Todays secret of Azeroth

I got the rose gold dust an flux , go to the forge click ready to begin and nothing happens.

I watched a NA players an he gets an item font to add the ingredients

Three of my friends having same issue on EU servers can’t complete it

Need to know does it work for you or is it an EU problem ?

I finished it last night without issue.
Not sure what it can be. Maybe an addon interfering?

Just done it without an issue
Started with the NPC
Extra button to “add” the ingridients"
Then loot the keyblade from the forge

hmm might be because we didn’t do the questline , we leveled up pretty much through TW dungeons a month back

I would think this ‘secrets’ event is completely seperate from any storyline questing.

Okay confirmed it’s because we hadnt done the questline. We all just did it , an now the font shows up

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Aight, cool. Which questline are we talking about exactly?
Might be handy to know for those with the same issue as you had.

Speak to the bronze dragon and skip the questline to get back the obsiian citadel , then the font showed up


Thanks for letting us know!! Will be helpful if others get stuck.

Do i really have to do an entire quest line just for one secret? Seems very dumb, i just levelled via dungeons and pvp and old world content, done 0% DF content, dont even have a drake… so i guess thats me stuck…

Well, then it will not brake your streak, since the Secrets of Azeroth are DF content :smiling_imp:

Ive done every other secret by running around on ground mounts and doing 0 quests, if this is a road block its a bit late and dumb for it

Can’t you speak to the Bronze dragon at the Obsidian Bulwark to unlock the Obsidian Citadel?

Ive no idea where he is lol is he outside the big gates or inside the citadel itself? Remember i cant fly so i cant reach any unreachables

You have to do at least once the story to unlock that bronze on the alts

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In the central “dome” upstairs

Why would you put that kind of restriction on yourself?
Playing an expansion without playing the expansion?! Why even buy it then?
Seems weird, to be honest.

Anyway… There’s a ‘taxi’ npc at the base of the building.
But I’m not sure any of the NPCs will even be there if you haven’t done any sort of storyline.

The Obsidian Bulwark is a separate location you can see on the right of my screenshot, The dragon is sitting near the flight path in the middle of the settlement/outpost

It’s worth a try.

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This resolve my issues

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I literally levelled this guy through trying to complete all legion achieves and quests, i havent even played Shadowlands either :rofl: i usually have one char do one expansions content and i just made my “legion guy” do all the secrets as he was max level. Yes im weird…