Token Price

When the squish goes live will the token price be reset or lowered?

Why would it affect the Token price?

The squish is for characters’ levels and stats only, right?

I think gold rewards are squished too.

The token price depends on how many people are buying them off the auction house. If more people are buying them, the price goes up. If fewer people are buying them, the price goes down.

Blizzard do not effect any form of control over the price of the tokens.

I feel that this is an exception though due to the squish - if gold in the game is reduced to lets say half of what it was then the token should change to reflect it.

Blizzard would have started the price at a baseline when they first introduced it.

Yeah I know:

When someone buy it with cash (to get gold), it goes down

When someone buy it with gold (to get subscribtion/balance) it goes up.

Depending how many there is of each of those, it either goes up or down

I don’t think Blizzard is gonna do that. Because people who have gold, will keep their gold when entering the new expansion. This means if Blizzard resets the current price of the token, they will need to set the new price close to the current one. So, what’s point really?

The change in price will occur naturally over a fews months into the expansion.

I am unsure which is why I posted here for some kind of official response :slight_smile:

If gold is harder to come by being able to buy a huge amount with money is a bit off imho.

Most of the newly created gold comes from the max-level activities or plain farming anyways so gold gained while levelling is not really that substantial (though for individual it can be a big part of income for while).

I would assume there will be no direct adjustement to token prices (why there would be) unless Blizzard announces otherwise.

Gold isn’t squished ingame at the pre-patch. Where did you get that from?

100k gold will still be 100k gold after the pre-patch.

I noticed a big reduction in item worth/reward when leveling in Warlords on the ptr - although I am not sure if it is based on the level you are when you go there?

Quest rewards have scaled based on your for long time so I don’t see it changing now. Higher level you get more xp or gold you get and same for items: higher ilevel, more expensive they are.

I need to log into ptr on my level 50 and see what the rewards are like.

I can’t imagine they’d change the price like that. Imagine buying it a day before the pre-patch when it’s worth 194k, selling it the next day and receiving 20k. You’d be kinda bummed xD

And even if the quest rewards give less gold it doesn’t magically change the value of the tokens. That is determined by supply and demand like others have mentioned. If getting gold gets harder the price will go down eventually, much like it did when Class Hall gold was removed when BfA launched.

Well if gold is all staying the same in the game then I am happy :slight_smile:

I will worry when that information comes from an official source, and not some “IndieRPG” source.

Or go and check yourself?

So what you actually mean is that junk vendor prices are being lowered, nothing is going to happen to the gold I have. A squish is not the same, it’s not being pedantic.

I knew this well over a month ago. I even made a post in someone else’s thread with the amounts. You even posted in it Ãnna