - OK, today is really the last day]

I will when i get home.

I do not care you do not believe it. It also doesn’t matter i know the fight. I get to the 2nd egg. There are no mechanics except dodge frontal.

The consensus of the healers here is that we have trouble with dps.

Tbf, its just you and me, but i havent actually seen many healers talking about this challenge at all.

Make sure to quote me and I’ll check it out, though I doubt you really do it.

Next time there is a challenge like Zexvir ?? try it WITHOUT a weakaura holding your hand…

Its a videogame chum, you’re not Apollo Creed racing the OP in a beach in California.


Pretty sure i will be home wednesday somewhere.
I have absolutely no trouble showing how bad i am at certain content.

My ‘youtube channel’ is here;

It is full of how bad i am.

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I chose to not engage with normal raiding as it doesn’t interest me. I clear the raid on LFR just for the story and then do the things I enjoy. Same as M+ content. I don’t avoid it because I can’t do it, it just doesn’t interest me and I only done the M+ content I have for a bit of gear (which I didn’t get) and some crests to get some gear upgrades. But that doesn’t reflect on my skill or the skill of others who choose not to engage in that content.

Not sure what you’re trying to achieve by judging me, maybe its an ego thing.

Have I complained? I’ve been quite chilled about it I think. I’m not saying its impossible and calling for nerfs, I said I haven’t got the skill to do it now and I’m ok with that. Also, as I said, I did research. On the classes I play, the fight mechanics and watching numerous YT vids. There comes a time though where I’m dedicating too much time to it for what it is actually worth for me.


Indeed totally this! :smiley:
I am not complaining either. I am totally cool to not get an achievement and mount in the game. I got hundreds of those already. I wouldnt care at all. And there’s nothing wrong with admitting defeat :slight_smile:


Do you realize this is illogical? You admitted that you don’t engage with any endgame content but then you also claim to be average+? How can you be average+ when you’ve never engaged with anything?

The only thing you engaged with is Zekvir and you got destroyed so bad that you had to make a post in the forums to make you feel better.

I do remind you that you are the one who started the “who’s got the biggest” by calling me out for my +10s, I never said anything about the content you’ve done prior to that, because unlike you, I don’t judge people for such stupid reasons.

I think YOU have the ego issue, you are claiming to be better than what you really are, I refer to the evidence that you haven’t been able to defeat Zekvir.

You do complain a lot, just look at all the topics you created, half of them are complaints ending with an “I give up” :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Jesus Christ give it a rest. We get it you’re a God at the game and the only reason you aren’t playing for Method is because you’re already earning 7 figures at an investment bank.

There is nothing wrong with the OP admitting they aren’t good enough and deciding they don’t care enough to continue to try. Thats actually a pretty mature view compared to most others that would ask for it to be nerfed.

In short, get over yourrself.


Why you all obsessed with me? I never compared myself to anybody, this was never the intention behind my response.

I tried to provoke him so he gives it more tries because I know for certain that anyone can get it done.

Giving up on something you CAN’T do is a smart decision, giving up on something you CAN do is just lack of determination so why not give him a small push? It’s a shame that his attitude is so bad but if he wants to carry another defeat on his back then go ahead, quit.

I think its what you’re calling “provoking/ motivational speech” comes across as complete douche to people.

Thats probably the crux of it.

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I don’t really care what people think or say to me, different approaches work for different people, most people will just pat in the back and say goodbye, I did what I thought best and if what I said is not what he needed then unlucky ducky.

Feel free to call me a douche or whatever, I have no regrets.

Look whos back Mr Toxic at it again yet others are the problem and i just checked the OPs post history and strangely enough no he does not complain all the time so you are being toxic and hyperbole as always.

But wait!! in other posts you said…

Turns out you DO remember me :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

If you think a measure of someone’s abilities is to complete certain content and if they don’t then that must mean they are bad then we just aren’t going to agree on anything.

People have strengths and weaknesses in different areas. And remember, the amount of people who even step foot inside a M+ dungeon is very small compared to the millions playing WoW. Expand your mind a litte.

If it makes you feel better to think that, that’s fine. I made a post to engage with the community and share my thoughts, which is what a forum is about.

Others may also be struggling with it and so it might be nice for them to hear they aren’t alone.

It wasn’t meant to trigger you but simply drawing a correlation. It’s a shame you took it as “who’s got the biggest”.

You can think whatever you want to :slight_smile:

Well that simply isn’t true lol. Most of my topics are about bugs or asking something. Most of my forum presence revolves around me asking for all classes for all races, so do better research if you’re going to try and call me out for anything.

Looks like you are keeping to your true colors my friend, you will never change. You think by belitting the OP and attacking them and insulting them it will help them? no its just you being toxic again.

  • I’m an above average marathon runner.
    • How many marathons have you run?
  • None.
    • You’re hired.

I don’t understand how reading that someone else is giving up is gonna make them feel better. :man_shrugging: Wouldn’t be more beneficial if you inspired them to continue by saying “never surrender” like mr. Dejarous did at the beginning?

What correlation exactly? You just said that you don’t think completing certain content is a way to measure player’s capabilities. Either one or the other, you can’t choose both.

  • Topic yesterday → crying about Zekvir.
  • Topic 5 days ago- > crying about “this game is too grindy”
  • Topic 12 days ago → crying about m+ loot rng.
  • Topic 17/11 → crying about Hallowfall quests being “overwheelming”.
  • Topic 27/10 → crying about getting kicked in a leveling dungeon.

And frankly I don’t wanna keep scrolling down for more, you get the point.

Sorry, who are you? I don’t remember you.

With grey parses…

Hahahaha he just hid them :joy: what an absolute joke, saw the comment, went to wcl right away to try and hide the evidence of being bad.

Valarïus, you do realize that hiding your logs only shows that there is something to hide, right?

Firstly, my raid parses aren’t grey, they are green (around 35-40% to be more exact), and yes congratulations on your blue parses (55 ovinax lol) it must be really easy when you aren’t 20-30 ilvls behind everyone else, but even then my DPS was good, 0 failed mechanics and survived when half the raid were dead. Try raiding heroic with 603 ilvl and tell me how your parses go.

Secondly, they’ve always been private, though I have no problem admitting that I’m not a top raider, never claimed so anyways, and I don’t understand your intentions here trying to shame me for some parses which tbh means nothing as parses for us casuals do not reflect the player’s skill, they just there to brag when you overlevel the content.

And thirdly, what do my parses have to do with this post? You come out of nowhere just to shame on me for absolutely no reason? Thanks for your contribution, I guess.

Youre the one out here acting like you are a God gamer when you have literally nothing to show for it. Im not out here calling anyone bad, except those that did so first, like you.
Keep hiding your traces.
And coming out of nowhere to shame people? Thats literally what you did, hypocrite much?

As ive said a few times before the last few weeks, the forums really have exploded when it comes to the amount of :clown_face:, you are the latest addition to that group.