The instanced PvP battleground version of Tol Barad is unplayable (9 out of 10 cases) due to player imbalance. Factions very rarely have the same amount of player (ballpark of course, it doesn’t have to be exact same integer) and games start with significant player count differences. Last week I played 20 Tol Barad games, or I tried to play 20 Tol Barad games and only one of them took longer than 3 minutes. (I am not counting the ones we were defending against 2 players, with 80 players so we had to AFK for 15 minutes).
Please change the logic behind it, so Tol Barad instances cannot be created unless we have -I don’t know, let’ say- 40 players in each faction at start. And then, no player should not be able to join a Tol Barad unless there is an opposing faction player joining with them too so the balance won’t go crazy.
Oh, by the way this post has written after I tried to queue to Tol Barad right at :00 minutes, waiting a couple minutes and trying to queue around :20 minutes. Nothing changed my experience.
And in case this is all too anecdotal evidence for some, the two cross factional and cross server achievement discords I’ve been everyone’s experience is similar.
While this make sense, it won’t happen. It will prolong the waiting time for people. The root cause of the problem are the collapsing player numbers for Cata.
A longer wait time is an acceptable trade-off for a BG that only happens once every 3 hours.
I’d rather wait 20 minutes that can be spent doing other stuff ingame and be guaranteed an actual game instead of an immediate queue pop that sends me into an 80v30 insta-loss, or worse, a 15-minute long assured loss.
Same with Wintergrasp by the way. Speaking of which, please fix the vehicle scaling, or in this case, the lack thereof.
Let me update my initial suggestion to 10 people each side. 10vs10 is not bad. It is still playable.
If both factions are experiencing the same thing then there must be too many TB instances being created. Just consodilate them and keep em balanced. I reckon it wont affect the queue times that drastically.