Exactly what you have done to the OP but as ever always other people and not you i guess.
You are looking at wrong logs Zantrias are all in the 90s
Exactly what you have done to the OP but as ever always other people and not you i guess.
You are looking at wrong logs Zantrias are all in the 90s
When did I ever claim such thing? In fact it’s the opposite, I’ve been saying multiple times that I’m not comparing myself with anybody in here. Here’s one of my quotes:
Says the random guy with 1400 responses whose only contribution in this topic is shaming on people.
But it is fine for you to attack the OP countless time’s and you call other’s toxic.
My reason for taunting the OP was to make him keep trying, as explained above. However he instead went the “I’m offended so I attack you” route and it ended up poorly.
What’s your reason for insulting and shaming me? (both of you)
There’s an end date for Plunderstorm. It’s likely close to that date.
Calling you out for attacking the OP ok sure as for insulting you that i have not done but i expect you to use the victim card now. Anyways happy festive season and treat others a bit better not everything has to be a fight and this one is uncalled for.
Yeah thats all I’ve found so far
You’re just spamming “you’re toxic” non stop to me as revenge for calling you that same word a couple weeks ago. I’m so sorry I hurt you that much, are you ok? Do you need help?
You’re still just as toxic as before.
Mate its the festive season just let it drop, there is no “win” or “gotcha” moment just learn and move on best for everyone and if you think the word toxic is an insult then ok fine w/e you do you.
Got any tips for this fight for ret pala? might aswell give it a go even though im kinda clueless as ret.
Wings (wake of ashes) and execution sentence line up perfectly with the eggs so they should be quite easy to kill. You’re pretty much a ranged with wings up positioning is less critical.
Use freedom for the spittles make neighing noises every time you press pony and you should be golden.
You’re the one who were looking for me, you came to my lap as soon as you saw me, you never interacted with the OP or anybody else for that long, only with me, and didn’t make any contribution to the topic either. Also you keep replying to me when I ignored your messages in hopes that I’d respond How cute.
Had 2 pulls so far and gotten further then i ever have as resto shammy… kinda infuriating
I was in the thread yesterday before you but i can see you just want to fight and act a victim and make up absurd claims just let it go , it shows more about you then anyone else.
I know we have memed the whole get a weak aura business but i would suggest using an addon or WA and tweak it to suit you. Set it up to warn for whatever you feel most important. I had it for his heal. I watched the timer for his eggs.
It’s mostly rinse repeat so once you get into the rhythm of avoiding his AoE, interrupting, kill egg etc you can progress through the fight. Save bubble for the time you cant escape his AoE. Try to pick up Branns healing potions and do t panic if he is stupid and dies.
I’m presuming you are Templar.
Yep, im using the raid single target build, dont know if i should use anything else? But at least im progressing now, not being stuck on 2nd egg as i was as resto.
Did I ever mention or talk to you? No.
Did you reply to me? Yes.
Who’s playing the victim then?
You are now let it drop for crying out loud show some self reflect please just focus on some kind and helpful none toxic help to the OP .Last answer to you as you are being very antagonizing now and really derailing if you want the last word do it but just drop it.
This is my pala if it helps. Let me know if i should swap around some talents (dunno if armory will show the correct talents though…)
Honestly, its mildly infuriating that i have more progress in less then 10 pulls on a ret pala i dont know how to play. I’ve done maybe a total of 20 keys as ret in DF and TWW together. Its also 15 ilvl lower then my main. I’d say its not so much a skill issue (a little bit that aswell), the eggs are just too much hp for healers imo. At least for the average joe who are supposed to do this in delve gear. Rant over. Back to trying to kill.