I just found a questline I hadn’t done before. You find an Earthern Ring researcher who needs to bring down a titan barrier in order to access a vault. She thinks a certain element will do the trick. One of her colleagues thinks it’s another element that would work best. Another one thinks it’s yet another element instead. You collect the elemental orbs they ask for and they find out… it’s only when they combine the elements that represent their personalities… TOGETHER. That’s what brings down the barrier.
Okay, fine. Nice story. We get back to their camp. In the vault they found an incomplete text about Tyr and as the first time wasn’t enough the NPC goes “we will find more… TOGETHER”.
By now whenever I see a quest I think to myself I already know how it will end. I will help this group of people to learn that through working together they can accomplish anything. Every. Single. Time.