Conversely my sub is also cheaper than theirs. $15 is ~£12 but the sub is £10. I think it’s the disparity of the initial buy in which gets me, £60 for the base game (not the digital version) is quite a bit.
The answer is simple, most people in EU, me included, won’t pay 20 euro for 200k gold. As there are no free meals in this world, if you want me to pay for your D4 copy you better give me more gold per token.
Not my fault Americans value their 20 USD at around 200k gold.
The US token always cost half as much as the EU since it was introduced. There’s no black magic here, just as people pointed out, the disparity between sellers and buyers compared to the US.
If blizz were to make a statistic you’d see that most token sellers are in western EU countries while the buyers are in the east. And overall there’s more buyers here relatively to sellers than in the US.
You buy a wow token on the AH for ingame gold, around 320k at the moment, you then have two options use the token for 30 days game time or add a set amount to your battle net balance, in the UK £10.
Do that enough times and you can then use your battle net balance to buy D4, for the base game I would need 6 tokens worth or around 1.8 million gold.