Token redeem mechanic feedback

I dislike the AQ mechanic that requires you to offer scarabs and idols to get the tier pieces. It is annoying and feels unfair that you need to pay extra to get something that you already earned.

But with Naxx it got to a whole different level. It will take me around 3000 gold to enable my set with the current prices on my druid. Can we please never have this extortionate mechanic again and just revert to the normal system we had in MC and BWL in SoD?

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That is based off Classic gear mechanic and the game was heavily farm focused.

They will have free hands next phase with some truly original content so maybe your wishes will come true.
But you might be disappointed so better level some professions if you can.

do you guys not have alts?
what have you been doing all of SOD?

most people realized in phase 3 and 4 that dumping their unplayed alt’s professions in favor of turning them into mooncloth/refined salt/cured hide/essence of air+water+arcanite bar printers was the proper way to start the lvl 60 content.

most people also realized that scarabs and idols would occasionally flip/skyrocket in price as far less people would go to AQ once nax came out.

the smartest of people realized that T3 gear required mooncloth, arcanite, cured rugged hides and arcane crystals to redeem, so they bought it all cheap and made absolute bank this phase.

to be honest, idols skyrocket and then dip low all the time. just wait for them to dip again then purchase what you need.

on my server, the only scarab that is consistently expensive is the gold scarab.

the prices are what people make them, and what has happened to gold scarabs could happen to every other scarab if someone is willing to rinse the AH and take on the risk of ending up with a bunch of them they can’t sell high.

considering i.e clay scarabs are like 30 silver atm and there is only 200ish of them on AH, i would not be surprised if these skyrocket to 20-30g+ soon.

people will buy and bite the bullet.
this is why you have flippers on AH, because it works.

of course there is the risk of some Andy coming along to post another 50 stacks of 10x of the type of scarab you were planning to scalp, and when this happens you are forced to either buy them all out at a relatively high price (say 2-3g per scarab), or give up on the endeavor and accept the loss because you don’t know if he is sitting on 500 more.

however, if you are an AH Andy that frequently look at the prices, you will quickly get an idea how many of each type that is available in total, and thus be able to relatively accurately gauge whether or not someone is sitting on those hypothetical extra 500 scarabs and thus avoid getting screwed by a “buy my :poop: or post lower” ‘blackmailers’.

its called a “lock” among the pro AH nerds.

in any case, the only way to get around having to deal with this, is keep a solid stock of various items that you got for cheap, ready for use in case you need them.
or simply have a bunch of alts you can use to craft 10-20 of each material every 3 days…

for example, right now, Pristine Black Diamonds are in the literal silvers and there are so many of them, but if these are needed next phase for tier gear or whatever, they will skyrocket in price, so if you buy just a few stacks now and just speculate, you might be able to make 200x the amount you invested in them… if not, well, you didn’t lose that much gold anyways… try again :slight_smile:

miners are also eating good this phase.
arcane crystals are making people who are willing to go farm ore nodes a giga fortune.

Im surprised I don’t see more people complaining about this, I have 2 pieces of t3 and need 4 more, it costs 87 gold for one hide and I need probably 25 more aka 2k gold for the hides alone. How does it go from free to thousands of gold?

If you follow the classic loot timeline it used to be like this:

MC+BWL - you got straight class tier drops, meaning you could get 2 druid tier boots drop with only one druid needing, the other went to disenchant automatically.

AQ - the first introduction of a token plus the scarab/idol hassle

Naxx- continuation of the same system just with scarabs/idols replaced with wartorn scraps and high end crafting materials.

TBC- done away with all the secondary mats requirement, just a simple get the token and buy corresponding tier item.

There was a clear evolution. In SoD funny enough we got the evolved part, in MC and BWL, and we got the precursor systems(AQ+Naxx) left untouched. I don’t think the scarabs/idols or wartorn scraps added anything worthwhile to the game…

It was kinda strange to go from MC+BWL with a token system that was hassle free and got used for years and years after TBC to fiddling with scarabs/idols… just to recreate what? the hassle of the old days? meh

Or, just level letherworking, or make 35 level character to level letherworking (that takes 1-2 evenings in sod), and passively get 200+ gold every 3 days? Btw some months ago u could buy cured rugged hides, arcanite bars, mooncloth for 5-10g each. Where you was? It’s already buffed so you get 3 times more cured ruggeds then in classic. But people just lazy and dont want to level professions, just want to get all for free with no efforts xD

If you have 3-4 35lvl alts with tailor/LW you can just passively make a lot of gold and afford all consumes, enchants, BoEs, and other things doing nothing.

Hands tied? Lol…

Or just do away with the system and have tier tokens for gear. It’s just another layer to a system designed to drag out the content longer.

I really don’t understand why they didn’t get rid of this.

On a side note, I agree with the OP. They also need to amend the crates to compensate for these extremely overpriced matt’s. For instance, please remove the libram of resilience from the reals crates. No one needs these anymore. Add in cured hides/arcane crystals/moon cloth etc to the naxx reals crates…

Obvious stuff @blizz Devs.

Please think

Bro just level an 35lvl alt with professions. It’s not great to depreciate effrots of people who did this. It’s already *3 buffed compared to classic. people just lazy to level professions. Dont be lazy and you make thousands of gold passively with it. Don’t depreciate effort of people who did this

It’s called a racket.

I’m not lvling alts just to bypass inflated material prices.

Add these matt’s to reals, as you did with core leather etc. Add them to the crates and lets cool this market.

Let’s get rid of barriers to gear that no one needs in a seasonal game…

It’s not inflated. Leather set is 44 cured rugged hides. You make at least 3 (and up to 5 if proc) every 3 days. Even if we count always 3 without additional procs, it’s 15 cooldowns = 45 days. You had 8 months??? Even without alts. It’s so expencive for 1 reason - people too lazy to level professions

I’ve got max professions.

Refined salt has gone from 7g to 170g. And you say prices aren’t inflated?

I understand you like to make gold and have invested in alts, but to be honest wow isn’t a gold making simulator. Gold is arbitrary so it really shouldn’t take centre piece in a game like sod.

SO you could prepare? Get 15 salt for 105 gold and afford full t3 set months ago.

Gold is needed for many things. Consumables, enchants, BoE, and other. If you remove 1 thing (professions cds), yes you will need less gold, but people who farmed gold this way with profession cds, will need to find other way to afford consumables, enchants, BoEs. So it will be good for some people but bad for others. Classic is a game with some open world and other activities where you can get gold, except of just raiding. Is naxx raid simulator better then gold farming simulator? For some people yes, for some no.

Difficult to do without my crystal Sod ball. They could have done away with the original requirements. They could have changed the required materials. I might not be playing now. Who knows, difficult to predict the future with sod as Aggrend has said.

Well now we are getting into a bit of philosophy. Is gold really needed? Or is it just another cog in wow’s never ending play loop? Could do away with gold altogether then problem solved. In a way they have done this by making it quite easy to make gold with real crates. Something to think about …