Went downstairs as usual, killed the cavern bosses, climbed back up and killed Sisters and Host. When I find myself in the main entry chamber I cannot click, damage or interact with anything in any way.
First boss is still dead but unlooted, I cannot click him. The mouseover cursor doesn’t even change from a hand into the bag icon.
Demonic Inquisition boss encounter is up, but I can’t click or damage them. I can casually walk though the remaining infernal trash mobs but they won’t attack me either.
I cannot even leave the instance through the main swirly portal. I can see it but nothing happens when I walk through it.
I have made sure to click all boss related artifact objects on time before returning to the top chamber (each step unlocks more of the instance). Movement through the raid is also very limited. Unlike with everything else, the cogwheel shows when you mouseover the doors but nothing happens on click.
Last week everything was fine but now this is happening on third character in row.